Jesus Christ … pretations

What does “poor in spirit” mean?
Who is meek?
What does hunger and thirst for righteousness mean?
When does mercy begin and end?
What does being “pure in heart” mean?
When should you stop being a peacemaker?

What does it mean to get the Kingdom of Heaven?
How is one comforted and when?
What does inheriting the earth mean?
See God? How, where, when?
So what if they are called children of God? Are not all humans children of God?

If he spoke the same words, the same way, then few would understand, sort of defeats the purpose of speaking. Only those that have studied the culture and language could understand maybe. As pointed out there are somethings that were said that would be ambiguous or incomprehensible even to churchgoers.

I don’t think you understood what I was saying. That is a critical element of the story, yes; that did happen. But the baptism in water is purely symbolical. It can make a difference in someones personal growth in life based on who is doing the baptism, the where the how and the why. But, when did baptizing start? How did the concept arise before the symbology existed for it?

It’s like circumcision. At what point did they think, ‘oh hey, here’s some extra skin on the head of my penis that I don’t need and gets in the way. I think I’m just going to cut it off. Won’t hurt a bit!’

Thank God for that. Though, in certain parts of the world… There are still beheadings after all, shootings, poisonings, etc. There are no ends to the amount of ways that one can be tortured and put in pain before they die.

I think he’d end up like MLK, Ghandi, and other great spiritual/cultural liberators. I don’t know of any culture in which Christ would be tolerated. A truth so powerful and compassion terrifies people, and terrifies especially the pharisees and politicians who do the devils work. The only way a Christ soul will be tolerated in this world is if we lived in a damn-near utopia, in which even the religious and political leaders were good people.

Would God allow such a death, a martyr?

What if God could not prevent it. You say ‘allow’ as if God can control all that is and as though God should control everything. What if God had rested its hopes in Jesus Christ and had hoped that such a figure would be enough to cement a possible chain into the future for the betterment of us all and did not want the death of such a man. Apply what you know of the fact of life that states that we do not always get what we want, nor do we, if we do, get it the way we want it. We all do the best we can with what we’re given, what we know and what we’re taught. Why should God be any different but on an advanced level? Does that thought scare you and others? That there is nothing controlling it all? I find that to be a solace; a comfort. For if Good can not and because it is good, should not, control it all; then therefore neither can evil and as much as Good can not always get its way the way it wants or deserves then neither can evil get its way 100% of the time, and therein lays the comfort for me. Even with so many things that are good controlling bits of the whole to counteract those that are evil that try to control for their own agendas and their own wants and desires, there are similarly enough evil that do not try to control things and find solace in the fact that they don’t. They would not take it personally if Good won for a time and may be good themselves and only perceived to be evil.

Are all things that are perceived to be evil trying to destroy us or trying to test us and put us to the test to see if we mean what we say? Even God could be perceived as the devil to some simply for being critical, even constructively, of performance and help given if quality is something needed and necessary. Even God could be considered evil for keeping its own peace and refusing to act or say anything.


What if God is the only one to exist? What if I am God? Would explain some things.

What if that was an illusion for those who only consider themselves or their own species? A trap of Ego? What if it was an illusion of everything being compressed into one in a black hole or an illusion of consciousness or spiritual connectivity to make the countless multitudes look like a single entity? What if it is the only one to exist at the same time as it is not? Why do you only bring one side of the argument without the other when paradoxes exist without tearing apart the universe or reality every single day of our existence?

As God, I’m merely experiencing this Hell of the Devil’s design. Possibly for shits and giggles. Possibly to try to understand the paradox that is him, but he’s exhausting me.


I am God’s mate and the Devil hates that I may choose God over him. My romantic nature, highly unlikely, infinitely so.


I am all alone and nothing exists but me and all the illusions I have created and chosen to forget.

OR’s are good, right?

What if it wasn’t ‘OR’, but ‘AND’?

:banana-explosion: Thanks RF.

If you knew what lay in store for the rest of your life and the rest of eternity, you would not thank me.

:astonished: :text-tmi:

What’s in store? I can handle it. Can you?

whatever you care to buy or sell. You say you can handle it, now; but can you? How do you know you can handle something or do something or even do something the way you think you will, until actually confronted by the situation? And even if you gird yourself for it, what makes you think that something else won’t make you act a different way?

Are you talking about magic Jesus? Or regular guy Jesus?

Can we separate the two? What about the other Jesus’?


Either you can answer my request or not? Either shit or get off the pot! Stop alluding.


Which is who?