I have a scripture!!!

I am happy for both you and Trixie to think/assume/conclude that I am not sentient, not sentient because I do not fear what you fear.

I understand (and have myself sensed) the perspective that you have laid out here, but I (or anyone else) does not need to be ruled by it… life closes in on us and prohibits the rawness of such feelings taking hold, but in your case it isn’t.

How do you know what anyone else has gone through? Because I know you don’t know.

The rawness of denial???

You know when someone breaks your heart and you feel raw, but get over it??

I’ve felt that for 26 years straight without reprieve…

Don’t lecture me on that!

Also , on top of that, I’ve been to hell…

You yearn for the rawness when you’re in hell…

That’s how bad hell is!!

Because I actually do walk in other peoples shoes!!!

Whatever the raw feeling(s) may be…

I haven’t dated much, so no, I have not exposed myself to having to feel such emotions. Are others important enough to allow them to put one through that/to play emotional Pokemon with others’ emotions? gaining power with each heart they break.

Let me explain this more…

The living and the “dead” are all around us…

I walk with the living and the dead constantly…

I’m like the neuron in the brain that gets the most hits…

This is probably something you’re completely blind to…

I’m a spirit hub.

I’ve taken everything from eternally damned spirits…

In Buddhism that’s a spirit that blasphemes every eon !!

To spirits that have the highest permission sets…

Meaning, they can rewrite history, or your brain to respond to them the way you want…

I’ve seen it all Artimas !

My job is to send everyone to heaven, and your job is to bang a chick you don’t deserve…

Don’t lecture me on how profound you are

To not know the rawness of a broken heart!

You haven’t even lived MagsJ!

Your response to this would be appreciated here?

Wrong assumption/unavoidable causation.

Read my message above…

MagsJ: all of this should crush your heart!!!


Until that happens… You haven’t even started to wake up, to be sentient, to be human…

I’m not like the Jews, where I think Goya are worthless… I actually care about you…

From my perspective, Jews are Goya …

Compassion is extremely important to get to heaven…

Compassion is not a piece or jewelry or tattoo for tribalist markings (or tramp stamps)

Compassion is the way to reach…

By the time you all die, from my perspective, you will have the cognitions of an infant… That’s how powerful my mind has become…

But you are still worthy of love to me…

Ask me anything!!

Am I a messiah ?

I’m simply what I am…

Time defines us.

I’ll answer your last query next

Everything should break your heart MagsJ!

Such a standard would make anyone open to manipulation and extreme anxiety. Is that a good position for anyone to be in?

When the main bulk of one’s bloodline is the most aggressive Caribbean tribe there was, I doubt that the standard you are championing was bred into that tribe and therefore passed down, don’t you?

One cannot be what one isn’t.

You speak of bloodlines…

I speak to wake you up!!

Your small Caribbean victory will only cause you to slumber…

Darwinism or righteous indignation are powerful motivators…

You still cling to your life’s ego to your detriment…

Idiot compassion is not preserving yourself well enough to help others …

As they say, everyone appreciates being rescued, but nobody should try to save a drowning person if they cannot swim !

You must be an egoist to save others…

But you must at a certain point, move beyond your competence to save others…

Salvation is an extremely difficult game…

The hardest there is actually…

Everyone will hate you for being the fool

Wake me up to hindering emotions? I think I’ll pass thanks!

That bloodline stops me from doing unsavoury things that I have seen/or heard about others do… it has given me very useful qualities and insights… amongst other things.

Or cause me to avoid those that are open for (what I deem to be) uneccessary reasons.

Nothing seems to motivate…

Are not a person’s priorities an individual thing/choice? why do you attempt to force your ways on others to adopt? and dictate how we should operate?

You think hindering emotions: is having your heart broken for all humans???

MagsJ, I remember you from when I was 14…

In your timeline I’m almost 40, in my timeline …

Billions of years…

Let me make this extremely clear…

Until you weep for all humans, oceans of tears, you are asleep, dead.

You realize MagsJ … Every post I make here is to try to wake you up…

But you are stubborn !!

A tree is a tree!

Am I an asshole trying to brainwash you for saying that???

Look deeper!

Let’s have some fun here !!


You’re all geniuses right??

Who have lived billions of years?? Right??

Law 1: an object will remain at rest and only in motion unless acted upon by an external force.

Hate to break it to you, but planets have effectively rest (orbits) BECAUSE of an external force!

Law 2: the greater the mass of the object being accelerated, the greater the force needed to accelerate it

A pellet from a pellet gun (tiny sphere) will drop at exactly the same speed as a boulder off a building

Third law: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

That means when you save someone, they are sent to hell!!

Newtons laws!!

Should we do Einstein next ??

I’m trying to wake you up folks!!

Einstein: if everything is relative, then relativity is relative !

There’s always an absolute reference frame!!

So don’t come to me with this shit about how evil I am for pointing to a tree and saying it’s a tree!!

Even in virtual and robot worlds (which you might have to go through) what is real is real…

This is real here!

You’re morons, but you’re real morons, not fake morons!

Wake the fuck up!!

If it’s your thing it’s your thing :wink:

We’ve met? :confused:

Perhaps you are feeling your makeup/the building blocks of the universe that we all stem from?

Are we not our own living breathing periodic table…

Weep for them for what? their own stupidity and insignificance?

You’re objective whilst here is not the same as mine/others’ and that may just be something that you will have to accept…

You flatter yourself too much and underestimate others far too little… but I ain’t mad at’chya.

There is nothing wrong with wanting another to relate to you/feel what you feel, but not all are unselectively empathetic… some like to choose who and what they empathise over, otherwise we’d all be a human hackers wet dream.

…pretty much my thoughts on the matter too.

If we’re not up to par here for some (in terms of sentience or philosophical genius) then perhaps they need to consider posting on another site… to alleviate their frustration and stunted development of self.


I actually think that’s a good place to leave it