Human origins

This is not a “debate”. This is a croc of chit meeting a pile of bullshit.

We are from an alien world

Some of this stuff is very hard to swallow. Like that pyramid in Antarctica - evidence of previous civilization?

Friend of mine came over onetime. He gave me something that was hard to swallow too.

I’m sure there is a scientific explanation for this. Could be lots of angry penguins and inuits, mad about something, who decided to carve a mountain into a semi-pyramid shape.

There is actually a theory of involution floating around that says penguins are descendants of those people. I kid you not.

“…another one born every minute”.

"MEPHISTOPHELES: Was gibt es denn? // WAGNER [size=85]i[/i][/size]: Es wird ein Mensch gemacht.

WAGNER: So muß der Mensch mit seinen großen Gaben // Doch künftig höher’n, höher’n Ursprung haben.

HOMUNCULUS [size=85](in der Phiole zu Wagner)[/size]: Nun, Väterchen! wie steht’s? es war kein Scherz // Komm, drücke mich recht zärtlich an dein Herz.

WAGNER size=85[/size]: Am Ende hängen wir doch ab // Von Kreaturen, die wir machten.“ - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust (II), S. 114, 115 und 122.
"MEPHISTOPHELES: What is happening? // WAGNER size=85[/size]: A man is being made.

WAGNER : So man with his great skills shall have // To have a higher, higher origin in the future.

HOMUNCULUS [size=85](in the phial to Wagner)[/size]: Well, Daddy! how’s things? it was no joke // Come, press close to my heart tenderly.

WAGNER size=85[/size]: In the end, we do depend // On creatures that we made.“ - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust (II), p. 114, 115 and 122.

On The Origin Of The Human Race

The human race is a mammalian species where the division of survival functionality is most specialized between the sexes. Their extent of gender-specific specialization places humans above not only mammals, but among all vertebrates. Every other species with spines in the animal kingdom has less division of labour between genders than us. (I’m a human.) The mammalian species with the closest approximation to our conspicuous sexism are lions. Lionesses do the job of hunting down a kill. The males’ job is to chase away hyenas and other scavengers and to reign over the animal kingdom.
Everyone’s heard of praying mantises that eat their mates after they’ve finished propagating their DNA. And everyone has also heard of black widow spiders that do the same. Or of the merry divorcee octopi that take off with their mate’s entire manhood from the act of consummation on their wedding night. Other forms of sexism exist among these animals. But they’re invertebrates. They’re less like mammals and more like wind-up toys. They fly because they’ve got determination, not because natural laws are on their side. They go through weird metamorphoses in their development. These insects have eight eyes and six legs, and some voted for George W. Bush.
Humans are mammals, not insects, yet very much a two-species species within their own species. Men are stronger and taller; women are softer and kinder. Men hunt and find bars easily; women are naturally-born healers and naturally-born educators. Guys care about sports and getting laid; women get true enjoyment from children and are more demonstrative emotionally. Some other differences developed through cultural and societal indoctrination and they make the gap seem wider than it actually is, though the actual gap is already wide. Sometimes it’s the men whom societal pressures force to respect the differentness of women; other times it’s the other way around.
But the differences are there, unmistakably, and the contrasts are sharp and very much in-your-face. It has been speculated by some theorists that men and women did not evolve from the same race, but were amalgamated into one species from two distinct groups.
More recent archeological evidence has unearthed support for the two-species theory of the origin of homo sapiens.
Evidence suggests that a coursing band of the species that gave rise to apes and man, and a herd of beautiful white fawns collided on the African Savannah. The pre-apes eyed the fawns, their soft, white skin, their clearer-than-sky turquoise eyes, the graceful movements of the bodies and the regal stature of these noble and kind animals. So the apes went at the fawns and fucked them all. They fucked them mercilessly, vigorously, and with gusto. The mayhem went on with great enthusiasm by the apes, and with very little, almost none, by the fawns. It was not only the male apes that were ravishing the fawns; their females were fucking them, too, and even the ape children were doing it. They fucked the fawns to rags, and then they fucked them again and again, and then again.
Slowly but surely, the intermixing of DNA structures allowed the two species to meld, and you guessed it, my gentle reader: the two created the human species, in which the men eerily resemble hairy-chested bow-legged apes with immense strength and egos, whereas the females are reminiscent of the white fawns in their personality, in their lack of ability to turn in the right direction when stepping out of an apartment elevator, and in their soft physical beauty.

A very creative ending -1-

…I can vouch that the elevator (lift) exiting faux pas is only sometimes true.

I agree.

However, I used to have an extremely feminine girlfriend, a model really for this article, who, even in her own building, a 100 percent of the time turned to the wrong direction when stepping out of the elevator on her own floor.

But, like you said, it’s like everything else.

I’ve become old in the meantime, lost a lot of my youthful masculinity and levels of testosterone, and for lol, I find myself turning the wrong way when stepping out of the men’s washroom at a restaurant or mall.

Old age is a great equalizer… and an even bigger one is death.

This is similar to what I have been saying all along, that the Aryans were an alien species who impregnated the savage sapiens.

Aryan males do not care about sports or bars, they only care about teaching their children and raising their children right. The Aryans were angels, and thus hermaphroditic. Not hyperfeminine, such as obsessed with babyshowers, but not effete, like pacifists, either.

If you do not believe Aryans came from another planet, you are saying that the Aryan race purely came to be from the environmental conditions of Turkey. What is so special about the habitat of Turkey compared to anywhere else?

I don’t know whom you are addressing. Not me I hope – I haven’t said a word about Turkey or Aryans. I know Indo-European is a language group encompassing most local languages spoken historically and from before written history, in the areas between roughly India and Europe, inclusive. (Except Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian, Volapuk, and Basque. And Albanian.)

Albanian is an Indo-European language too.

Supposedly the Sumerian, Anunnaki (Giant God species), traveled to Earth from the twelvth celestial body in our galaxy beyond Pluto and on a 3600 year orbit named planet, Nibiru. However, astronomers have yet to capture a view of Nibiru since our technology is just reaching the point to make it visible, bad thing is that when it makes its orbit again, it may collide with Earth (again). With the Anunnaki’s advanced technology, they genetically engineered humanity to be a slave species in a hierarchical form of course mixing their dna with various cro-magnum/homo-erectus types of evolutionary devoid species.

I recently posted a thread about how I think humans shouldn’t be classified as apes, despite our supposed genetic similarities, because we’re too different anatomically and behaviorally.
Even classifying us as primates might be a bit of a stretch, we’re so different, thou primate is a very broad category, for instance both lemurs and chimps are a part of it, yet they’re very different animals.

If I’m right, and we are very, very different, then it could mean one of at least a couple of things, one, it took longer for us to evolve from other primates than mainline science theorizes, perhaps we branched off from them tens of millions of years ago, or two, perhaps we didn’t evolve from them at all, or at least in the typical, natural way, in which case, we may have a partly or fully extraterrestrial origin.

I’m familiar with Graham Hancock and Robert Schoch, as well as the work of LLoyd Pye on the star child skull, and that other guy what’s his face, on the cone heads.
The star child skull, if the claims about it are accurate, together with the cone heads, indicate that there were a variety of humanoids on this planet at some time, some more advanced than us, and some equally advanced but still very different.

These skulls indicate that either we’re part of an order of beings that, while being closer to primates than any other order on earth, are still very different, and should be classified separately, we should have our own order, and this order may be partly or fully extraterrestrial… althou it could be totally terrestrial, but what happened to the star child race, the cone head races and so on would be a mystery, did they travel to outer space, or subterranean space, or are they all extinct now, where did they go?

I think there is compelling evidence suggesting humans are part of an order or at least a family other than primates and apes, and that this order or family included not only neanderthals, erectus and so on, who LLoyd Pye believed were still out there, covered in hair and living in remote, densely wooded areas (think big foot, Sasquatch and so on), but also star children, cone heads and others, and that humans interacted with these races, and that these races and humans produced advanced civilizations in the past forgotten.
This order of mammals to which humans, cone heads, star children, and possibly greys and nordics belong to, might have a partly or fully extraterrestrial origin, or even an extradimensional one.

Science has painted us a picture of history, this picture is simple, linear, of less advanced beings gradually evolving into the most advanced and sentient we know of, ourselves, and that we just got here and that we just started producing civilizations, but another competing portrait is that things are far more complex and cyclical than that, that life from other planets and possibly even dimensions are interacting with one another, that life and civilization is cyclical, that we’re not the latest and greatest, others were here before us and were more advanced, and others still exist somewhere in the cosmos, perhaps they’re still among us but cloaked, some far more advanced than ourselves. Whether this theory remains near the outermost fringes of science, or whether it will someday attain broader acceptance by the scientific community and/or the general public, remains to be seen, in any case I find it all very fascinating.

I find it fascinating as well and think it may be highly possible.