Francis A. Schaeffer's - Escape From Reason

In CA you can’t what?

In California, there are legal reprecussions for speaking against homosexuality, or rather an attempt is being made to do so.

Of course there are going to be attempts. Bills like that are in the same vein as Flag Burning Bills and other related things that will never get passed (and even if they do, they will get struck down in very short order), but they force people to vote on them and show their true colours.

That way if someone votes against the anti-gay bashing bill, in the next election people can point and say: He voted for hatespeech! Plays very well.

Frankly, the Dems need to do that sort of thing more – the Repubs have just about perfected it and it costs the Dems a lot because they haven’t been doing enough of it and they haven’t been doing it well enough.

What attempts? Perhaps attempts are being made, but we will never loose our right to free speach. It cannot be illegal to speak out against anything. [homosexuality, the president, the church, etc.]

Interesting! Modern politics is wild!

I read the article you embedded and for the life of me can’t see how it advanced the Christian ideal.

I am a firm believer in Hegel’s 3 part process for logical development. Though, I think he stole it from ancient Egyptian philosophy, but that’s another topic. He argues for an idealistic concept separate from the bounds of scientific materialist tenets. Boy, writing that sentence, I felt like I was back in the days of my old Communist party membership and teaching the prolos’ about how this applied to dialectical-materialism.

Anyway, Hegelian logic has place being compared to Christian spiritualism…
nuff said on this topic…

Neither can I. It seems to discredit Schaefer, but didn’t strengthen Christianity.

I think it makes sense.