
that vid was strange. not quite sure what was going on, or why the music was so spooky.

Because I can not make music and I only know like three positions for my fingers from trying to imitate some filmmusic. It happens to be the spooky chord or something. But… and yeah the video is strange hahaha. A bit. Only a test tho. Maybe someone will be able to make a real philosophical video.

But I was meaning to ask can you guys log on the youtube account from your country?

Yes, it worked like that
It is weird, the whole idea is weird.
I like it.

Ay ay excellent yes it is weird.
More weirdness… here is the video I made yesterday with music that was copyrighted.

Flannel J please don’t be too critical I know that this has to do very little with philosophy but with seeking only. As I said often I am not so smart to really come up with philosophical content I just like the subject so much.

I like however the question that is written on the wall.

that video was pretty nice actually. did you film that? good stuff.

i also like that the word “agora” makes a cameo appearance. even though there’s max like 4 agorists on this forum.

That’s certainly encouraging I was afraid you were going to crack it!! I will try to make more (to crack lol), but I hope others will make more content based stuff… some day… I try that myself… but… its hard. I went out with a friend yesterday to shoot a more content like thing and since I have no abstractions in my head to exploit, we went to the Occupy movement around the corner and tried to give it a kind of perspective twist. I’m not sure if it worked it makes it maybe a bit silly. And really the outcome is more about lack of philosophy than about philosophy. Plus I have to subtitle it. I will upload it later.

By the way, what is an agorist? Who are they on this page and how do you recognize it?

Screw it that video isn’t working out. I uploaded it three times and it just displays grey… besides it is grey of nature… I want philosophy to be lively so I will have to think of something else.

Agorism, in a nutshell, is voluntary interaction. The belief that a society in which people voluntarily choose with whom they do business and how they do that business is better than a society in which people are forced to do business with certain people (namely the government) and forced to do business in a certain way (minimum wages, licenses, etc etc).

I’d like to see more of that kind of video. For the record, I’m sure that if you choose music from a band that’s not particularly popular, even if its copyrighted, given that the demographic of people who are going to be viewing your video are very small it’s unlikely that it will be censored in any way. Perhaps I can help you find some music for your next video?

But… Ah I see, then that is a very good thing to be. There should be more agorists or more should know this definition, I never heard it at least. All I ever keep hearing is anarchism versus centralized power and I am not an anarchist, rather government than total chaos. But government should not determine what is what for people, that is downright ridiculous to me. Who the fuck is the government? People who are getting paid to protect the weak, that is all if I may say so.

You are right about the music and I am thinking about what you propose… it might be interesting! If I may ask what kind of thoughts does this give you if any… and besides of course Agora… so that a new video can be thought of, in some kind of relation perhaps. This one was spontaneous and I was lucky to find these things… but maybe it will work again and I prefer this kind to the thing I tried next, which is politics not philosophy anyway.

Anyway what kind of music do you have in mind if it is already concrete?

I don’t know yet. Depends on what kind of video you want to make. You gonna make videos in which you say things? What are you gonna talk about? Maybe just have captions sometimes in the video? It all depends on what you want to do next. I personally have always liked vids with no sound except the music, with some captions. Idk if that’s where you wanna go.

Yeah that sounds feasible. I mean I don’t want to have to go into the museum and talk to people about roman artifices, if you know what I mean. And also there must be space for the music to play itself out because philosophy is more like music than we know because it’s often hard to put to words.

I just chosen a new song for the other video also which gives it more absurdness. For politics thats always what I come at. What kind of style music are you in to these days?

Anyhow so no trouble there except the shortage on vitamins right now.


I still don’t know what philosophy is possible to drive people. These people don’t know either. Yeah such is life, who knows? But answers are hidden in the greatest sacrifice of peace known to man philosophy which we love and live to bring it to the Iron throne.

For more lineair use there could also be use of this. The password is always thebridgeconcept whatever sites are created to this system because the password is the bridge concept.

Yo I know I am pushing this to the form side and from the content side but I also made a facebook account I cannot stop.
Unfortunately it would not allow the name Everyone and No One so I just made Evelione A. Noone… a pretty screwed up name actually it soulds like Chinese.

I made randon friends request to a lot of people and they are already accepting them… please help me make this facebook character a universal soldier of wisdom connected to the far outreaches of the world!!!

Yeah I want to maybe. But maybe not literally with voiceover. I want it to be english also, my english speech isnt too great.

Excellent question. I still havent figured it out. Any ideas are welcome. I can make a video out of quite little I think especially as it doesnt have to be perfect although it is cool if it turns out watchable.


Let’s do it let’s just try something. Maybe PM me with a music idea, if you have the track you can of course mail it on ilivephilosophy. It can also be used as a collective database even.

sent you an email. got another 1 or 2 coming.

Lol fucking facebook. I sent 50 random people a friendship request and it seems like they all accepted within the hour.


so i sent you like 6 tracks or something. you can choose which you think would fit best with your footage and message, or of course you can choose none of them :wink:

Ok nice! I will listen to them and see what comes up.


I made every cut in there especially to the music
except number 1000.