Haitians Going Whiteface

Note that I did say teach them not turn them loose. It is apparent they do lack knowledge and perhaps drive which without drive you might be better teaching a wall. Teaching them to fish either way takes time. There is other farming, earthworms and mealworms both easy to raise , as well as rodents , high in protein. Yea I agree about the plants.
The building materials can most likely be recycled and used even if the majority is crap. Fish farms are doable I have family in the Philippines that made a small one for Tilipia.
I would rather see these people taught then just made dependent which it seems the do gooders seem to want to do.

The comments in the second image reflect my thought of… perhaps Sandals Resorts are looking to acquire some Haitian land to build one of their resort complexes on… you seen the size of them buggers? Hugh!!! :astonished:

Perhaps all their options have been taken away from them, and all they have access to is the dirt… someone wants them gone. Like Kris said… basic rafts and fishing in accessible waters shouldn’t be difficult to do at all… I’ve seen youngsters doing it in St Lucia.

It’s been proving an interesting experience so far… especially when your own are the enemy.