I found those who can help us bring about a new Golden Age!

The creator of this thread should rename their username to globalist stool pigeon.

I may be what you call a “globalist”,
but I’m more like a free pro-“globalism” ideologist,
not a stool pigeon linked to a greater power.
Well met, Mr. stool pigeon of the nationalists!

Freedom and globalism, very contradictory mix of words you have going on there.

Not necessarily a contradiction. If you understand the (potential) ideal nature of globalism: it is just the sacking, or rather reemployment, of nationalist and macroeconomic “parasites”.
This can naturally only be followed by the disintegration of (anti-individualist) evil in all its forms (financial/usury/central bank cultism, herdist: zealous religionism etc.)


…just like how the West divided up India and Africa (and other lands much more prior than that) for themselves… how very novel.

Will we see an end to divide and rule in this modern era? or fear further reprisals beyond terrorist attacks…

A connection beyond their names?

Banning how people think sounds suspiciously Orwellian to me
And particularly when it involves half of the worlds population