Illegal Drugs and different Realms Of Conciousness

Has anyone perused Carlos Castenada? He wrote about his “high” experiences.

Teachings of Don Juan…picked it out of my father’s library at age 12… never been the same since.

Started quite a snowball for me.

Same thing happened to me. I started reading Science of Mind by Earnest Holmes when I was 19, have not been the same ever since.

I am not one to experiment with drugs that I think are harmful. The only illegal drug I have done is marijuana. Which like many of you have said is more of a physical “thing”. Then one time my friends and I were bored (famous last words) and one suggested we “Robo-trip” Which is, if you don’t already know, an overdose of Robotussin or more specifically the chemical DXM. Like I said I have not done mushrooms, acid, or LSD or anything of that sort. But this trip was intense. It was a spiritual trip. It felt like I was connected with everything in the world. At times it felt like the hand of God was reaching through the trees and picking me up when I was outside. My friend who has done acid before said that this was definitely a different trip. So if you are bored and have about 8-12 hours to kill. Give it a shot. We took a whole bottle of the gel-tabs and two shots of the liquid stuff each. And it was definitiely a different state of mind.

LSD definitely shows you other worlds just as real as this one. In fact, things seem more real under the influence.

If you want to see things sacred and things profane…

If you want to expand your mind…

But I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

I suppose it depends on what you’ve got in your head to begin with as to what sort of, ‘trip,’ you have. And when I took the stuff a, ‘trip,’ could last for as long as twelve hours. And some poor sods got, ‘flashbacks!’

And the tabs were never pure, there were always minute amounts of strychnine, and you got a fucking bad guts-ache.

But if you want visions of unimaginable beauty; if you want to, ‘see,’ the abyss; if you want to see the most depraved, most gross, most hideously ugly and deformed creatures, then acid will serve you well.

And there’s always the chance you’ll never return from your, ‘trip!!’

So why do they put strychnine in acid? Seems a bit odd to me, seeing as you only need a few µg of acid to go completely mental, and LSD must be cheaper than strychnine, surely?
Have tried a few mind-benders myself and I can certainly say that my perception of the world is not the same now. Not always in a good way, either. Have got permanent auras around most things, (maybe I can pick up some kind of energy field :wink: ) but I can put that down to the electrical impulses in the synapses just going down the wrong path. Not wrong maybe, just not the one that was designed. My brain has been ‘rewired’ :astonished: . The ‘tracing’ effect is also still apparant when I’m tired. I would not say that I am insane. not really. But visual perception has definitely been altered. Even after several years of abstention.

Drugs are good in moderation, but where do you draw that line? I would say that everyone should take one trip just to open their minds to that whole new world that exists in our psyche, but then what one sees is so wonderful it’s hard not to want to go back. Again and again, until the acid world becomes the real world as far as the individual is concerned.

I also think that people should educate themselves about the effect of drugs before they think about taking them. not just the sparkly effects, but the long-term health problems that can arise due to over-usage, and not really knowing what’s in them anyway. Pills sold these days have god-knows-what in them, certainly unlikely to be MDMA, and probably something far worse for your heart and liver. I’ve heard that some people take handfuls at a time. Every weekend. How clever is that?