Gone Muse

Not sure if the village is eroding but certainly what we have previously thought as the village has been eroded.

What we used to think was the village, is no longer a v
illage. Erosion changes it, and it becomes something else. The only faux villages still intact, are the ones of academic reconstruction, near campuses, where, there are young people still interacting on basis other then keeping up with the Joneses’ and let’s drive down to Wendy’s, a block away during the commercial

I believe I live in a village (probably because I don’t watch television and have more time on my hands).

Try to Remember—I must actively try to remember those times in my life when I was most happy and be grateful that my son has overcome enough of my sins to be able to create poetry, music and art. Maybe, some day, I can get back to these things. Depression currently rules; it is inherited; but, the hope of being able to again be creative persists.

My parents have both passed on
Despite many flaws
I rejoice and delight
Having had
Peace comes

That does not despose of karmic effects

There is no silver bullet (some time we need to settle for a partial solution).

How are Karmic effects disposed even by partial solutions?

I am not going to respond to that question.

An open ended answer needs to be closed by the questioner, because it becomes sort of like a hidden motive by the answer for focused definition. Why?

If you were to have said otherwise as you had, and there would be myraid ways, that may have been that, subject closed.

But to shut the conversation down as you had, gives rise to many questions, and I think you are far intelligent not to see them

Suffice with, i may guess why, my intuition, leads me toward the thought, that it is not that you can not answer it, or even that you find something repellent in it, but that your mind has put boundaries around it, so as to enable you to sustain a possible life-view, that perhaps would become indefensible, were you to answer it.

Nevertheless I feel, given the open format of deep thoughts within a creative writing forum, a sudden closure presents obligatory inquiery for further clarification.

Maybe you need to look a little harder at the content of my answer (to your question).

Yes, but sea, it’s like thinking, that, if You are swimming deep in uncared waters, rising up, above, even getting into an inflatable, or boat, the only thing is: the waves, and the calmness are temporary, and changeable.

Otherwise, I think I get it. You are probably a much better oarsman then I, for reasons indicated above,
vis. , in reference to Irrellu’ ‘luck’.

See, I like to tie things together, and navigating in challenging waters, demand it. The absolute sense in
which a koan can effectively dispose of such, is at times
as challenging, at times when, many others are in the boat. That makes a very big difference. It is no longer fear, it becomes the focus on the light at the
very end of a very dark and long tunnel.

The master, can stay completely unnerved with this scenario, and can even calm the sees.

Reading into it, sometimes it’s ok, sometimes not. Depends. Who can say?

Navigation implies purpose and direction rather than enduring and surviving.

I don’t see the “rather than”. Navigation appears to imply both purpose and direction as well as endurance and survival.

It could imply whatever you want it to imply but I would say that the motivation and the journey are two very different things (even though they are connected).

Please list the ways in which motivation and the journey are two different things.

To a person who lacks purpose and direction (motivation); the two appear to be the same.

So they are connected by appearance? Not only connected, bit are identical.

They are different, yet they are the same. In fact they are not merely connected, but are identical by appearance. That is what you are implying, and you did allow to imply anything at all.

To repeat. Motivation is different from the journey, but insofar as their appearance is concerned, they are at least similar to identical. So persons who cannot see the difference between them, they are identical, but somehow other then by seeing the difference, there is a connection between them, but they simply cannot understand it. Right?

But, help those who cannot see the difference: How are they to understand, in which way they are different? To rephrase: whether the direction of their journey is not the same as their existential dilemma, without which, they could not sustain their direction? Their motivation, their muse?

Wouldn’t they need to consider the wearpther as well, whether their direction can at all be kept, in spite of it? What is use of a direction, if the journey is doomed from the start? Will koans work, without seeing that, and not only understanding it? For the sake of passengers?