Favourite Quotes

“I’m not lazy, i’m just… Lisa… finish my… sentence for me…”

Bart Simpson

And what is an authentic madman? It is a man who preferred to become mad, in the socially accepted sense of the word, rather than forfeit a certain superior idea of human honor. So society has strangled in its asylums all those it wanted to get rid of or protect itself from, because they refused to become its accomplices in certain great nastinesses. For a madman is also a man whom society did not want to hear and whom it wanted to prevent from uttering certain intolerable truths.
Antonin Artaud

I have so many it would be pathetic to post them here… but just a few more hehe…

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.
Samuel Beckett

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
Blaise Pascal

Sometimes it is easier to see clearly into the liar than into the man who tells the truth. Truth, like light, blinds. Falsehood, on the contrary, is a beautiful twilight that enhances every object.
A. Camus

Adam and Eve were thrown away from Eden because they started to philosophize… “Why should we listen to God’s word?”

“A Thousand Mile Journey starts with one step…”

“When the Students are ready, The Teacher will appear…”

“We all hear a different beat, but Together we make the Music…”

“Last Night I prayed to the Moon, and I was done, It was Full…”

“Just live it, Just Love it…”

“For we are all different, This is what makes us the same”

“Work is Love made visible…”

“Work to live, don’t live to work…”

“I am”

“The harder you look, the less you see”

“Without Grace, there is nothing”

“It is better to travel Hopefully, Than it is to arrive”- Albert E.

“In the midst of confusion there will be one person who you need to find and they alone can make everything clear, make certain you choose the right person otherwise you may tangle yourself up in an untangleable web.” ~Magius (From my personal philosophy book)

I wanted to mention that I thought Clementines most recent quotes were excellent. I especially liked the one by Blaise Pascal.

Having reread The Apology By: Plato recently, I thought I would add a few quotes that I found interesting.

“The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways - I to die, and you to live. Which is better God only knows.”

“…you will not believe that I am serious; and if I say again that daily to discourse about virtue, and of those other things about which you hear me examining myself and others, is the greatest good of man, and that the unexamined life is not worth living, you are still less likely to believe me.”

“And do not be offended at my telling you the truth: for the truth is, that no man who goes to war with you or any other multitude, honestly striving against the many lawless and unrighteous deeds which are done in a state, will save his life…”

“For the fear of death is indeed the pretence of wisdom, and not real wisdom, being a pretence of knowing the unknown; and no one knows whether death, which men in their fear apprehend to be the greatest evil, may not be the greatest good. Is not this ignorance of a disgraceful sort, the ignorance which is the conceit that man knows what he does not know?”

“this is what will be my destruction if I am destroyed…the envy and detraction of the world, which has been the death of many good men, and will probably be the death of many more; there is no danger of my being the last of them.”

What’s your take?

“Look… look deep into nature.”

-Albert Einstein

In such few instances have so few words held so much wisdom to those who are willing to look.

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

I’m not sure who said it but I am intrigued by it.

this isnt exact

If you are going to criticize a man you should first walk a mile in his shoes to know how he is and thinks, and if by then you still wish to criticize him, your a mile away and you have his shoes.

Man, I am not only loving philosophy, I am loving this site. After finding this site two days ago, I have spent countless hours on this site, and have learned stuff people learn in a lifetime. So, thank you to the moderators, and webmasters of this site, and to all the contributors, who are all very friendly, and open-minded. I think I’ve finally found my niche!

Anyways getting back to the topic, out of the many quotes that I like, one of my most favorite quotes would have to be from my most favorite movie of all time “The Matrix”, where Agent Smith (essentially a robot), is talking to Morphesus (a rebel fighting against the machines) about his revelation on humans, and it goes as follows:

A long quote I know, but it really makes you think, and I like that.

Some other quotes I really like

Simply beautiful.

It’s true, it’s very true.

One of the most memorable philosophical quotes (though I admit I don’t know many). When I heard it, it just sent a chill through my spine; the simple truth, yet so profound. This quote baffles me, but still I can’t shake it out of my head. I interpret it as humans innate desire for evil.

I just love Robert Frost poems, and this is perhaps my favorite quote out of all his poems. Our life is all about the choices we make.

And finally I was reading through the other quotes, and I found a personal quote of Magius, which I thought was just genius. No surpise to be honest, seeing how Magius is the “Big Daddy” of ilovephilosophy.com, with his innumberable posts, and truly profound insight.

Awww, thanx roy.
I don’t know about being the “Big Daddy” of ilovephilosophy, but I like to think that we are all an important part of ilp. I think those who post little, but post with enthusiasm have made some of the biggest differences in this little niche we call ilp.

Thanks again

To all:
I thought I would just edit this post and add this paragraph, instead of just adding another post back to back with another one I wrote. So here is another quote that I fell in love with…[Descartes: Discourse on Method, Part One, end of verse 5] “…that the reading of all books is like a conversation with the most honorable people of past ages, who were their authors, indeed, even like a set conversation in which they reveal to us only the best of their thoughts; that oratory has incomparable power and beauty;”

What’s your take?

“All art is imitation of nature.”

“For man is organic to the world; all his acts and imaginations are conditioned by space and time; and in abstraction from nature he would cease to be human.”
~John Hick (Philosopher/Theologian)

A real thought provoker…
“By means of matter and living flesh God both builds a path and weaves a veil between himself and the creature made in His image.”
~John Hick

What’s your take?

I saw this one recently, and it gave me a good chuckle.

“There are only 10 types of people, those who understand binary and those who don’t.”

Don’t know who said this originally.

that is halarious

My computer science teacher in high school put that on the board the first day of class. You could tell which of us were truly nerds by our laughter. :laughing:

ridiculously, i never understood nietzsche’s most famous quotes.
‘if you gaze into the Abyss, the Abyss gazes into you.’
okay i gaze into hte abyss, yeah. then the abyss gazes into me… so??? uh huh?

‘one must have chaos in one to give birth to a dancing star’ (or something like that)
total no understanding of this.
i understand that he was in favuor of creation and dancing ala dionysus. but chaos? stars?
help please.

im not lazy… i did read TSZ over and over again and loved it. it just baffles me that these are the sentences i understand least, yet they are the most quoted lines. (or perhaps the apparent profoundity of the statements is why they’re quoted )


" I’ll brew them a devil’s potion."—HITLER

" He who does not posses power loses the right to life."—HITLER

“When there is allways biscuits in the tin, where is the fun in biscuits?”

  • Gary from ‘Men Behaving Badly’ (UK sitcom)

“don’t think 'cos I understand, I care, don’t think 'cos I’m talking, we’re friends”

  • SneakerPimps - 6 Underground

“The most valuable thing you can ever give is your time”

  • Me (Although I’m sure others have said it before me)

" "

  • Me again.

A frightening world
Is an interesting world to be in
In the forbidden city
Or on the roof of the world
Or at the receiving end
Of the nine o’clock news
However you put your mind to it
You can find fear where you choose

-Magazine, Because You’re Frightened

No feelings for anybody else
Except for myself… my beautiful self

-The Pistols, No Feelings

Certainly the principle of the Sophistic doctrine must lead to the possibility that the blindest and most dependent slave of his desires might yet be an excellent sophist, and, with keen understanding, trim and expound everything in favor of his coarse heart.

-Max Stirner, The Ego And It’s Own