Losing Your Mind

Actually, in my opinion, you just nailed skitzophrenia, except that I believe that it’s not only things from other people’s minds, but things from other dimensions normally imperceptable to human beings.

Yes, recently they did a study about “gut feelings” and found that the stomach can actually somehow process information in a way that the brain cannot. Quite interesting. I think the soul fluctuates through the whole body, and can use different parts in different ways…

I think that perhaps an organ from the body could be infused with a person’s spiritual essence. Therefore, it is quite possible for a person to inherit another person’s idiosyncrasies from an organ transplant. Perhaps it has to do with the potency of the spirit of the person from whom the organ was inherited.

Ummmmmm nope… You should do some research on near death experiences. They usually have quite the opposite effect.

Source? :slight_smile:

The “quintuple bypass procedure” of which I spoke is simply heart bypass surgery–veins are harvested from the patient’s own leg to bypass unhealthy vessels going to the heart. It is not an organ transplant.

I saw it on the science channel, so I don’t have an e-link, but I will try to dig one up later tonite.

Hmmmm I was thinking about that, and I don’t know what to make of that, but the type of near death experiences I am referring to are the kind when the doctor actually pronounces you clinically dead. I’ll research the subject of bypass surgeries altering behavior some more and come up with a theory.

Nah don’t sweat it - you say it; your word’s good enough. If i wish to know more, i’ll do the Googling. :wink:

Well if you do, then don’t focus on the bypass aspect. Remember the phraseology, “open-heart psychosis.” An odd term for it to be sure–and you won’t find it on Google either! (much to my surprise!)–but that’s how the docs term it. So if you wish to research it for causation theory and speculation, then look for the main defining aspect:

• Patient goes in for cardio-thoracic surgery, one that requires a thoracotomy, or literal opening of the chest. The pericardium is breached, the heart exposed.
• Patient comes out of it behaving in a completely different manner. (Though very small percentage.)

Those are your search criteria. Good luck. …lol
