Hey, theres some experience.

No fucking doubts hes a ninny. Look at his inclinations, and what he says about the male and female bodies.

Like CN, who was literally only on this board to lurk for male fantasy objects. The very day I showed a somewhat sexual picture of myself with a girl, he left and was never seen again. Which is why I showed that picture. The attention I got from CN was disgusting, like Auties fucking gayparade picture in his signature is so god damned obvious… but people in the closet really are in the dark.

Certainly the poor guy lacks all the subtlety and self-observing that could point to Jewish traces.

true, to an extent. Prolonged epic has some decent effects, though, if you keep pushing through where it dries up from the receptors of your brains frying themselves out too quickly and get to where they start outputting again. Through epic to where the simple and mundane become epic again for the sheer lack of epicness attached and still attached, but a return to ‘simple’ thinking and ‘simple’ things, which breeds joy throughout a variety of means. There is joy to be found in bloodshed, found in the twisted slaughter of the ‘innocents’, or in the torture of a victim; playing with prey in a hunters game or on the receiving end in the sheer experience of the emotions felt. To think of joy as just what we ascribe the word to is akin to thinking that love is merely the strong passion we see in romance and action adventure movies. What is it when it’s cold or distant or seemingly not there at all when you’re at each others throats and want nothing to do with each other at the time but can’t seem to walk away; or, even if you do walk away from each other? Still love, base and platonic and again and again possible of flaring back up.

There is joy to be found in the experience of even the things we don’t like, for it being fresh or for making us feel a certain way, uniqueness to learning lessons to simple being involved in things around us.

And then the monotony of a life time, lived and eked out second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year, decade by decade, to the end of our days as it stretches from both quick to slow and slow to quick where time can stretch out to an eternity in bad form such as waiting for the bell to ring to get out of class at school when you’d rather be free doing anything other than being where you are, to where eternity stretches out in a moment or two of good feelings and enjoyment, treasured and appreciated all the more for it, though appreciation can be found and metered even without having experienced the other. Joy, for some is in the knowing and analyzing and thinking of these things while joy for others is in other things and all enjoy learning to the point of mixed metaphors, etc., etc., etc.

It is impossible to define joy in simple terms other than accepting the base societal interpretation of the vibrant joy and working out the rest from there upon occasion.