If You're Listening To Music Right Now III

Bored in the house, and I’m in the house bored… so being my own DJ for a long while.

Bicep… Glue


@Magnus… like the track or nah? It has a bit of an old school hip hop vibe imo, in the underlying pulse that runs through it… and hardly any words. ; ) I’m sure I can hear a touch of Prodigy at the end. : )

It kinda makes me wanna go out, out… n party. Btw… these are not representative of My mood, but of the current general mood on TikTok… Don’t judge me bout that, people… ok. Lol



Imma tell you what’s so great about Otis. You hear that weariness in the voice… that’s the soft anguish of the negro soul that has grown so deep over hundreds of years. Hear how it trembles in the slightest way (that subtle vibrato)?

It’s the same reason the blues became so rich.




and harry doesn’t mind… if he doesn’t… make the scene. He’s got a daytime job… he’s doin’ alright…

I like a bit of cheese… with my breakfast ; ) This has got to be the cheesiest coolest-track I’ve ever heard… bought to you and I courtesy of Shazam (via Gstaad Guy), obviously. :slight_smile:


Another track, brought to you and I, courtesy of Shazam…


That intro tho… :romance-hearteyes:

The way he spat those rhymes tho… :romance-admire:

Now… I know someone’ll be inclined to say “that sound is so Amy”, but it was never
Amy’s sound, but others’ that she adopted.


Just realised that… how I feel, when somebody asks me can I/do I, twerk, in that I see red. :angry-fire: lol



& lastly apropos to today’s thmosphere



You should post it in the Vampire thread… I have one for that thread, but may save it, for Halloween.

…any idea what film that is, accompanying that sing, in the last video I posted? It looks like a real must-see…

Edited to add: it’s ok… I found it.

It seems something I used to know, a long tome ago, but You know how memory works …


lol @ “yea you’re just my type… oh, you’ve got a pulse and you are breathing”.

Would he have said that if they were ugly though… I think not.



Make America great again

