
Your friendship is questionable with sentences constructed like that.

That’s nice sweetie

We are doing what we’ve been allowed by natural selection to do. We have already what no other species has done before, but I’d say if we look at life’s diversity, we are still functioning within parameters of evolution. There have been some remarkable transformations on Earth even before, oxygen atmosphere was created by cyanobacteria, lizards have evolved into birds and flew, fish grew limbs and walked on land, the great diversity of lifeform on earth will testify to how capable and flexible life really is. But our (human) survival is not guaranteed: a massive asteroid could hit the Earth and wipe us all out in less than a millisecond on geological timescale, and all that we’ve accomplished in our ‘short’ existence would go in the way of the majority of other life forms that went extinct. But that’s how it goes, and life may continue to exist and evolve without us, in other, new ways. For now, we still use our drive for survival and adaptation, I think we will keep pushing ourselves and our limits, and likely we will not stop ourselves, but what specie really does if it’s allowed to have its way?

What I would prefer is that my children realize that I don’t waste my time responding to garbage like the above.
Life is too short for such lunacy.
Such a waste of a good mind - yours ~~ sad!

see :slight_smile:

Mannequin is trying to be a disciple, it is part of his genetic code. Although he is only a disciple of the Truth, he subconsciously waiting for the connector piece to latch on to, with ever growing impatience.

All will be revealed to both Satyr and Mannequin.

Once they understand the origins and Beginnings of the Aryans, it will all become clear.

Humans are beasts. Women are beautiful beasts. Typically, human females are incapable of understanding why male homosexuality is undesirable for human males. Arc is repulsed by it’s grotesqueness, but not repulsed by the idea itself. Typically, human males are repulsed by the grotesqueness and the idea of it itself. That is the key. Human males can typically tolerate homosexuals, but they cannot tolerate when they themselves are in danger of being forced into a homosexual lifestyle. Typically, human females often fail to understand why human males get angry at the idea of being forced into male homosexuality.

Homosexuality is not inherently evil, only a carnal sin of Nature. Lions are forced into male homosexuality by the alpha male of their tribe. There is an inherent subconscious fear of being forced into homosexuality present in most human males, almost as if the gravity of it is their destiny that they are powerless to escape from. The feeling of it being an unavoidable nightmare they cannot avoid, triggers them into a Lion like rage.


We should try create a higher humanity;

helping people in need, guiding children, etc.


You do believe in God, Mannkin, correct? You sympathize with Islam in particular.

If so, then you must know that God has missions for us to do these things.

Great is your reward in heaven.

But also remember to have fun and explore life.

Live, love, drink, party!

I think we should each listen to our conscience. My faith is that, for most of us, our conscience will tell us to help others in need and try to improve the lot of humanity, but not all of have consciences that tell us to do the same thing.

The true nature of morality does requires some conflict between morals at times.

And sometimes it is important to listen to our conscience but not act on it. ← This just means: always be honest with yourself even if you know you’re not doing the right thing.

And the conscience is to be distinguished from our rationalizations and our philosophies, although, in a healthy mind, they overlap for the most part. It should also be distinguished from social pressure, which can be incredibly malignant.

I think humans should be a bit more farsighted. The problem with that is that such plans often get hijacked by politics and people driven by selfish and nearsighted motives, people who do not wish to see past their own lifetime, nor care of the consequences that are passed on after them. But this is part of human nature and has been with us since the beginning of civilization, if not before. Perhaps this is a two edged sword. Are some people just born to be no more than slaves and tools?

In the animal world there is hierarchy and we are part of that world even though we would like to pretend otherwise. Animals have different intelligent levels, likes , dislikes and abilities just as we do. Have you ever met a person that just will do anything they are told or asked to do? They seem to just want to please others, or how about people that are quite content to work in the same low level position for life even though they are intelligent, etc etc. So yea I think some of us are born to be tools or slaves some of us do not even recognize this

What I find to be grotesque and what repulses me is the man who has no qualms or discernment or consideration when it comes to speaking to a woman. What I find to be grotesque are the gross sexually graphic posts which are presented and which manni presented here. Even if one is impulsive or compulsive, there is a delete button which one can use…on second thought.
How much can be blamed on culture/upbringing - after a certain age especially if one frequents a philosophy forum? There is also that “transcendent” button.

Why would a man deliberately present a post in such an ugly way, at least ugly by my standards?
Manipulation? Passive aggressiveness? Perhaps too much pent-up sexual energy? All three?
Doesn’t make for much of a harmony between intellectual quotient and emotional quotient, does it?

And why do many women NOT speak up when they are being addressed in such a fashion? Why simply ignore it? Is it because they want to be considered as “part of the guys”? Is it because they have almost become immune to this way of talk/suppressing their true feelings or is it because they are afraid that they will be accused of trying to be “politically correct”? There is such a phrase as being “simply correct”.
Sure, perhaps for some, it may be that they don’t care either way - but do we really deserve to be spoken to in such ways?
What’s the saying - “If we’re not part of the solution, we’re part of the problem.” The problem is that some don’t see it as a problem.
I wonder what William Shakespeare would think of the way in which people are addressed on the internet?

Ahh aint she cute…

Woman, I mean everything I say with clear intent, without exception. I regret nothing.

sweetheart, your supremacy is showing, try not to default to your gender as a tool for defense, you little victim, pulling the “it’s because i’m a woman” card will not work around me, darling…

Yes, nice to see you realize they are gross especially when they pertain to a specific behavior that you support in real life…black cock, son, anus, loving it…hmm perhaps he’ll grow up to be a gay escort and make that blood money…

Trying to gain some social support are you? so you can group up and censor little ole me…yeah that’ll do it…

uhh maybe it’s just because they are not like you…and don’t like you…especially when you keep transferring yourself on to them and using your gender as a bridge for emotional social support

no, you deserve much worse.

I like Arc, I just think she can handle herself with better grace than me, like a true lady.

And you, manni, you do have one redeeming feature about you - you actually clean your room! =D>

Just so you know - it means a lot to us women. :mrgreen:


I was being serious there.

That, right there, is the problem.
I suppose that for you freedom of speech means “no holds barred”. Discernment, finesse, self-restraint means absolutely nothing?
Have you ever considered WHY that is?

Oh manni, you really do have to shower Satyr off your skin, you know.
This is not about me being a woman per se. It IS about my personal preference and not choosing to be addressed in that sexually graphic way. I do find that to be ugly and I daresay that there are REAL men out there who would also find it an ugly way in which to address not only women but anyone.

Aside from that, I am not a victim. The real victim would have allowed it, chosen not to address your words.
Would have either suppressed or repressed their emotions insofar as your
You are the one using the “victim” card, not me. Pity you couldn’t see that.

What goes on between two consensual adults behind closed doors is not my business. “Living and let live” and at the same time not wanting to see what goes on behind those doors is not a contradiction in terms for me. We do often live with conflicted goods. I have the right to not see what they are doing but they also have the right to do what they choose to do as long as they are being responsible adults hopefully.
Has a rock evolved to sing, manni?

Not really. You may not believe this, but even if I was the only one in here who felt and thought as I do insofar as sexually explicit words go, I would still speak up. Why, because I have a voice. It may be a subjective one, but it is still there.

I would still like to ask you WHY? WHY do you feel the need to speak like that in a forum?
Hmmm…I just had a thought. If you ever get tired with the job you now have, you might consider becoming a puppeteer. I think you would love that kind of a job.

I’m sure many are not like me…and it’s possible that some don’t like me. We are all separate individuals. We all see what is beautiful and ugly with different eyes. We all judge things differently. I see the kind of words which you and others sometimes use in here as ugly. That is just part of my psyche. I see some of your sketches or paintings as ugly; for instance, the woman with her hands and feet in bondage. That speaks of all kinds of abuse to me - ugly. But didn’t i see one of your sketches or paintings as beautiful or really nice. The man with the pipe in his mouth, the pensive man reading the book. I liked that one. That is just who I am as a person.

Well, you either meant this or you didn’t. i can’t say for sure. But saying it certainly does not make it so.
But if i were going to judge, I just might say that saying it in jest is more mean spirited than actually meaning what you said. That’s the way I view it.

Aside from that, you’re certainly entitled to your rude opinion.

Thank you Pandora.

I could see the true lady in you, Pandora, considering what you just wrote to manni above.

The thing about me though, is that although I do have a really good sense of humor, believe it or not, lol I find it difficult to laugh off or to shrug off certain things.
I know that things call for balance and reflection - as Yeats said: “I balanced all, brought all to mind…”
Like everything in life, it’s all a process.

mannikin is a sex-slave, please try to ignore it/her/he.

Ah, but a sex slave to what exactly?

That’s a good question. Aren’t the questions not easily answered wonderul?
You might have to know him quite well or anyone for that matter in order to answer that question and maybe even then you couldn’t.
Just as dreaming about a pencil is not necessarily about dreaming about a penis, being a sex slave is not necessarily about sex. May have absolutely nothing to do with it.
It could go much much deeper than that.
Remember the brain, mind, psyche is really the last frontier…

Arc is just a hedonist of pleasantness.

Am I right or no?

When it comes to the dark ones, I always presume some kind of demonic activity. ← Don’t know why I do that.

You’ve got that right. Sometimes it’s only about power, domination, and cruelty. For some reason, sex has become a symbol for this (sometimes).