Moral obligation and the demandingness objection

Any interaction between two people is in the realm of ethics? I suppose that’s true in that the people either act permissibly or not. I suppose it would be better to say that adultery is morally permissibly, or neutral, in many or perhaps even most circumstances, though it may be personally unpleasant. Yes it is considered a moral issue by a lot of societies, but societies think all sorts of things that are wrong. The fact people have thought something for a long time seems to be no indication that it is true.

My proposed moral system would say that governments have an obligation to protect the freedom of their people, which is likely to include ensuring that they don’t starve, but the actual specifics of the best way to handle that are going to be different from country to country based on the resources the government has, the zietgeist of the country that affects how people will react to policies and the extent of the problem in that country. So my moral theory, much like utilitarianism or any other consequentialist theory, needs the addition of facts about a situation before it can recommend a particular course of action. For example, in my country it might be possible to introduce a universal basic income, but that might be more difficult in countries that tend to be more right-leaning such at the United States. Things aren’t the same from country to country, so governments should not act as though they are, though they have the same basic obligations.

Also, Phyllo how would you like to be referenced if I reference you as one of the people who have made this objection?

I guess that the short answer is that you don’t have any examples that you can walk through.

You can reference me as ‘phyllo’ if you want.

Societies think all sorts of things which are true.

Nor is it an indication that it is false.

You have provided no argument for why we should accept your interpretation.

…nor that it is a “system”, but rather merely one man’s opinion of what he want “moral” to mean.

Are you suggesting I should post the entire arguments here as posts rather than link to the chapters which contain them? Because that is where my positive arguments are. Here I was merely pointing out that your objection that lot’s of people think that adultery is morally relevant is a fallacious one.

If you would like criticism of the paper, reference the paper. If you would like criticism of its content, state its content a little at a time. I personal felt that the paper was poorly written as a dissertation. But your ability to defend its content will make a larger difference to most reviewing professors.