Misconceptions about the far-right.

Stop your moralizing nihilist, you can’t tell me what to do man! :sunglasses:

If you have to ask why Jews are hated all over the world then you really haven’t studied past or present history all that much.


Also, this right here.


Have you actually looked at white fertility rates all throughout the west?

I prefer describing them as vampiric financial and economic parasites myself.

They suck the life, blood, and prosperity out of entire nations or regions of the world where afterwards go onto moving to new hosts. Their only interests in morality, ethics, and laws is rigging them heavily in favor of themselves for their own benefit while destroying or bringing others down.

They are the most duplicitous or subversive people on the face of the planet where they cannot be reasoned with at all.

and here i thought it was you who was doing the ‘moralizing’. we nihilists are more like journalists than philosophers. we just report the facts, man.

yeah but i got no problem with the nazis movin’ on up. germany got royally fucked after WW1 and europe got what it deserved as far as i’m concerned. so i’m good with the war, but the whole ideological war with the ‘jewish problem’ was a bit much. trying to exterminate an entire ethnicity is tacky as fuck. id’a kept them all alive and put them to work to help build the german war machine… then after i won the war, i’d begin the long process of un-endoctrination to get all that judaism bullshit out of their heads.

but we historical materialists are much harder than that breed of romantic fascists who’s ideas are up in the metaphysical and mythological clouds. wagner’s stuff was great for opera, bro, but it wasn’t a way of life.

There’s only one solution to the United States domestic problems and that is violent revolution or insurrection.

All non-violent methods of approaching the national crisis has been tried and has utterly failed.

Eventually even the most idiotic and ignorant simpletons on the street will eventually come to this same conclusion. Once a majority of people come to that same realization this country will forever be changed.

Yes, but your reactions as a nihilist are a bit surprising since in your world moralizing is irrelevant or redundant, right? Yet you’re acting all politically correct concerning the plight of the Jews as if theirs is your own.

So the nihilist takes up the common position of the United States during world war II being the ‘good’ guys? :laughing:

More moralizing which a nihilist isn’t suppose to do. Even in my nihilist days I would never make such an error. :sunglasses:

Are you sure you’re still not an anarcho communist? Because you sound like one to me. For some reason the word nihilist just doesn’t suit you Zoot.

You only speak kindly of ‘modern diversity’ in Europe because you’re a Caribbean Jamaican living in England, so naturally you’re going to reduce England’s racial, social, and political modern transformation as being merely trivial since you’re a product of it. That’s exactly why you’ll defend it. That’s why you’re probably a cosmopolitan civic nationalist because in your own individual world it works, it certainly works for you, am I right? I highly doubt the native European white Scots, Brits, Welsh, and Irish feel the same as you, those that are not self hating retards anyways.

because global capitalism has made that possible… not because the ‘jews’ are intrinsically predisposed to do that. put a jew in 1920 maoist china and he’d behave himself like everyone else. it’s only because there happens to be a historically persistent ethnicity, religiously founded, and therefore a formidable presence, that has consistently utilized the opportunity of capitalism to further enrich itself as well as keep its distance as a culture. hell you can’t half blame them. the problem isn’t the jewish people… it’s the silly shit they believe and the capitalistic underhandedness that they have mastered to empower themselves and further augment the stupid shit written in some book by semi-literate bronze-age desert tribesmen, that they believe. the jewish situation isn’t tragic… it’s comical… but that’s from my particular anarchist perspective. the problem is capitalism… or what would become in the hands of the so called jewish communists, ‘state capitalism’, which is nothing but a ruse to cover their nationalism.

no but i like jewish people as much as anyone else. they’re no dumber than the christians, muslims, hindus, or buddhists. it’s just a different kind of dumb, that’s all.

in fact i once dated a jewish princess, believe it or not.

Jews are financial and cultural predators whether it is in capitalism or Soviet Russia. Their modus operandi is the same either way with some minor differences.

Yes, I like social corporatism as a model only instead the government will be a dictatorship that keeps corporations in check if they know what is good for them. :sunglasses:

The current system is not sustainable, it will collapse and do so in a very horrific manner. Currently the American political establishment is learning a hard lesson in economic diminishing returns. They’re finding it very difficult squeezing blood out of a rock and while they might currently realize the errors of their ways it’s simply too late in the game to meaningfully change the current trajectory of things. This whole corrupt and damned society is on the verge of collapse where there is nothing anybody can do about it. The chaotic fallout when everything really starts to break down will be quite epic. It will be a giant free for all and a revolutionary period when it finally arrives. :sunglasses:

i’m de-moralizing the matter by defusing it of its philosophical and ideological foundations. in doing so i’m not saying you shouldn’t stand by your values… only that you ought not try to justify them on philosophical grounds… because there are no such grounds.

but there aren’t any bad guys in war, really. just guys killing each other in a field somewhere. but regarding WW2, i’d side with the corporatist nations (fascist) before the free market capitalist nations because the interests of the working classes would be my primary concern. corporatism is a step toward the proletarian dictatorship, while free market capitalism is every effort to prevent this.

yeah i know. there needs to be a whole new ‘position’ to characterize my standing. imma mix of all kinds of shit, bro… some of it even diametrically opposed. it’s fuckin retarded.

i wuz gonna found a school and invent my own designer philosophy, but i can’t get enough time off of work to do it.

Judaism and Islam aren’t just religions, they’re blueprints for global enslavement.
Judaism and Islam, along with Zionist Christianity, are cults and hate groups, if ever there were any, and ideally should officially be classified as such.
So long as we restore a 90-99% white majority, I can live with other minorities, but I can’t live with Jews and Muslims.
It’d be like Jews and Muslims tolerating white supremacists in their homelands.
We wouldn’t expect them to, and they shouldn’t expect us to tolerate them.

Jews are the worst.
They steal many, many, many more times than they contribute.
The Rothschilds quietly conquered the UK in 1815 and the US in 1913.
They’ve been undermining the west’s integrity especially ever since, but even before, all the way back to the Macedonian empire.
Our monetary system is a complete and total fraud.
Vampires is an apt description.

No… apart from what’s been posted on here, in the past.

The native Brits are part of the ‘modern diversity’ demographic that I always speak kindly of… why have you thought otherwise? I’ve not been brought up in a segregated society, so do not speak in segregative terms.

I’d say that the native Brits are probably more multi-culturally tolerant than I am, but we cannot be tolerant at the expense of our selves and our livelihoods and future, and I cannot speak for mainland Europe, as they have their own views on how they envision their country to be, and that is up to them.

As for me, being a British-born St Lucian (not Jamaican), I feel it my duty… along with those that can and do, to do my part in what needs resolving here. I’m not an immigrant, and neither were my parents.
What point are you trying to make?

My main problem with moving Far-Right is the anti-Semitism which I think does exponentially more detriment than benefit.

Why can’t white-nationalists simply be “Pro-White” without hating others and needing a scapegoat??? But, for whatever reason, a whipping-boy is needed, and that whipping-boy is Der Juden. Philosophically and Rationally, I can’t overcome that hurdle. It doesn’t seem necessary, for me, that I have to be pro-white and anti-semitic. In other words, I simply want to be pro-white, insuchthat, I can be white, male, and proud, and not need to “hate myself” or be nihilistic for such. However, I understand the blowback and ramifications. Most people, almost everybody in Western Civilization, will presume that if you are “white-male” and “proud”, that you must be anti-semitic, Or, oppressive, Or, hateful to other groups (like blacks and/or women), Or whatever else (like “homophobic”). I have problems with all of this, which is why I delay or hesitate to step from Center (politically and religiously) to Right and “automatically hateful” or “xenophobic” toward outsiders. Can’t there be tolerance?

I don’t know, yet, if there can be “tolerance” or not. This is actually a very deep ramification and implication. Can you be “white-male” and “tolerant”? According to most people, most “Westerners”, the answer is No. So even if some say Yes, it won’t matter, because the Liberal-Left-Loonies will impose their narrative over you, by force. And this will force anybody “Right-of-Center” into being labeled as such: Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Anti-semitic, Etc.

I do believer there are “ulterior motives” and sedition at-hand, and that, there maybe legitimacy toward the “classical, historic enemies of the European peoples and race, or even ethnic battles and animosity”. For example, there is Germanic and Slavic antagonism. There is Scottish (Saxon) and English (Anglo) antagonism. There is Romanian and Turkish antagonism. There are lots of anti-Ethnic battles, even within the “White” classification. So until those are acknowledged, and settled, it doesn’t really matter or make sense to over-genearlize into “White” versus “Non-white”. And the lack of sophistication is severely damaging “Western Culture/Civilization”. And I do think there is some merit to the degeneration and deterioration of Western Civilization, especially by LLL “forces”, which may or may not include Semites/Jews, and which may or may not be intentional or not.

I think most people are too simplistic, and simply driven by base-desires, and will profit themselves over others. There is no “great conspiracy” in this a priori, but rather a posteriori, after-the-fact. In other words, people “look backward” and conclude that there “was a conspiracy” when there wasn’t. Jews simply set themselves up in a way, specifically educate their children, to gain and acquire more money than Gentiles, and then leverage the advantage through predatory lending and scams. That’s “the way it is”. If whites/gentiles want to combat this, and perhaps it should be combated, then it can be so legitimately, and without prejudice.

It’s a simple as: don’t take out loans, and spend money as a group, as a society, rather than appealing to individualistic and hedonistic gratifications.

It seems simple; but it’s very very complex, when Saxons and Anglos, to this day, will simply not work together for “the greater good”, because, out of spite, they would rather not pool their money, and Jews simply will do so. So if this cannot be achieved, then nothing on the Alt-Right or Far-Right would be achieved, as well.

Social corporatism is a pretty good system.
I think it fits nicely with what I’m calling constitutional autocracy, but I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree on that.
Together they form a synthesis of elitism and populism without any pluralism.
Alternatively, you could have constitutional monarchy paired with social corporatism.

I don’t hate Jews.
They’re just looking out for themselves, like we use to.
It’s not about hate, for me, it’s about the will to live.
Jews are at the center of almost everything that damages our people.
It doesn’t matter to what degree they used existing democratic and legal processes established by Anglo-Saxons or circumvented them, either way it’s very destructive and must be opposed by any means necessary.
Resisting them does not mean I hate them, or any group.

It’s nuance.
As a whole, some groups are hostile, some aren’t.
Some groups have the means and motivation to inflict more damage on us than others.

Consider White-Jews, for a moment.

The matter is very complex. Jews, historically and traditionally, have intermixed heavily into specific European groups, and in the US, many Anglo-Jewish intermarriage has already occurred. Traditionally, Jews could not really infiltrate Catholicism as Catholics still have Graeco-Roman roots and loyalty to Rome/Italy. Thus Zionism is a dubious marriage with Southern Europeans. Thus, Jews infiltrated and spread into West and Northern Europe, eventually leading to World War II since they were ultimately rejected by core Germanic people. However, Jews used the opportunity to intermarry into ‘Protestant’ Christian families and ethnic groupings. In the US, Jewish-Anglo marriages are common and pervasive, and again a synthesis of ‘Christian’ and ‘Jewish’ genes and memes, culture and society, politics and religion. This is why, when I say “Abrahamism” I’m grouping Christians and Jews into their synthesized version “Judaeo-Christian”. Historically, it is a mimicry and (per)version of the Graeco-Roman relationship. It stems from the historic ‘Master’ classes versus the historic ‘Slave’/Under classes. This is from whence Jewish resentiment (for Europeans and Gentiles) originates, specifically against the Romans who, repeatedly, sacked, plundered, “stole”, conquered, re-conquered, and re-took Jerusalem and then imposed their own (Roman) rule over. The lack of Jewish military, historically, meant that Jerusalem/Israel/Zion would always be susceptible to major (foreign) world-powers. Since Jews could not break this by physical-force, then turned to “Magical” force, Biblical Prophesy, Education/Indoctrination, and then finally to inter-marriage.

Jews cannot infiltrate societies in which it is illegal for a population to inter-marry with Jewish people. This is why China does not have a significant ‘Jewish’ population, because East Asians are explicitly “Racist” and perhaps more-so than any other nation or group of people on Earth. If anybody is truly “Xenophobic” then it would be the severely Introverted East Asians.

However, the historic and traditional intermarriage, I believe, has benefited Western culture and civilization. Although the Jewish Mercantilism maybe considered “evil”, unfair, unjust, by normal Gentile standards, it has syphoned world money and banks to Anglo-America. Because Jews are loyal to Zionist policies. And because US Christians are pro-Zionist, mostly (especially Evangelicals), Jews would rather have and hold money in the Western Hemisphere, where it is essentially safe from worldwide upheaval, than say, Central Europe (dominated by Swiss Banks) or Russia (dominated and controlled by the Kremlin, Putin, and Orthodox Christians).

All of this explains much, but, there is always a lack of sophistication in most ‘white’ groups, or simply, pro-Zionist views underneath. So to speak of any “pro-white” association, or moreso, “white nationals”, is a fear and threat to Jews, Zionists, Anglo-Protestants, and many other subsequent groups, who all have been indoctrinated to funnel fear of ‘Tyranny’ and ‘Fascism’ into what is viewed as “Far-Right”.

yes and that’s why the jews have the reputation of being underhanded. in contrast to something like rome which had a complete military, the jews were seen as the terrorists… and terrorism is the surgical strike capability of oppressed people… people who can’t fight a real war openly. the jews became guerillas on that account and fought with whatever means available. economically, ideologically, philosophically, religiously, what have you.

and to make matters worse for the poor bastards… and everyone else for that matter… the entire world would soon come to believe that these weren’t just megalomaniacal morons who thought they were selected by divine edict to rule the world, but that they were also a full frontal assault on a value system and totally fabulous way of life called ‘hellenism’. but get this; if you put a hundred million jews on a plot of land and gave them a civilization with all its usual institutions and modes of production, you’d not know what they believed in unless you asked. the system would be just as functional as any other system, and, for all intents and purposes, there would be no critically important distinction between jewish and hellenistic values. and this is because values are derived from the material modes of production, exchange/distribution and consumption, not vice-versa.

so, for example, it wouldn’t matter how many gods you believed in, or if you believed in none, or if you had a particularly unique custom or practice in your culture that others didn’t have. if the social organization of those above three processes are stable, it duddint matter what the fuck you believe in and all your ideas become arbitrary. ideology comes after stablization of these modes, and usually follows the direction given to it by the dominant class (see gramsci).

so in our hypothetical model here we see a civilization of jews instead of a civilization of romans doing damn near the same shit. what, you think people who believe philosophical bullshit x aren’t capable of sustaining a functioning civilization with all the same pros and cons of any other system? it wasn’t the bullshit the romans or the jews believed that would grant them the ability to prosper. it was the infrastructure fined tuned around the modes of production, and the final superstructure this resulted in. if a group of people don’t prosper, it ain’t because they’re beliving the wrong shit. hell, the entire western hemisphere believes the wrong shit and they’re doing great (more or less). this is what i’m tellin you; philosophy, religion, ideology don’t mean or do shit. all this is a luxury afforded through the relative success of the material relations of a people and its society. big wealthy societies produce the possibility of philosophical genius; enter post-industrial europe. but that philosophical genius isn’t what got them there, see. that shit’s speculative entertainment. it was the elbow grease and the scientific experimentation with an abundance of tangible materials that got them there. and trust me, the power of imagination that brought about all these novel ideas wasn’t philosophical either. engineers and mathematicians made shit work, not philosophers. i mean they mighta been philosophers too, but that isn’t what inspired them, because language games can’t inspire.

there are no jews and there are no romans. these are names for collections of ideas… spooks, to speak with max.

"the jews became guerillas on that account and fought with whatever means available. economically, ideologically, philosophically, religiously, what have you. "

Sometimes I really forget you are legitimately disgusting.

You do realize that when people say “philosophically,” they mean socialism.