Hume's Paradox

Here are some academic references, but the articles aren’t online, as far as I can tell. Let me know which ones you are interested in, and I can probably dig it up.

All of these reiterations are great observations, but beyond there conception, they have been rendered relatively useless…

Most of this sounds to me like they are points of view already impurified by the manipulations of politics, government, media, corporations, popular opinon… what is the point of “regurgitating” all these guys?

Simple logic really does explain all …
They don’t teach you how to think, they teach you what to think…
I don’t care if it is math, science, social studies, language …
Hmm, a good art class may teach you “how” to think…

Only the few who dare think pure, make a difference…

The only real way to experience this may be to deliberatley dive in the opposite direction, even if it “seems” right to go with the grain.

Kafka wrote something like that…

It is my experience that most of us are unwilling to make that sacrifice…
Hmm, I wonder why that is…

Vulgar is not the word, it’s how you use it. Beauty is not the word, it’s why you choose it. See how it stands apart? At least make an effort to understand the art.

it’s kung fu against the State and like all kung fu requires practice.

LoL! I was waiting for a humble beating on that one…
Was patience the first thing I was supposed to learn?

Grasshopper, you haven’t passed the Hall of the Long Knives. I can’t tell you the real lessons. besides you’re confusing the Chinese way of thinking with that of those half civilized islanders, the japanese.

the world is a better place because of molelove.

she just gave me a lot of work to do… THANKS FOR THE MENTAL UPGRADE!

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


no problemo, that’s what i’m here for.


Algo que me acaba de ocurrir, molelove, amas tu el mole? o el topo? si mi espanol es de la chingada es porque vivo entre los pinches nacos gringos de Stuart que ni siquiera hablan una palabrita del buen mozarabe moderno. Perdon…

Si Hermes, cuando primer conoci a mi esposo, el me cocino un mole vegetariano que era la cosa mas rica del mundo. ese dia, me enamore de el profundamente.

un mole vegetariano? no mames!

No more Spanish, they might try to supress us!!!

If central planning was central to the USSR, and it failed to prevent the collapse of it’s central government, why would central planning prevent the collapse of all centrally planned central gov’ts?

If central planning is central to your plan, you are centrally located on the path of those who failed before you.

Folks must be free to choose for themselves from all options, not just the centrally approved ones.

Centrally planned europe stumbled through the dark ages with only the printing press completed.

300 years of freedom in America gave us the moon, the car, and the computer.

It’s too bad the 20th century took so many freedoms, or we would’ve vacationed on the moon in the 21st.

you know, there IS a forum on here for “creative writing”. that’d be a nice place to put that …uh …incoherent poem-thingy you got there.

don’t ruin my thread with your silly apothegmatical sayings. you ain’t teachin’ nobody nothin’ if you can’t express yourself coherently. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:



LOL! I’d like to see them try… :wink:

It’s only incoherent to those who refuse to accept the truth, prefering their own fantasy reality.

Just tell me where I’m wrong.

I’m open minded, mostly.

DM, that’s quite a thesaurus you got there, I had to look it up.

Pretty accurate, though.

I like things simple, less confusion.

hmm… someone else tell him why that statement is absurd. i’m tired.

well then say what you’re trying to say… don’t hide behind aphorisms and spacey-mumbo-jumbo. i don’t have the time or the patience to decode your poetic ramblings!

the funny thing is, i don’t do that use-a-thesaurus-to-make-me-sound-smarter bullshit. some folks do… and you can tell. i’m not one of them. i’m fortunate enough to be able to read words once or twice and have them locked into my brain. (lots of times i never say them…only write or read them, but that’s beside the point.) this skill comes from a knowledge of word roots. its very useful for expanding your vocabulary to ridiculous degrees. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

and just so you don’t think i’m a total dick for no reason… i’m getting on your case because you clearly don’t have much to contribute to this thread. i made this thread to discuss a very real and specific idea. if you don’t want to or can’t participate meaningfully, then git outta here!

ILP rules:

ok, I’m off topic.

The ruled submit to their rulers because it’s easier to let others have responsibilities rather than take it on themselves.

“I didn’t make the system, so it’s not my fault.”

Take all the references in the bible about submit to authority.

Their(the founders) very life depended on supporting a government they didn’t agree with, but it was easier to cop out and go with the flow.

It’s a cop out, and as long as the rulers don’t get out of hand, it runs smoothly.

Just so I’m on topic: Bilingual education. :unamused:

As for waxing poetic, that is what dreamers do.

shit, I spelled suppress wrong.

About the statement that most people would just rather have life lived for them and submit to “being ruled” so that they don’t have to think for themselves…

This statement is, to me, very depressing. I almost admit to it being true, except that I need to pose this possibility:

If people’s eyes are opened to the idea that they CAN have control over their lives, that they can demand certain things and decide certain things. In other words, if we were to implement Paolo Freire’s pedagogy in schools or if we were to basically create a society where action is the norm… would you still believe that people do not want to direct the course of their lives?

In my experience, a lot of “these people” have never even given thought to choosing life differently and do not even know what that means. Life is life, there’s a particular way of living it, you accept your lot, and that’s the end of it. That is people’s mental paradigm. If we were to challenge that notion…