Mandatory Vaccination

I assure you that us white boyz have nothing to do with this where we’re just as much held as captives like everybody else, believe what you wish as I know you won’t be convinced of anything otherwise.

It’s fine that you don’t believe that the “elite” are conducting experiments on the population without their consent. But you’re wrong.

Nobody is having a good time with all of this, whites included. That’s not really the point with all these experiments.

Let me ask you this? Have you ever watched BET (black entertainment television)? It’s almost as bad TBN (trinity broadcasting network)…

It’s not that blacks can’t make good television — it’s a concerted effort by a racist country to paint blacks in the worst possible light. It’s not an accident that BET exists, nor that it’s programming is so horrible. Every since the Nixon administration there has been a “war on blacks and the counter culture”. And it’s been EXTREMELY effective at that!

This has NOTHING to do with money! It’s straight up racism.

In nazi Germany they used to do medical experiments on Jews without anesthesia … (what happens if I pull their eyeball out?). Shit like that. The US imported EVERY single one of them to work at the CIA! They wanted their expertise.

I could go into great depth about what happened after WWII, but I won’t. The point is, freedom of speech is mostly an illusion in the US, and an extremely convincing one at that, that’s how sophisticated propaganda has become.

Yes, the borders are eroding. Yes, whites are being experimented on as well. The people who are really calling all these shots however, are all white. They think that because they’re calling all these global shots , that whites in general are superior … and they’ve believed this for a long time. They’re looking for pure blood.

There is a depopulation plan by elites. Trust me. They’re not even considering saving black people.

K: and that is why you are an idiot…and all the other anti-vaxxers are complete
and absolute idiots…

I am not going to explain it to you because you are too clearly stupid to
understand it, but I will explain it to smarter individuals…

by refusing to get vaccinated, you are first of all, being anti-human…
you are refusing to protect other individuals because you are too dumb
to understand the reasons behind vaccinations…it is to protect people…
it has nothing to do with world governments or dominations of the
people by government… only a moron would believe this…

every time you spout such nonsense, you expose your lack of intelligence…

as a thought experiment: let us give you such a world government…
by your idiot response, you are only helping such a new world order
and you are too dumb to even see it…the only way, the only way to
combat such a world order is by unifying as a people… by going your own
way, you prevent any possibility of fighting such a world order… it is
by working together, as one population, can we defeat such a world order…
and yet, your idiotic attitude prevents any such coalition from forming…

if I was in charge of such new world order, I would want people like
you fighting my battles… you are making it easier to create
a new world order by your very words and actions…

to create dissent and people heading for the hills allows me to better
control the nation…you are carrying my water…and thank you…

of course, you could never think of it that way because you are so set
and fixed in your thinking… it is as fixed as a stone building…
with no possibility of any chance of changing your mind…
and as a head of a new world order bent on domination, thank
you for making my work easier… you are a dinosaur
and we all know what happened to the dinosaurs…

the rule book for defeating evil world orders is not
heading for the hills…

the evil world order thanks you for heading for the hills…
it makes their job easier…

now the second part of the answer is this: using medical
means to take over is far too hard…you have to have
the approval of too many people to make a evil takeover
by an evil world order too hard… no, the playbook for
taking over and world domination is the Nazi playbook…
every single person who stayed silent was giving their
tacit approval of the evil world order… every single person who
“headed” for the hills, gave their tacit approval of the evil world order…

look at how the Nazi’s were defeated… it wasn’t by people who “headed
for the hills” they weren’t part of the solution, they were part of the problem…

the Nazi’s reign of terror was ended by a vast number of people and counties
who got together and cooperated… not headed for the hills… but
cooperated…so, on behalf of the evil new world, anyone who heads for the
hills, has our thanks…

the paradigm for defeating a new evil world order is the
defeat of the Nazi’s…

look at that if you still hold the delusional belief in an new evil
world order…


Now wait just a minute Peter. Neither by cosmic law nor man-made law am I compelled to obligate myself to the well being of anything other than my own, and especially when any such commitment involves accepting without reservation something as physically invasive as a vaccination.

I didn’t sign up for that when I wasn’t asked to be born. Wait a minute. No nevermind. We all know that any such imperative obligation derived from kropotkean metaphysics cannot surpass the naturalistic fallacy, and neither can it demonstrate the nature of such obligation.

Now none of this is to say I wouldn’t agree to getting vaccinated in different circumstances. Just not in these circumstances. I done heard and read too much shady shit for that to happen.

shame a nigga can’t just trust a muhfucka though. Bulieve me, I wanna help in any way I can.

I don’t just distrust vaccines, I distrust the entire modern medical and scientific establishment.

Regardless of what anyone thinks, billions of people believe in alternative medicine.
They believe whole foods, supplements, detoxing, herbs and homemade remedies have the power to, not only prevent and treat, but cure many common illnesses.
That these methods are every bit as good as, or superior to antibiotics, drugs and vaccines.
This is not to say there’s no truth or value in mainstream medicine, but only that it wasn’t, isn’t and never will be the only way of practicing medicine.
There are many schools of medical thought, and while some may be better than others, none should be given a total monopoly.

But big academia, big government and big pharma don’t care what individuals, the majority or a substantial minority of people think.
They want to bypass us, not for the sake of our health and safety, but to corner the market, eliminate and marginalize the competition.

Regardless of what anyone says, millions of people not only doubt vaccine efficacy, but believe vaccines are harmful, even deadly.
And many of us will resist, by any means necessary, should big brother and big pharma back us into a corner, and it looks like that’s where we’re headed.

Alright well he knows what we gotta do, zero. With him included we’ll have a total of four drivers to move my convoy. Both of my vans will be allocated to carrying survival supplies and materials. My car to general transportation. Each van will pull a box trailer carrying a motorcycle. Motorcycles can be used for general transporation as well as military operations like recon and extraction.

However, in order to reach a maximum state of effectiveness and efficiency, I need at least two more people to run with the convoy, totaling my weaponized and highly trained rebel antifa anarchists count at five.

Now who’s in?

K: ah, actually you did sign up when you were born… the entire basis of being human
is the social aspect… being part of a society is being human…and taking care of others
is part of the social aspect of being human… your mother took care of you even though
it wasn’t “part of the deal” and yet it was…the fact is, because of your being human,
you are part of evolution which is being part and parcel of the human existence…
it isn’t about man-made law or cosmic intervention, nope, evolution is our
true teacher and we learn via evolution that we must, must take care of our own…

the commitment made is the commitment of evolution that created you and me
and everyone on earth…
your obligation to help others is required by your being human…
that is the only law we need to pay attention to…

the obligations you deny is actually part of your human heritage…
we cannot deny it without denying our human evolution, our
human heritage…

you like to pretend you are the boss of you…

but the fact, the undeniable, indisputable fact is,
we are, all human beings, are the children of evolution
and evolution has dictated that we must be social creatures,
that take care of each other…

evolution is the boss of us all…
that is fact… and because of evolution, we
are socially engaging creatures that take care of our own…

and nothing good ever comes out of trying to defeat evolution…
it just doesn’t end well…

you can deny me until the cows come home, but there is no
point in denying evolution…it created you, me, everyone…
and we must bow down to the mastery of evolution


Well I’ll have to think about it. Doing it that way would be like changing up my whole shit, though.

We’re not just social beings, we’re asocial and antisocial.

Being social isn’t necessarily advantageous.

We disagree over what it means to be social.

For some, extending others liberty, is social, and authority is asocial and antisocial.

I think a big fork in the road is coming, where people won’t be able to sit comfortably on the fence or in the sidelines any longer.
They’re giving us an ultimatum.
You’re either with the brave (or not so brave) new world, or you’re against it.
You’re either inside, and willing to surrender the most intimate parts of who and what you are, or you’re out.

For now at least, there’s such a thing as religious exemption from vaccines.


Good for you, you’re not alone.

Interesting, so from your experience, vaccines are becoming more toxic.
I wonder how many people had the same experience.
I haven’t been vaccinated since I was in middle school.

I rarely get sick, like once every two years, but when I do, it’s not because I’ve been less hygienic.
I work around a lot of filth and garbage.
I shower every day but I rarely wash my hands.
When I do get sick, it’s always because I haven’t been taking care of myself, I mean not eating right, stress.
Years ago when I ate poorly, I used to get sick several times a year, and other kinds of health issues.
I really believe the key to health is your gut, not germs.

You lost me with ANTIFA and anarchists over here. :laughing: :-"

Daily reminder: I’m a hardcore ethnic nationalist, fascist, autocrat, and totalitarian statist.

Still, the enemy of my enemy is my friend or ally?

You know, it would be an interesting world if all of a sudden the fascists, communists, religious fundamentalists and anarchists all banded together despite hating each other for the sole purpose of confronting a much larger more aggressive entity that seeks to enslave the entire planet. As bizarre as all of that sounds there could be a day that becomes a reality. Imagine, fascists, anarchists, religious fundamentalists, and communists all working together, that’s a kind of bizarro world.

What do you think Promethean?

I can be very pragmatic with the right negotiations in place concerning alliances.

One only need be tyrannized by someone whom another also calls an enemy, to become an ally of that person.

Presulius Dominastos, on the nature of making enemies, volume 2

Well, I guess we know what person on the forum will be the first in line to get a mandatory vaccination should such become a reality. :laughing:

It would become very interesting if all the fringe groups, the oppressed, and rebel political factions of the world banded together in forming an alliance despite being ideologically opposed to one another. I have foreseen this possibly happening entertaining the notion.

Truly would be a global unifying event where just months ago it was considered unthinkable.

A global unifying group, coalition, and organization of unlikely allies.

K: now you are just trying to convince yourself…being social is always,
always an advantage…and I am by nature, a solitary introvert…

where the crowds are, I am not… but that doesn’t change the facts on
the ground…

as for being asocial and being antisocial, you are simply trying to change
the goalpost for your own purpose…

even a cursory glance at history, shows us that human beings are social creatures…

we are defined by evolution as being social creatures… we can rail about that
till the sun goes down and it won’t change the basic and fundamental
proposition that we humans, we cannot survive on our own… to survive,
we must, MUST have other human beings to help us succeed…

we cannot succeed on our own… statement of fact…
to get to the point of where you are now, you had help from
not hundreds but from thousands of people…
we cannot survive on a island by ourselves… we would die of loneness
before we died of starvation…

I need you and you need me… fact…
and that fact is the basic fundamental
idea of evolution…and despite all the ego stroking that
we are superior and best alone, that is simply not true…

we are social creatures that can only survive with assistance from
our fellow human beings… alone… we die… simple as that…

this is a basic and fundamental truth about human beings…
we need each other…

and if you don’t understand this, you don’t understand the most
basic, fundamental of fact about human beings…
