Feminism is Horse-shit

Well, it’s not influenced by my personal circumstances, it IS my personal circumstances, so yeah.

I’m thinking more about other people’s lack of exposure. My perception of people who aren’t academics is that they consider “Women should be able to vote” as just normal, not feminism, and they reserve the term ‘feminism’ for stranger ideas that most wouldn’t agree with. Could be wrong!

No, you aren’t wrong except to view it as a linear progression. That lack of concern with trivial expressions of male sexual interest has come, gone, come again, gone again, and now we exist with both going on at once. If I had to make a prediction of a sustained future trend, it would be a push for third wave feminism to become irrelevant under a fresh wave of pseudoscience asserting that the differences between men and women don’t exist in the first place.

i was thinking the notion that there’s no difference was an idea that is also fading - but i guess there’s the whole “gender is solely a construction with no basis in biology” which is kind of close to that and is currently in fashion, so who knows . . .

It WAS fading, it’s a notion from the second wave. But trannies and queer theory and all that are bringing it back. So for example you have “The Vagina Monologues” being called bigoted/sexist because it implies that women have vaginas, and Non-mono-Sexual replacing “Bisexual” because bisexual implies that there are two genders, which is seen as some flavor of bigotry as well.

You use them to please yourself. Like a fleshlight with a pulse, and that’s gonna have some dissonance when you’re done with it.

The issue is that feminism itself has become radical, to further add the adjective “radical” would be redundant.

Of course not. I think there are some valid objections to traditional gender roles, what I’m opposed to is people claiming tradition is wrong merely because its tradition.

The Nihilistic voyage from phenomenon to noumenon, from objective reality to noetic abstraction and solipsistic subjectivity…
In the east the path was different, but the cocnept remarkably similar. The modern Buddhist spirituality mirroring Judeo-Christian passivity, and self-denying asceticism…

In the west this route was taken…

Egyptian relating to Time
Zoroastrianism and its monotheistic duality of God/Satan…

Judaism picks up the string, where the meek, the slavish, want to find a reason to suffer, a power to feel proud of.
Herd psychology is born, as Nietzsche described it.
it was always around only now it was formalized into a dogma, a code of thinking.
It begins with the word, not the act, not the phenomenon but the noumenon.
This is the Nihilistic inversion.
Words detached from reality, so that they can be placed within any context, because reality no longer restricts their utility. So you have the Value Ontologist crap where value precedes judgment - the word value losing its meaning and becoming mystical, magnetic, another word for relating.
For the Jews the word was Will
A will preceding life, consciousness.
With Christians it was Love, or consciousness, preceding life.

Plato’s psyche:
The charioteer…

Man (reason) >>> reigns (will) >>> two horses (black - white = negative positive impulses, passions)
The Judeo Christian psyche
An inversion
Will >>>> Man >>>> Passion

A Will preceding man is reigning him, as he rides his passions.
He is the middle-man, holding onto his Passions, as a power, an authority before, him is binding him and directing him.
Gods’ will, Gods reigns, attaching to man’s reason…
The priestly miserly psychology.

God, will, Value, Love, whatever…place any word there.
Something emotional.

Judaism and its original 12 tribes spread the comforting ideal, this overturning of hierarchies among the slave classes within all tribes. they had to restrict entry, and so the “choseness” because a way of exclusion, which began anti-antisemitism.
The weak, stupid, ignorant, sick, slaves of other tribes were denied salvation. their suffering had no divine sanctioning…it was meaningless.

Enter Jesus.
The bridge.
A half-Roman, Half-Semite.
A rebel against Jewish Pharisee, dogma.
Who kills him?
The Jews…
Pontius Pilate doesn’t give a shit who dies, but he can’;tr understand why this man preaching love must die according to the Jew priestly class.
He wants control so he must appease the dominant Jew priests.

Saul picks up the string from there, and transforms the Jewish choseness into a universal salvation, by merging it with selected parts of Hellenism, particularly Plato and his idealism and Socrates with his one God.
Socrates returns from war with tales of Zalmoxis, a Thracian and his monotheism…probably through Zoroastrianism - Thrace being right at the border between Europe and Asia.
Christianity spreads like wildfire among the slaves, the sick, the ignorant…
Roman decay has begun.

Later this Jewish dogma mutates into Marxism, via another Jew Marx, and Spinoza, yet another Jew, who has secularized the same dogma…modernized it, turning it more viral.
from there we have Trashumanism, Feminism, Liberalism, and the right/left bullshit dichotomy, and secular humanism.
Because nihilism is detached from reality it can morph into any form it can fantasize about.
There is no objective world to limit it.
All is subjective…according to those infected by this self-flattering solipsistic, self-pleasuring delusion.
No hierarchies…no superior/inferior…a uniformity of lies.
The social contract, the golden Rule being:
Do not burst my delusional bubble and I will not burst yours. Let us both live in our own reality.

This is its “freedom”.

In some sense this is true: feminism rose as the horse was replaced by the combustion engine. Patriarchy had been fueled for ten-thousand years by man’s inferiority complex at the smallness of his penis compared to that of the horse. Once the horse began too disappear from rural and urban space, man’s anxiety began to relax, and women could begin to assert ourselves.

But that’s not the reason. The Equal Rights Amendment insures that if the draft comes back, women will also be drafted - equal rights means equal rights - kind of like burning a candle at both ends, so to speak.
Don’t worry guys - us women will fall and die alongside of you. :laughing:

Satoshi Kanazawa wrote:

Satoshi Kanazawa wrote:

Satoshi Kanazawa wrote:

Satoshi Kanazawa wrote:

The male sexual advantage that makes force an option is, of course, illegal.
Only the State, monopolizes masculine traits, and “males” become surrogate females, adopting feminine seduction strategies: grovelling, fawning, physical displays accentuated using techniques, impressing the alpha to rise in social status, using gifts to buy female affections, becoming doormats (the nice guy tactic) and so on.

Satoshi Kanazawa wrote:

Female sexual power lies in female sexual choice - the control of her ovum.
Paternalism had to wrest this control away from females so as to create stable civilizations.
That this power is being returned to females means that the feminine traits are the preferred traits for internal harmony/control, and that males, becoming obsolete due to technologies, will either become more like females or they will be eradicated through female sexual filtering.
Along with them will go masculine creativity, innovation, artistry…and so on.
We already see the preliminary decline in artistic quality and creativity in our popular western culture.

Satoshi Kanazawa wrote:

The concept of “loser” most often applies to males. It denotes a male who cannot find a female - cannot attract or seduce her - either because of his inferior genes or because he lacks the mind to compensate for them.
We rarely hear of a female loser, because a female is the one who must be seduced.
A female loser is a female who cannot attract suitors.
The term mostly applies to males because a male lacking in the physical attractiveness to seduce a female is expected to compensate through work, career, social status, money.
If he fails in both then he is a “loser”, as a modern fitness indicator. The females stay away, excluding his genes from the gene pool.

Erik wrote:

In the end women make errand boys of all men.

Thinking of investing in a blow up doll; cheaper and less plasticky than a living one…And when you are done with it, it doesn’t talk…

Recently approved post

The Three Kinds of Feminists: Part 1 - The Young Liberal Arts Major
The Three Kinds of Feminists: Part 2 - The Professional Victim
The Three Kinds of Feminists: Part 3 - The Misandric Landwhale

Wow. Seriously, WOW. That guy, a relative boy to me, deserves serious respect for his presentation, honestly, and rational thinking (and I haven’t said that about anyone before now).

In general, I defend women in what they do, not because they are right, but because I know how easy it would be for men to do better and prevent women from wanting to do what they do. But men don’t do it. So to me, the issue is really about what MEN are doing wrong, NOT WOMEN. Give me any feminist in the right environment, and I will return to you a very loving supporter to whatever a (real) man is trying to achieve (even Hillary would be a very willing submissive - actually already is).

But having said that, because men have so blindly caused such a serious mess, the feminist movement really is almost 100% exactly what those youtube videos reflect.

My message would be;
Men, get your damn shit together and you won’t have these problems with feminism. Men have caused it, largely by intentional design. Men (Godwannabes) are screwing men via women. That has been going on for literally thousands of years and has caused the religions to create the morals that they have concerning male vs female. So I can’t blame the religions either. It is the male of the species that has ended homosapian.

I’m afraid the bottom line is that men have been, and still are, just too damn stupid to prevent feminism and all it brings. They don’t have to be so naive and foolish. But currently they really are. Face the reality and either grow up to be a “real man”, or face the consequences of being totally destroyed by the passions of the feminine and the serpent.

Follow the money…

A conspiracy does not invent the process, it takes advantage of it, helping it fulfill its goal.
Less intervention needed.

For example…when man conspires to sue a river’s power he does not invent the river, or gravity nor does he place the mountain beneath it. He takes what is already present, and manipulates it, guiding it, blocking it here, and allowing it to flow there.

It is so easy to make a woman happy… so easy :wink:
Happy women don’t start movements, you know…

Happy men also, do not start movements.

Women don’t start anything, period, dear.
Women follow, they never rebel, never innovate, never contradict authority or the popular narrative.
Even the feminist movement was a male invention.

Why would a male want to make a woman happy at the cost of his own well-being?

Do you chicks understand what is occurring?

Marriage, which you broads call Paternalism, was invented to integrate males into the system and make them investors…now family is breaking down releasing the majority of males as free-radicals…dangerous to cohesion, stability, harmony.
To deal with these free-radical testosterone the more sophisticated methods of emasculation, entertainment until numb, drugs, and so on are being utilized. The MRA is a symptom of this dealing with males un-invested and indifferent to the system.

Go cook something will ya?

Not at the cost of his own well-being, toward his well-being.


… get it?
Guess you don’t.

If you want to live without being challenged, without learning, safe in whatever self-image you think you need to get by, then this kind of thinking makes sense.
In a way you should get kudos for saying openly the strange sad truth underlying your kind of position.
You do not want to associate with life.