Enter The Virtuplex Here

My blood is thicker than most peoples, so I am on a blood thinner and another thinner such as turmeric would literally kill me.

Then why don’t you ask your doctor to get off that Rx. Which is manufactured, and try this natural root that also alleviates pain? Makes sense , and if it doesen’t work, you can always go back. But most doctors don’t believe in herbals, I forgot.

How would I go back if it doesn’t work? Eternal recurrence?

Eternal recurrence or jerkey’s manifesto thread about going back.

tingling arms and fingers before the migraine should warn you to exit the virtuplex. Escape escapism.

Sometimes the choice is there, but the uncertainty of that all, gives rise to a certain narrowing, just like in my inverted pyramid suggests, where at the apex, movement foreword unsyappable, there is no choice.
If you don’t jump, others will push you. Unless you resist that, but then the effects are cacukably reified, one becomes one with the apex. Then there is no movement, foreword, nor back and you are stuck.

(Which is as becoming a freeze.)

Not the normal migraine, an Rx induced headache caused by heavy thinking contrary to a mood stabilizer designed to limit thinking.

More like the indica/sativa difference, yes I would watch that, I had a friend way back who died of cerebral hemmarige due to the wrong kind of thinking.

Some people’s internal biochemistry is likely to act up, and create similar highs as those of excogenic sources.

Internet version of the book cover.

I’m thinking of eventually re-titling this. Enter, as an imperative, is off-putting. Nobody wants to be told what to do. I knew that when I titled it, but it had a purpose behind it. Since one of the themes in the book is computer programming, well, programs are instructions, do this, do that, and I wanted to impress upon the reader that computer programs will one day tell people what to do. Programmed by people with more power. However conceptually pleasing the title is, on the surface it’s only natural to want to reject an order, say no, no, no to a sharp command. Just to exercise one’s own idea of freewill. Please choose to read my book sometime.

Note from the author.

The link is best opened with google docs. You can scroll from chapter to chapter that way. And missing pages aren’t lost in translation.