I offer a challenge

Do tell. No, I wasn’t insinuating I’m some kind of moral zealot or absolutist. I just have no intention on arguing ridiculous hypotheticals or getting stuck in a quagmire of shifting goal posts and introduction of ridiculous ideas like ‘speciesism’. But please don’t let me stop you from explaining your moral superiority.

PK doesn’t give reasons. His ‘facts’ are easily shown to be completely wrong. His ‘logic’ is often flawed.

Yet you keep lumping him together with everyone else in your ‘objectivists’ category. ](*,)

Really? You can’t detect the ‘subtle’ differences in the arguments? :evilfun:

If some conservative wrote that democrats are terrorists and the democratic party is a terrorist organization, then I would call bullshit … just as I did with PK.

Spreading political lies is not terrorism. Saying that it is, cheapens the word and trivializes the suffering of victims of real terror.

“Existentially predisposed” my ass. :imp: :obscene-buttmoon:

after a long ugly day at work and I can’t sleep because I hurt
so bad, I am just waiting for the pain to go down…

After reading so many, many excuses why people can’t give a defense
of conservatism and capitalism and most of them revolving around me,
(I wish I had known I had this power before, I would have done something with it)
I shall tomorrow give a defense of conservatism and just for fun, an attack on liberalism…

I do so because I can, while so many others seem incapable of doing so
I am hoping in the morning but I suspect I won’t have time before another
long, ugly, very painful day at work, so shall do so, tomorrow night and
if I have any energy left over, again just for fun, I shall attack
socialism and defend capitalism…

“It is not enough to have the courage of one’s convictions,
one must have the courage for an attack upon one’s convictions”

Nietzsche said this… no matter what road I am on, Nietzsche has already
been there…


Great. Just remember that your statements need to be supported by reasons. :smiley:

I have more time this morning then expected, so here is my attack on
Liberalism…for those who don’t quite get it, I don’t subscribe to the views

Liberals and Liberalism suffers from the same problem…
they have no set place from which to base their arguments from…
in other words, they can start their argument from anywhere because
their arguments are not based on a set place or set principles…
they can argue for or against anything because they don’t have a fix
place of reference… the only true fix place of reference we can have
is god… and by fixing our place in god, with god, we do have a fix
place of reference and we have an established point from which to
explain the universe…Liberals don’t stand for anything because
they believe the universe is relative and thus no fix, determined idea’s…
just a loose jumble hanging around personal garbage designed to look
like a coherent idea’s but really those idea’s are based on whatever
fancy today brings…Liberalism has failed… it failed during the
French revolution which had a rather large body count and why did
it have a rather large body count… because the French didn’t have
a fixed place to base their idea’s from and notice the body count
rose after the King was unfairly killed… the King was the fixed place
the French could base their idea’s on but because Liberals believe in
a relative beliefs, it means they could kill anyone who didn’t agree with them
but the problem was that relative beliefs would change every single day
depending on their mood, so the because of this changing relative beliefs

got to do something, be right back…


ok, sorry about that… where was I…

[quote=“Peter Kropotkin”]
I have more time this morning then expected, so here is my attack on
Liberalism…for those who don’t quite get it, I don’t subscribe to the views

Liberals and Liberalism suffers from the same problem…
they have no set place from which to base their arguments from…
in other words, they can start their argument from anywhere because
their arguments are not based on a set place or set principles…
they can argue for or against anything because they don’t have a fix
place of reference… the only true fix place of reference we can have
is god… and by fixing our place in god, with god, we do have a fix
place of reference and we have an established point from which to
explain the universe…Liberals don’t stand for anything because
they believe the universe is relative and thus no fix, determined idea’s…
just a loose jumble hanging around personal garbage designed to look
like a coherent idea’s but really those idea’s are based on whatever
fancy today brings…Liberalism has failed… it failed during the
French revolution which had a rather large body count and why did
it have a rather large body count… because the French didn’t have
a fixed place to base their idea’s from and notice the body count
rose after the King was unfairly killed… the King was the fixed place
the French could base their idea’s on but because Liberals believe in
a relative beliefs, it means they could kill anyone who didn’t agree with them
but the problem was that relative beliefs would change every single day
depending on their mood, so the because of this changing relative beliefs
it could mean anything any given day…and thus one day this person was
well within orthodoxy and the next day, because of the changing beliefs,
the exact same person with the exact same beliefs was now a danger to
public morals and needed to be “eliminated”…

what about the idea of freedom? well because of the changing nature of
of liberalism and liberals belief, you can’t have freedom because what does
freedom mean when it could mean one thing today and something different
tomorrow… this changing ideals infect liberalism into being all things to all

and what about morals? Well without god, all things are possible and I
mean that in a negative way…what is right and wrong when right and wrong
change every single day depending on the mood of the liberal?
the belief in god gives us a dependable place to fix our morals and beliefs
which means we have a stable and secure society…

it is better to have a stable and secure society because this gives
us a free society… let us take a game for example, baseball…
baseball strength is from the fact it has set, stable, understandable
rules established by an outside source… human life is set, stable
because it has understandable rules established by an outside source, GOD…

and what about man? is he good or bad? clearly he is bad, evil…
and has been from birth, because man is born of original sin as
told to us by god, he is evil and we must use all our resources
available to us to restraint man’s evil nature…
we must have set, stable rules to restrain man’s evil nature
which means we must have set, stable society which is only
possible by having set and stable rules established by god…
our current society is in chaos because it doesn’t have
set, stable rules which can be easily understood by anyone…
government of the people, for the people and by the people,
is a society that can be turned into a lawless, unstable society
unless fix, set rules are in place…

liberalism has failed and failed during the Russian Revolution
and after… because in Russia the rules were made by man
and those rules failed to account for man’s evil and fixed
nature… man cannot reform himself and man cannot find relief
from sin by himself… a fix and outside source is the only possibility
for us to save ourselves from sin…and the liberal has no
fix and outside source from which to base their idea’s from, so
they move with the wind, here and there which results from
a society that is not moored in reality which is exactly what
happened to the Russian society… it was not moored in reality and
it collapsed… any society that is based on man’s rules and not god’s
rules will collapse because those rules aren’t based on anything but
man’s whim…

we only have the freedom of accepting god’s love and no other freedom
but we don’t need any other freedom because that is enough for us…
if we accept that the only freedom we need is to accept god’s love for
man is building sand castles because we can not find a set and stable
place to build our society, so we must trust in god and by doing so,
we are building a firm society which is based on the only real thing in the
universe which is god…

the liberal’s ego is too great to bow down to god and thus
he commits sin and builds sand castles which amount to nothing
and can be blown down by the smallest wind…god is the one, fixed
point in the universe on which we can depend on…
and the one point a liberal cannot accept because he is full of himself
and he overpraises his knowledge and beliefs… he is too sure of himself
and that sureness is based on quicksand because it is not based
on the real certainty of life, which is god…

the liberal doesn’t see that we are not created equal…
there are those who are clearly superior to others
and we must accept that basic notion…
we each have superiors and by accepting this fact,
we help create a set and stable society which is
the primary goal of a society… to be set and stable…
a liberal fails to see that and puts his own ego as
the final arbiter of what is good and necessary and
needed but the ego changes all the time
thus but placing faith in the ego, we don’t have a
set and stable society…which can only be found
placing our faith in god and his laws and his rules…

this is the true source of our strength and the true
source of liberals and liberalism failure…
they only believe in themselves and we believe in
god… which is the true and set point
of a good and decent society…


I see what you’re trying to do here. Fail. Attack on liberalism? I don’t think so.

M: I see what you’re trying to do here. Fail. Attack on liberalism? I don’t think so.

K: I have given you multiple chances to define liberalism and conservatism and
you have failed to do so… so if you don’t do it, I will…


Your fundamental assertion is that all conservatives believe in God - specifically the evangelical Protestant Christian God.

Is that a reasonable assertion?

What about liberals who believe in God? How do you explain their behavior?

Are there no atheist conservatives? Deist conservatives? Buddhist or Taoist conservatives?

PK, what you are missing is the difference between philosophical discourse (debating, defending)…
… vs preaching.

You preach in favor of liberalism, ask for defenses for conservatism, preach that no one can manage it, then you preach against liberalism so as to prove that you can preach in either direction. Philosophical defense is NOT preaching.

Read it carefully:

I will have to finish my post tomorrow as our heater has died and we are
trying to get someone out to fix it. I suspect it won’t be until Monday we have
a heater, and the highs of late around here has been around 55 and the lows around 40. it is going to
be a cold couple of days…


Only if Charles Krauthammer isn’t a conservative.

Well, that took two fucking seconds.

conservatism… unlike liberals, conservatism is about values
that transcend generations…we have values that have lasted
from time’s beginning… Front and center in our value system
is God and the values he has given us are the true values…
and unlike “Liberal” values, they don’t shift with every blowing wind…
because our values are given to us in the word of god and they are true
yesterday, today and tomorrow…
man is evil… that is the truth of the matter and that evil is the
taint of original sin which ALL men have and there is no escaping that sin…
WE must embrace god’s love or parish from our own design…for man
is not only full of sin but reeks of lust and hate and greed and the most
important sin, pride… For before the fall, comes pride…
Liberals are about pride, pride of ego and pride of man’s self worth
which in the eyes of god means nothing…
a liberal sentences himself to hell with his pride and his ego…
We conservatives hate government because it is put on a pedestal
higher than the words of god and that is why we tear it down…
nothing must be higher then the word of god…

the carnal lust of man must be turned aside into
the love of god…we must put god first and foremost…
so we have government that forces men to turn aside their
weak and lustful souls into loving god first and foremost…
we have the police to enforce god’s will because the soul’s of men is so weak…
men cannot find the truth without god and that is what the liberal cannot
see… Liberals think they can find the truth without god and that is where
they go wrong…Liberals are so proud of their logic and their rationality and
their science but none of those are any nearer the truth then a donkey is near
the truth because the truth is found with god and his words and not in
anything man can do or think…

my god is the god of Jesus, the savior…
and only through him shall I reach the gates of heaven…
for this life is only about reaching the gates of heaven
and nothing else…

the wealth that I accumulate is a sign of god’s favor
and as I am wealthier then the average man, I must exist
in god’s favor higher then the average man…for I shall be saved…
and live eternity in the sight of god whereas liberals who put
ego and the their science and their logic first shall suffer in the
pits of hell forever and ever…they are doomed to suffer because
of their love of man outweighs their love of god… and I shall be saved…

love of god means we must honor those who came before us
and we honor them by carrying on the traditions given to us…
Liberals want to try all new things in hopes of soothing their lost souls
whereas true comfort comes from keeping the past in the form
of traditions… we must honor those who are better then us in the eyes
of god, so we must honor those leaders who are above us because they
have been blessed by the lord who has seen fit to place them above us…
in other words, we cannot rebel against our leaders any more then we can
rebel against god for our leaders have the power of god invested in them…

we cannot in good conscience accept democracies because it put’s
man’s ego first over god… in democracies, men think they know what
is best for them and that is clearly not true… only god knows what is best
for man. so for us democracies are a sin against god because it
gives man the false belief that they know better then god…

god has sanctified his truths in governments that have lasted a long
time and that is monarchies… for clearly, just as god is alpha and
omega of the world, monarchs are given leadership from the grace of god…
and not from the wrongheaded belief that man knows what is best for him…

want to know the truth of what I write…
just read the bible and know there lies the truth of
everything I write…


It’s nice to see the characiture of a conservative PK has in his head when he writes his rabid screeds. No wonder he’s so terrified of Republicans.

as I have two parts down and two more to go,
my attack on socialism and my defense of capitalism
as we have no heat because our heater died, I am not exactly
sure when I shall get to this…


K: you are free to write your defense of conservatism and until you do
so, you are left with my version which by the way, is right…


Sounds like PK simply has serious God issues rather than actual conservative issues (common among the hypnotized).

No kidding. The fact that he actually believes what he is the scary part. Actually the scary part is that this is the type of nonsensical mush mouth I frequently run into when a liberal wants to ‘discuss important issues’. They are NEVER able to successfully criticize conservatism (or really any multi-faceted idea), they always focus in on whatever their personal beef is and then design their delusions of reality around it. God is a favourite because they think they have it all sewn up.