I'm suddenly a moderator on Joker's site

What gives. U make the turd a moderator but not me. Sounds about right. I am trapped in Twilight Zone and as Harley puts it, I AM OFFICIALLY IN HELL!

Fixed. :wink:

Enjoy the posts of Turd Ferguson having pictures of former fat girlfriends he’s dated.

Recently he has blessed us with two threads there on that subject alone.

My hands are in my pants right now as we speak.

Yeah, I’m not clicking that Chicks With Ducks thread of yours Trixie, not falling for it.

Everyone thinks Joker is plotting destruction of the universe in his secret lair, I can’t wait till Hillary kidnaps me and tortures me in Guantanamo to find out what is inside because the FBI can’t break his awesome security coding (free forum) and I finally crack, face bruised, giving them access and all they find are threads like this. I will just sit chuckling.

They can put out on Joker’s FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List his main crime was being a chubby chaser. Bill Clinton can be right above him under the same charge after Hillary divorces him, sending him running into hiding internationally.

Sad as it is the universe can’t be destroyed. Too many molecules and molecular jelly.

See, I know when you say Chicks with Ducks, I know you mean Chicks with Dicks, and molecular jelly, you mean KY, and I don’t mean Kentucky.

Incorrect my dear sir.

I told you not to call me sir when others are around.

Do you prefer ze pronouns?

I only created a pornography thread Turd after you cried like a little bitch about some chick’s titties. You created the three fat chicks threads not me. I can only presume they are pictures of all your ex girlfriends minus Oprah Winfrey which suggests to me that you have a thing for big fat black women. (Shrugs)

It’s not my fault if members of the forum don’t discuss or talk about more profound things in the hidden section I’ve created. That’s what it was originally created for. Perhaps I hope for way too much apparently.

If there were any traffic at your site I could come there and post a bunch of shit and everyone would love it and you would then have a successful site, but it’s just dead and nothing interesting is going on there.

It would take all five of you in concert to post something everyone would love. I doubt the five of you could pull it off.

Nah I could get it going in under a day. People love my shit.

Which “I”, Mr.? Still not convinced that the group of you Mr.s could make that love happen. Does everyone who uses “your” account reside in Alabama? “You” are The Reasonable Standard so you should not disappoint your fans wherever the “five of you” roam. You all crack me up most days 'tis true.

I’m very funny and there’s nothing I can’t formulate a response to.