Humor Me

:confusion-shrug: Where’s JSS? He’ll have an answer.

A philosopher’s wife sends the philosopher to the market. She says bring a dozen eggs, and if they have apples. The man returns empty handed. Didn’t they have eggs, the wife asks. The philosopher answers, yes they did, but they didn’t have apples.

As one of the integrated neighborhood kids, we use to have showdowns with these jokes. A blast from the past.

In a feminist society, when all the men have walked away…Girl resorts to the net to feel worthy by being humored.

Go back to the KT mothership where you belong, MP.

Run for your life MP. I’ve got lots of Yo’ Mama jokes for you.

I’m already there…watching…always…they appear cute to me, like children…

This was a funny scene, although the whole thing is more absurd than it is funny (this movie does not have a happy ending, either).