Enable my PMs so I can talk to mannequin.

:laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

she was sending porn?

No, he was.

Truth be told, the internet climate has gone full gulag. On some forums they just ban you because they don’t like the tone of your voice or posting style, the only way to not get banned is to copy the personality of members they like. In Arizona they are trying to send people to real life jail for using curse words online.

Everyone is a he according to you, you are mentally feminine but consider yourself a man, so by your logic all those who are mentally feminine are he’s.

No, everyone is a He in the English language, unless specifically female. It would be rude to call for example, Mannequin a “It” so I just go with He… having a crazy beard helps. Why? The English language rule.

But in your case, you failed to justify your femalehood. Your clearly far short of being a real female, don’t grasp their mentality at all… you wouldn’t hate them if you did. Your mody is male, no matter the surgery or hormones, or how you dress, a autopsy would inevitably show you make rather fast. Plain and simple, it isn’t up to you, or a judge, or a shouting liberal mass of idiots, to dictate nature.

You are a man. You were born as a man, are a man, will die as a man, and I won’t indulged your twisted desires to be like Bicentennial Man in the end with the UN giving you a bullshit peace of mind. That doesn’t help you in the least. I rather be the doctor in The Man of La Mancha shining mirrors on Don Quintote, showing him the real truth of his mad state. I’m not going to call you a knight because you lanced a windmill.

To many assholes like Gib and Arc on this forum keep you reassured in your own delusions instead of encourage you to seek after and confrong the truth of your condition, despite knowing it is a harmful lie to yourself and say it is okay for others to follow. I am a philosopher, my trade is the truth, and I offer to you the chance to see yourself. I can’t offer any less in good conscience.

I’d say you’re more machine than man, twisted and full of evil.

I hate feminism. Why? I’ll tell you why I hate feminism, and why I am a femininist. Feminism encourages women to abandon their nurturing nature, I hate women that act like apathetic cunts and assholes, I hate the rude. Wouldn’t say I’d kill someone for playing an incorrect note at a symphony, wouldn’t say I am as hardcore as Satyr, but I still hate the rude.
Femininism promotes the idea of feminine, nurturing women, women who care, not moderns.
Tesla told us of the inversion of gender, women acting apathetic and men nurturing, you are completely clueless of this so your concept of gender is founded on ignorance, when you claim I hate women you display your ignorance of Tesla’s lore and mythology.

To argue against me is to argue against the Genius of Tesla, you will lose.

In the words of Sojourner Truth, “Ain’t I a woman”?

Your not a woman.

You’re understanding of gender is pretty much the same as Magnus’, it is “gender is whatever I say it is”, you and Magnus are two sides of the same coin, the only difference is Magnus isn’t rude, and you are rude and ignoble.

Your sample set of determining gender amounts to, taking all the black girls from a school that like rap music, mixing them with some white boys that hate rap music…then saying that all white boys who like rap music are transexual, and only real-girls like rap music.

Let me explain the core of it - femininity is being more sensitive, masculinity is being less sensitive. So dueling is feminine. Men duel because - damage to their masculine egos, they are no longer masculine but in a space of heated passion and sensitivity, the duel is an attempt to regain their damaged masculinity, climbing towards masculinity, thus it is erroneously associated as something inherently masculine.

When I say you are a woman, I refer to modern cunts that have no sensitivity, what tesla refers as to non-nurturing women, the kind of cunts that annoy you in high-school-kind-of-woman. Since you have no sensitivity, aesthetic sense or soul I don’t consider you a real woman, just like I don’t consider most moderns as genuine women either, but you are as womanly and cunty as any modern girl IMO.

FYI, women are manipulators and fickle, if you deny this you of course a mangina and woman panderer (you are) who wants to deny the facts of female psychology. Fickleness arises as a function of sensitivity. Manipulation is an evolved defense mechanism to acquire resources and security…Lots of bi girls have a tough time relating to other girls, because women are naturally deceptive and fickle, harder to read than most males…So excuse me for not devoting my time and energy trying to relate to every girl I meet…when half of these might as well be called a different specie and have a much lower intellectual capacity than I do…(For instance, girls that listen to Nikki Minaj)…I have a much easier time relating to older women who have a functioning brain and act nurturing, than I do the skittish moderns and the excuse they pander out for “girls” of our times.

So the fact that I have nothing in common with some 90 IQ asshole who listens to Nikki Minaj and has a twat between her legs, isn’t my problem, it’s a problem with your statistical analysis. You probably have more in common with someone like that than I do, most queers (gay men) are very similar to these type of cunts.

You could just request a name change, then sign back up with the same original name giving you a clean account with PM ability, and technically, because it’s a new account they shouldn’t remove your PM ability, if they do, you could just claim you’re not same owner of the original account, and you have abandoned it…it might work, although this post might trigger some suspicion.

Who the fuck is Nikki Ninja, and why would I statistically group white and black rap listeners as transgendered?

Nikki Minaj. Not Nikki Ninja.

Still don’t know.

I really hope you do recover Trixie as I have always liked you and you are my favourite member here so just take it one day at a time as I said before

Your mother.

Are you Turd’s daddy or something?

I will never recover, I am being denied my rights and privileges to communicate…

I feel utterly dominated…and Trixie does not wish to be dominated (by Ucciscore, but perhaps by a hot dominatrix or something).
Trixie wishes to be dominating (in terms of facts, logic and reason.)

I had a phone committee with the judge Carleas on your case Trixie. Unfortunately Carleas told me to fuck off where as your acting attorney I unfortunately have to relinquish your case as your representative.


My animosity is directed only at Carleas. When the State is corrupt, when the Judge is corrupt, when the Jury is corrupt, and when you are stuck in North Korea, what can a lawyer do?

It is impolite to call your new girlfriend a He.

Not a whole lot and as far as I know there is no internet supreme court. Now I am going to charge you extraordinary fees for my services that will be impossible for you to ever pay back in a single lifetime. Have a good day.

I only accept cash and electronic payments. I do not accept checks or money orders for my services.

Here’s my card…