Is belief in the supernatural an intelligent person’s game?

Here are a few associated with Christianity. … charist-2/
I figured. Nothing concrete.

You didn’t read it.

You atheists always reject anything that exposes your materialist world view.
I might have missed something but as I said, I saw nothing concrete.

If you had anything in particular, I am sure your would have highlighted it.

I agree that atheists reject your fantasies for what they are.

Thanks for trying to label me such out of your frustration in having me thing as delusionally as you do.



You didn’t read it. You are willfully ignorant.

It’s OK. Many atheists are.



No. It is based on my spiritual experience.

They can read my mind and put thoughts inside my mind in a way that I feel that it is my thoughts. They are very powerful and there is a hierarchy within them.

An inelegant stereotype. I am an atheist and not a materialist. There is nothing about atheism that dictates worldview beyond literally “without God”. Anything else is on the table.

In terms of established worldviews, mine probably most closely fits Panpsychism, but I have ironed out the issues in this and all other worldviews in my own Experientialism.

There is zero need for religious narrative in either of these, and inserting a token Deistic “God” into the vocabulary serves no use.

Dawkins, maybe. Hitchens simply brought up scripture and presented it for what it is without mercy. Harris has a mastery of philosophy that is on par with the best of them, and far beyond mere experts. He even differs with the 4th horseman of the counter-apocalypse, Dennett, with his monist Materialism that I too rejected back in university. None of them think they’re experts in every field just because they are in their own field.

nuh-uh, not me. i love it. 'cause we are living in a material world, and i am uh material girl

You did not read where I said I was not an atheist, ass hole, but thanks for not showing your best proof.


Rather like a cosmic consciousness.
It happens that I believe in that, to a point only, because I don’t know if I could differentiate it from what Jung and Freud called our Father Complex.

I have no way of knowing if that is what I telepathically found or a cosmic consciousness.
Sight does not work in our minds and I could not tell if I was outside of my body or within it.

Why are you choosing the supernatural view instead of the natural view?


I only believe in natural. There are natural phenomena that are rare. People call this supernatural. Otherwise, natural.

Goody good.

I agree.


I dont reject it but am merely sceptical about something for which there is no evidence
I would still be an atheist even if materialism was shown not to be the totality of reality

Greatest I am

Why would you call it a “game”? Describe what you mean by game.
By “intelligent person”, do you mean the puppeteers who try to own our souls and our wills and take our money, like some preachers and psychics?

So, when you speak in terms of “supernatural” does that also include the entity which supposedly is responsible for the creation of the world or just fairies and angels and demons, et cetera?

I can certainly agree with this.

How far back are you going? The dinosaurs?

Gods and Goddesses

The ancient Greeks believed there were a great number of gods and goddesses. These gods had control over many different aspects of life on earth. In many ways they were very human. They could be kind or mean, angry or pleasant, cruel or loving. They fell in love with each other, argued with each other and even stole from each other.

lol So, they were actually really good at doubting their beliefs then? That must have caused them a great deal of chagrin, no? But it is a great starting point for finding truth.

I agree. This is the way in which we humans explain away the world, turn away from finding “real” solutions to problems and refuse to see the real shadows and demons (non-supernatural) within ourselves. Anyway, I kind of think that superstitions are deep within our DNA, handed down from a forever ago.

For instance, science, fiction, poetry? What are you speaking about here?

I would say that it could be a worthy idea for us to ponder. We cannot actually prove one way or the other if there is Something Divine who or which permeates the universe. For some individuals, belief in a God can enrich one’s life and help them to live a more moral and ethical one. For others, their belief and faith can allow them to feel less alone in the world and as part of a greater Whole. We are not all Nature Lovers. So, why would we want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and cause someone spiritual/emotional harm, as long as their belief can be a rational one based on what they can see of the world. It is possible though it is unprovable.

I think that we all need one another in a sense. For those with a great imagination and longing for a God, their belief in God may be enough but I am not so sure that it is or ought to be. But as I said, we all need another human, another’s voice, hands, embrace, et cetera. We cannot hold a God in our arms or actually here this entity’s voice as some believe they can. It is just a poor substitue for a human being or even for nature. Hugging a tree can give greater satisfaction. lol

I would be very careful about the human leader or spiritual guide which I chose.

How can a God, fictitious or real, be less moral than humans? We really do enjoy making this God into our own image and likeness or perhaps even better still, into the image and likeness of others. That is, for me, like calling a tree evil because it fell on you. That is a figment of one’s imagination, simply a projection of one’s own psyche.

Show me your God and I will show you who you are. :evilfun:


We may not have an argument.

This link is as far back as I am looking.

As to your last. You are bang on.

Modern Gnostic Christians name our god “I am”, and yes, we do mean ourselves.

You are your controller. I am mine. You represent and present whatever mind picture you have of your God or ideal human, and so do I.

The name “I Am” you might see as meaning something like, — I think I have grown up thanks to having forced my apotheosis through Gnosis and meditation.

In Gnostic Christianity, we follow the Christian tradition that Christians have forgotten that they are to do. That is, become brethren to Jesus.

That is why some say that the only good Christian is a Gnostic Christian.

Here is the real way to salvation that Jesus taught.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Allan Watts explain those quotes in detail. … r_embedded


Lol no.

As Americans abandon God, despair rises. Suicide rates up 33% since 1999.

More Americans die in a year from drug overdoses than died in the entire Vietnam war.

This is what happens when atheism spreads like the cancer it is.


I think that that would depend on the individual and circumstances/situations.

Some abandon God or let go of God because they have reached a certain maturity and autonomy. They have outgrown their need for the patriarchal figure.

If someone has other meaningful things going for them in his-her life and a strong raison de etre that does not have to happen.

Are you sure that those who died from a drug overdose actually abandoned God or rather felt that God had abandoned them along with those who were to love and support them?

You have no way of actually knowing if those rates are up because this one or that one abandoned God. I would suggest that you see it that way because your main focus in life is atheism.

No matter how much someone loves or values God in his-her life, sometimes horrible painful things happen that can break a person and cause him to lose his will to live. No amount of comfort and faith can change that. Perhaps a God is not needed at this time but one or two of his creatures.

What seems supernatural is only that which has yet to be understood… When the questions become answers based upon perception, is it still viewed as supernatural?

A delving into the depths of the unknown should always be an intelligent person’s goal.

Magic, is just unexplained science. It keeps us going.

Yes, the word just confuses things and leads to discussions where people talk past each other. If it is real, it is natural. Even if it is exceptional.


What do you think?

But you used the word “perception”, Artimas. I asked that question because you did not say based on knowledge or fact.
Based on how we perceive things, many things can still be seen as supernatural and our answers for them may not be “real”.

All science is based on perception. Perceptaions that were repeatedly observed in controlled situations. Science is incomplete. Therefore there are likely some things that science has not yet confirmed that are real. The concept of supernatural is confused, because it implies that there are real things that are not natural. I think that’s a confusing concept. It is better to say phenomena. So, let’s take ghosts or psychic phenomena. People experience things and decide that not only was it real but that their interpretation is correct. If it seems like a paradigm shift would need to take place, were these things to be considered real within science, say, then at this point, even if they are real, they may not be confirmed. Just as all sorts of things were not believed to be true within science, until changes in the paradigms and/or more evidence came in. Phenomena in this category are natural, but not confirmed, but it may still be rational to believe in them.

There have been many things which people have believed, based on their perceptions, that were nto accepted by mainstream science, but which later turned out to be true.