Misconceptions about the far-right.

More on the Ottoman Empire and Donmeh.

For extra credit Gloominary if you like obscure hidden variations of history as I do. :slight_smile:

Old Testament.


New Testament


Thanks for all the info. :slight_smile:

I get the feeling Judaism, Christianity and Islam might be more like 3 different sects of the same, Zionist religion than 3 separate and distinct religions.

Here is the “Jewish Paradox”.

If Jews and worldwide Zionists finally get what they want, control of Israel, and then oppress Philistines/Palastines, the script flips. How can you claim to be “the victim” when you are victimizing the new underclass? This is when Zionist power wanes, and eventually leads to become overthrown. Because there is always an “oppressed”, a “Greatest Victim”.

This is also distinctly clear, the core of the ‘Christian’ ethos, spirituality, and ideology. Christianity focuses on “The Ultimate Victim” (Jesus Christ), made into flesh.

That’s pretty much my sentiment.

Christians are Jewish pawns, without Christians Jews would have to do all the foot work themselves which they don’t like doing. With Jews they always like getting or acquiring something for nothing. They always like having others do their dirty work for them.