I am God. (Not a Troll thread this time.)

Congratulations on having committed three logical fallacies with fifteen words

Specifically non sequitur / argumentum ad populum / argument from emotion

Duly noted. But not a logical denial of the post. Spiritual understanding is so much more than mere logic. Logic can deny or affirm even itself. This discussion should be more than a chess game.

No. The publisher liked it, but his paid readers could not understand it. I tried only one publisher. So the book remains unpublished and obscure. It did, however, contain information about a DnA machine.

Knock it off. Quit mocking me. Do you know what works against me in Eternity? You call me a pathetic loser for trying to teach love and peace and harmony when all of eternity is overran by the energy in excess causing so many helpers to help in all the wrong ways, becoming more hindrance than anything else, how many detract from my name and title, purposefully and maliciously AND Unintentionally? Do you know just how much darkness and chaos exists for those who tried following my path or tried walking it only to get frustrated and torn apart and come back all bitter and filled with hate and rage. How many shut off their emotions or try to… and not just in the modern age, but throughout time and space, not just this reality, but infinite.

You’re not me. You’re not God. Your mockery is just that, mockery. A cry for attention in pale imitation and poor tribute. You’re lost and feeling alone and empty.if you truly knew what God fights against just to stay in the right and to continue its god works, what it has to allow as rape to all eternity because it can not stop it, free will exists regardless and believing you have ultimate power doesn’t change that or impede it.

The amount of lies and deceit left as jokes and traps and thoughtless and thoughtfully planned in such an intricate weaving throughout the omniverse as to be reality. What do you know of it as you sit there and scorn and be the impish one of inimical giving and offerings.

I’m tired of dealing with wannabes who never wanted the actual responsibility and never stuck to it. They and you can fuck off.

Whom are you addressing? If everyone here, you’ve got a problem.

Guess we have some competitors to the Throne.

What exactly are your Godlike responsibilities?

I keep my responsibility to make quality forum posts that change the outlook of Space and Time.

RFs responses are fuck this, fuck that, fuck you, hardly what one would expect to hear from a god. Instead we get an adolescent tantrum.


…hmm… they do say that swearing makes you sound and seem less intelligent, but I think that’s mostly pretty decent cunning in laying that so people automatically discredit someone in their mind once that person gets frustrated or just drops some words that they use in appropriate situations in what is deemed as an inappropriate situation for swearing.

That being said… how many God’s do you know, Ierellus? Perhaps the Christian God does swear on occasion, perhaps does try sex with men and doesn’t view that to be homosexual, that does see defining terms and the loss of perceiving that or caring by today’s youth and not just the youth, but by many adults, too. I mean, their God is a murderer, a bully, jealous and envious, etc. But that’s when they forget that the devil also exists and obstructs gods perfection.

What are the responsibilities of God? Enjoying an eternal existence to the best of their ability, which can be hard as hell, but sets the pace for the second responsibility which is to enrich and better the lives of other, and in the pursuit of those cones the third responsibility, fighting game off chaos and disorder and all those who fell to temptation or negativity and pessimism to be able to buy tickets es of clarity of thought and peace for the fourth responsibility, which is to troubleshoot and figure out how to reach people for the fifth responsibility that supports the others which is to help those that need it whether they know they need it or not, whether they’re able to ask for it or not.

To get understanding, God has to walk paths he’d rather not just to have some of all walks of life come to him with good ideas that might break through that. The 6th reonsibility is making time for personal friends and familuxury in whatever error life he’s living, but to not play favorites and make time for countless other things as well.

Being just one being, one entity, god would have to rely on others, so e ti es lazy, some times es getting lost and falling to things that would get in the way of quality work, which breeds the necessity of virtues such as patience and tolerance and temperance, which then rely on things providing memories and visions that help him remember where and who he was, and furthermore rely on these things throughout all that gets in the way and tries to prevent it simply to be a dick.

Practicing what he preaches. The next responsibility is not to be about war even in the midst of fighting it, which is hard due to emotion and what else swarms the mind. To delve into places others have failed at and come out successful and somehow teach others in the process, both how to do it right and the flips idea of who they were fighting that then has to be reached somehow and convinced to stop and turn over a new leaf, wherein practicing what is preached and having a solid foundation helps a lot in the long term whi.e most things are very short-term minded.

And furthermore, the responsibility to know that some time es we all fall and all fail and that it’s unavoidable, so to not worry about being responsible all the time, upright all the time because if you worry and fear, you do cause it to happen more often and do draw things to you that love to cloud your mind with those things gs which prevents the fluid transference from one thing to another.

Some times it becomes fuck this or fuck that and there’s a variety of reasons for that, mostly emotional in one way or the other which leads to the next responsibility of helping emotion and logic figure each other out. There are a lot more responsibilities that tie into those and stand alone, but I don’t feel like getting into detail on it. It’s intricate and I’d be here for a while.

And, what you construed as a childish tantrum was just a brief expression, light, of sentiment. There are a lot of nuances in how things can be interpreted. I could really throw a childish temper tantrums if it would help you learn the difference.


Looks like I tripped a trigger.

Yes, you tripped a trigger by you misconstruing how I said what i said. What it triggered was a direct explanation and correction of your mistake.

I honestly expected better of you, Ierellus. I thought, here and there in moments since I began coming here, that you were different and yet there are you taking your pot shots the same as anyone else. I really wish, at times, that everyone, during their spiritual afterlife existence, would live my life completely through just once, if such existence is there and if time travel can be managed. Just so they could get that front row seat as me and finally, perfectly, clearly, see. It’d be an existence changer.

My name is Ierrellus.
Sorry if I offended. It was your language that set me off. I see here you can do much better when you so desire. Cursing may be fine for some folks, but not for me. Whatever you expected of me, I can be worse. Like you, I’m human, warts and all. And I would wish no one to be me in any incarnation.
Back to the front–If Trixie had said she is a part of God, I might have believed her. Perhaps she was just being ironic.

Are you speaking of the ancient [g]ods, Ierrellus, or of the one and only god? How could you possibly know how the ancients would speak? Some of them were real bruisers. I can image them speaking the way of RF
And concerning the Judaic/Christian god, how could you possibly know for certain?
Have we ultimately established that this God is all perfect and impeccable in speech?

Quite frankly, I don’t know which I would prefer to have LESS OF - someone cursing me out ~~ or ~~ my having to put up with the sometimes insidious, manipulative inane posts which are directed at me - for instance - Don’t you have an emotional need to kill and rape men (in that order)?

Of course, one can always look to the source!

Look, my life sucks, your life sucks, I’d rather not go through the experience of another sucky life, once was enough thankyou.

I am a part of God, in the sense that I am one of the components of the Trinity.