Guide takeover

You are yelling at yourself Guide.

My theory about being silenced by MagsJ on a particular topic that I can prove through non-contradiction was to protect the boards from a lawsuit, not becaus she didn’t understand it.

We live in a world like that.

I don’t think so. Projecting a personal “stalking” on a title of a film by the grand Russian filmmaker Tarkovsky, based on Heidegger’s work, is “mental illness” (although, true, the notion of mental illness one would prefer to set aside as a tool of totalitarian opinion control = ergo, this and this are the permitted opinions, normal, fitting the “norm”, however, I don’t exclude the insane, they may still speak, but only (I) say, OK, let us notice that they are insane (just as if Hitler is murdering countless many, don’t let him control the nation) and honor them, not shame them and suppress them with drugs “medication” chemical lobotomy). And so should be seen to be a faulty mauling of the human fabric.

My experience of anger at others is 100% an experience of projection. On some level, you are still doing what you accuse MagsJ of, and until you find it, you’ll keep swirling in that anger / rage sphere of being. I didn’t used to think this, in fact I opposed it vehemently, but as I’ve aged, I’ve learned that it really is about you, and not the other.

The “on some level” is bankrupt; offers no guidance for action. It pays witness to, the reality that one can, often does, understand everything in one gulp: all is projection. Sloterdijk (“Bubbles”), for instance, of late, has taken up this theme. Which, surely, in some way, by definition, and, by intuition (immediate experience) is TRUE. One must, therefore, have recourse to the old wisdom: nothing too much. Other frames of intelligibility must overlap.

It’s not my job to actually psychoanayze you specifically, that’s not in the purview of the charter of any message board on the internet. I do psychoanalyze the species, and people take that as they will.

I can tell you that once I figured out all the minutiae of how I was the thing I hated … my anger all but vanished. How I was doing it was a process that required very deep proofs, that my subconscious was sublimating.

Not all is projection, as some retort is simply not acceptable in a public arena from whom one does not know, but keep going Guide… because (I) say so.

Where is this all leading to? Such a winding path you expect, no want, the other to follow, and adamantly so… did someone wake you from your ivory-towered slumber? Oh to be understood than misunderstood… Guide, part of the great misunderstood, but not the great unwashed. Stop blaming society for your misery.

Were you home-schooled in your early formative years? I suspect you were…

You should get out more.