Magic Powers Verification.

This is the kind of black and white thinking that is the problem, in both sides (the naive believer or the naive skeptic).

Naive believers (religious people) and naive skeptics (scientists, nihilists) are much closer to each other than either are to philosophy… which is to say that both forms of naïveté are really the exact same thing, and not at all approaching truth.

There was 4 questions with 4 options (16 options total). The voice in my head told me which options to choose without actually googling or reading the questions.
If they are all right, then good sense says magic is real. Anything else is naive.

It’s like, 8 times out of 10 an object falls due to gravity, so we say gravity is real. And 2 out of 10 times it floats into the wind. So we say wind, is the causation, and the voices in my head are the causation.

That doesn’t even remotely make sense.

There’s no such thing as magic.

No one asked you James.

How do you know?

Have you defined ‘magic’ in such a way that it simply is de facto, necessarily impossible, therefore magic is a meaningless (empty) concept? If so, then you are being dishonest here.

If you have not done that, then how would you define magic, and how would you know that this thing you defined is necessarily unreal?

I don’t recall anyone asking you, R.

I know because children learn that shit before they’re old enough to ride a bike. It doesn’t take a fucking philosopher to realize that magic isn’t real.

Your mother.