
Even if there was another chance at life there would still be regret because mistakes would still be made
They would not be the same mistakes that had already been made just different ones but still mistakes
No matter how many lives a human being lived they would never get it perfect so best just to have one
I am not sure I would want to live my life again even if it were possible and I think I would prefer death

Fixed, everybody believes something. Even what appears to be a rejection of all beliefs is a kind of belief. A person is not free if he rejects Christianity, because he still maintains the concept of faith which you have demonstrated in your response above by transferring your faith to something or someone else. Read the comments on Know Thyself Forum regarding Christianity and their proud assertions of being Pagan, which only demonstrates a transference of faith, no different really to the Christian fervently proclaiming his beliefs. There is nowhere someone can stand where he or she has no beliefs, otherwise we would all be robots. The dilemma here is what and why we choose to embrace and believe, whether it be paganism, christianity, astrology, etc or none of these.

Ideals are a projection of what we are.
I was inviting you into a loftier world of being, knowing that you would spit on te gift.

My incurable ideals for humans show you what I am.

I do not believe anything because belief is a faith position which requires no evidence. There are things I think are true but thinking and believing are not the
same. I have no time for belief. I do not define knowledge as justified true belief either because knowledge and belief have got nothing to do with each other

Fixed wrote:

Whoa…give me some time to read and digest I am new on this subject Orlog, as for spitting on it that is not the case. What occurred to me was the curious similarity in some parts between Judaism and Orlog. Can I ask a question of you no need to answer if you consider it too personal. Have you abandoned Judaism entirely in favour of Orlog and if so what are your reasons you chose to do so?

surreptitious75 wrote:

SM wrote:

Fovever is a feeling.

Life is a void without feelings which feelings fill which probably leads to that forever.

Yes, and I also feel that forever comes from that feeling, before it leads back to it. I’ve heard it’s always present and that we can gain access to it now.

“Love” and “forever” are two of the most abused and meaningless words in the English language.

Since forever has no boundries, words with definitions don’t apply unless forever is looked at like an “outsider”. Outside the moment. This is where the past and future step in. I forever philosophy?