Fair to say that atheists might be the biggest believers?

You just transferred the lack of standards to ‘assumptions’ … you’re saying that there are no good and bad assumptions, no better assumptions and no way to analyze assumptions. :confusion-shrug:

Yeah, they’re miserable bastards and I will go out on a limb and say that there is something wrong with them, their attitude and their (potential) behavior. I know … now you will call me Mr. Objectivist.

What does that have to do with whether the miserable bastards are right or wrong?

Do you know what A=A means?

It means that the words don’t suddenly change meaning from one sentence to another, from one post to another.

Cause if they do, there is no possibility of a discussion.

Enough said.

I didn’t write that. :imp:

My mother… her conversations were very transient… she sometimes settled on a point, but more often did not. I tend to do this often too… be transient in my conversations, but not on a debating forum… due to the point you raised on there being little room for discussion.

Then we are back again to square one. Or, rather, to my square one.

This one: The gap between that which you have come existentially to believe is true in your head [here and now] regarding God and religion, and the ability to actually demonstrate why essentially all reasonable/rational men and women ought to believe the same.

Let alone how you would then connect that frame of mind to the frame of mind that revolves around particular moral and political issues you opine about in the government and society forum.

And those are always the dots that I aim to connect.

Which is why, over and over and over again, I copy/paste this:

1] I was raised in the belly of the working class beast. My family/community were very conservative. Abortion was a sin.
2] I was drafted into the Army and while on my “tour of duty” in Vietnam I happened upon politically radical folks who reconfigured my thinking about abortion. And God and lots of other things.
3] after I left the Army, I enrolled in college and became further involved in left wing politics. It was all the rage back then. I became a feminist. I married a feminist. I wholeheartedly embraced a woman’s right to choose.
4] then came the calamity with Mary and John. I loved them both but their engagement was foundering on the rocks that was Mary’s choice to abort their unborn baby.
5] back and forth we all went. I supported Mary but I could understand the points that John was making. I could understand the arguments being made on both sides. John was right from his side and Mary was right from hers.
6] I read William Barrett’s Irrational Man and came upon his conjectures regarding “rival goods”.
7] Then, over time, I abandoned an objectivist frame of mind that revolved around Marxism/feminism. Instead, I became more and more embedded in existentialism. And then as more years passed I became an advocate for moral nihilism.

That way, with respect to the existential relationship between my own value judgments and God and religion, I can articulate the actual sequence of events that, “out in my own particular world”, came to intertwine them.

All I am after here [from the objectivists] is something [anything] along this line with respect to the organic – “out in the world” – trajectory that their values [here and now] have evolved from.

And then, concomitantly, the manner in which, from their own perspective, this is farther removed from dasein, conflicting goods and political economy.

As this relates to God and religion.

But, sure, if all you yourself can think of is that you “don’t know”, and that it’s “not your decision” and that it’s “beyond your control”, then we’re probably stymied in moving forward.

And yet you still insist that…

Right, others like Satyr/Lyssa and Turd and Jacob and James and Uccisore etc., have too.

Sorry, I forgot. :wink:

Well, at least no one is actually required to read/respond to me here.

And, again, what sort of “victory” have I achieved being utterly entangled in this:

If I am always of the opinion that 1] my own values are rooted in dasein and 2] that there are no objective values “I” can reach, then every time I make one particular moral/political leap, I am admitting that I might have gone in the other direction…or that I might just as well have gone in the other direction. Then “I” begins to fracture and fragment to the point there is nothing able to actually keep it all together. At least not with respect to choosing sides morally and politically.

How do I even begin to explain how fractured and fragmented “I” becomes when immersed in this grim quandary.
And, in not being able to believe in God or in a religious agenda, I’m edging closer and closer to oblivion all the time. Some victory, my friend.

Cite an example of where, of when I have done this. I’m not sure what it is that you are actually accusing me of here.

But my very point is to speculate that, in order to concoct stability and consistency “in their heads”, the religious objectivists invent God.

But, in my view, this is far less a theological or philosophical frame of mind than it is a psychological defense mechanism. Embodied and manifested in one or another rendition of this:

[b][i]1] For one reason or another [rooted largely in dasein], you are taught or come into contact with [through your upbringing, a friend, a book, an experience etc.] a worldview, a philosophy of life.

2] Over time, you become convinced that this perspective expresses and encompasses the most rational and objective truth. This truth then becomes increasingly more vital, more essential to you as a foundation, a justification, a celebration of all that is moral as opposed to immoral, rational as opposed to irrational.

3] Eventually, for some, they begin to bump into others who feel the same way; they may even begin to actively seek out folks similarly inclined to view the world in a particular way.

4] Some begin to share this philosophy with family, friends, colleagues, associates, Internet denizens; increasingly it becomes more and more a part of their life. It becomes, in other words, more intertwined in their personal relationships with others…it begins to bind them emotionally and psychologically.

5] As yet more time passes, they start to feel increasingly compelled not only to share their Truth with others but, in turn, to vigorously defend it against any and all detractors as well.

6] For some, it can reach the point where they are no longer able to realistically construe an argument that disputes their own as merely a difference of opinion; they see it instead as, for all intents and purposes, an attack on their intellectual integrity…on their very Self.

7] Finally, a stage is reached [again for some] where the original philosophical quest for truth, for wisdom has become so profoundly integrated into their self-identity [professionally, socially, psychologically, emotionally] defending it has less and less to do with philosophy at all. And certainly less and less to do with “logic”.[/i][/b]

Objectivists [sacred or secular] are then afforded the opportunity [by me] to describe for us how their own values are not an example of this at all.

For example, they can choose to actually demonstrate in some capacity why all rational/virtuous men and women are obligated to eschew “one of them” in order to become “one of us”.

You did it just now.

We were discussing “oblivion” on the the other side of the grave - a subject which clearly seems to fall into the category of identity and value judgements and is therefore subjective, in my head, and separate from the stuff you consider as objective facts.

Here you are saying it’s not just subjective, only in your head. You’re saying that as death gets closer, the intellectual contraptions drop away.
I point this out:

You simply change the categories:

IOW, if you have an experience (such as the approach of death) which makes you think that an intellectual contraption is not really a contraption - that it’s actually “embedded in existence” … you take it out of the category of identity and judgement. Thus you can continue to say that identity and value judgments are always “in someone’s head” and that you have never had a demonstration of the objective nature of (some) of these thoughts. In fact, you have demonstrated it to yourself. :smiley:

Not the lack of standards but the assumption that the standards deemed to reflect the optimal [or the only] ratonal frame of mine, reside on one side or the other.

Again, choose a particular moral conflagration and note the optimal [or the only] rational manner in which the assumptions can be analyzed.

I will call you Mr. Objectivist only to the extent that you insist that, if others don’t share your own frame of mind about them, then they are necessarily wrong.

As though it is absolutely impossible that things could ever get miserable enough for you to think like that. I call this my “Vietnam Syndrome”. As in there were many, many things that I was absolutely certain I could never think before I was sent over there.

For example, I was abolutely certain of my faith in the Protestant God. And in my very conservative political values.

Indeed, that is precisely what [in my opinion] motivates the objectivists: the need [emotionally and psychologically] to ground “I” in one or another objectivist font.

How miserable does God have to be in order to bring about the next extinction event.

On the other hand, if you believe in God, here’s an example of what He is capable of: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=192215

As for the miserable bastards above [the mere mortals], if they were to act out their misery by seeking to harm others, with God there is no not getting caught and no not getting punished.

On the other hand, if God is omniscient, how can any mere mortal not act out God’s will since nothing that any of them do is beyond the cognizance of God.

Or “in your head” does that all play out differently?

I will admit that, given the manner in which you construe this, I may well be guilty as charged. I’m just trying to grasp the manner in which you do construe this so as to either object or to concur more substantively.

When we are speculating about our fate on the other side of the grave, that would seem to entail speculating in turn about the behaviors that we choose on this side of the grave: If you are a believer in God.

I’m merely trying to pin you down here. And you responded above that ‘I don’t know how many times I’m supposed to say “I don’t know”, “It’s not my decision”, “It’s not under my control”.’

Thus [for all practical purposes] all I can do is to probe the extent to which what you believe about all of this as true “in your head” “here and now”, you are able to compel others to believe in in turn. Why? Because you are able to demonstrate why and how all reasonable men and women are obligated to think/believe the same.

I’m just speculating that the closer mere mortals do get to the grave [they grow old, they are afflicted with some terrible disease, they have a close-call accident etc] they are going to think about death more…intimately?

But what doesn’t change is that however they think about death/oblivion in a particular context, from a particular point of view, believing or not believing in God [immortality and salvation] “in their head” encompasses components they either can demonstrate to be true for all of us or they can’t.

Even “existential contraptions” contain elements that can in fact be demonstrated to others as true for all of us. I have never denied that. My point instead always revolves around the extent to which the “either/or” world here is implicated in the “is/ought” world. A particular individual may embody particular value judgments regarding their own particular religious convictions that they can easily demonstrate to be true objectively: They were raised to believe in this God. They attend this church. They had this particular experience that brought them closer to God. Et cetera.

But that’s not the same [to me] as demonstrating the actual existence of this God.

Note to others:

In all sincerity, I’m really not sure what he is getting at here pertinent to the points that I am making.

Please site particular experiences from your own life that might serve to better illustrate his point.

No, not fair. I don’t believe in God.

Nor do I.

I’m just trying to grasp more substantively, how those who profess to believe in God, intertwine their religious beliefs “out in the world” of actual human interactions that come into conflict. And, in turn, the manner in which they intertwine God in their political prejudices when posting over at the government, society and economy forum.

Of course other objectivists eschew God and embrace Reason or Ideology or Nature instead. Some even insisting that, in so doing, they are not really objectivists at all.

Even though one is either “one of us” or “one of them”.