Earth as a Birthday Cake

It was the split-spark tapestry~peeling of an age old science dragon scream, uplifting or storing and holding magnetic-lines to create anything imaginable, the death of knowledge. So fixes or states and blues with openings remind me of a jolly-walker~landmine+sponge. Your demolitions escalator Machiavelli assault was geeky and perverted for your sad face of the tee-pee. It was a bug straw noodle catcher, a kind of star-vanity~oasis+shatter/point for dealing litter boxes of busses that supplied an endless defense support or security system, so socks came over white water rushing, scaring off gray twilight, wishing doorways and alien boat mobiles that purge the broadest frontier, so God was commanding the foundation. Raptor will Light the super-nexus.

You were locked out or cast and chained or stunted by the stone valley lord overseer for deviation and destruction or fuse-cannons that ignited on set passion ablaze for a famine, a colossal sort of deluge for a resurrection-door.

From the Power of One they say, open the door that leads you to the perfect road, a thing with feathers that guides the Dark Magician to Magic. Like a Lightningbolt, your heart will glow, much like the Frenzy Plant from a Chikorita, the NeraVarine, and Tyranitar, Apprentice-Internet!
Tyranitar = Builder, Sabrina’s dad. Shape, size, and color of “buildings” add scenery.

Is there an ethical line when using photo-editing software? Photo manipulation programs can seamlessly altar and combine pictures to create striking effects. Garth stands underneath a Blue-black Omega~bubble in a dark room. Green-horse~saddle+tube/ring is a valued vector with size, shape, thickness, position, color, and fill of lines or closed graphical shapes.
Paragraph, points, script, template, text-boxes, type~styles, word processor, the Pokedex “Rhydon”.

This rejection of the temptations of the court, as well as the fact that he never sought power or material reward in return for his prophecy, counsel or magic, demonstrated that he used his powers for the greater good and not for himself. Merlin’s magic, despite its potential terrifying combination of reality and power, is kept safe by his own moral code. Merlin and magic rose together and, inevitably, fell together – a process which, ironically, foiled to strip them of glamor and power.

So far, Merlin has appeared very much as a British figure. Despite his enormous knowledge and his terrifying powers, his travels, as reported in both the history of the kings of England and the life of Merlin were very limited.

Merlin saw the very heavens fall into chaos in the distant future. Merlin and his prophecies were famous in Paris and the French Royal court, and thereafter they can be tracked into Germany and Italy. Of course, a desire to believe in something so wonderful was part of the answer. Experiences of prophetic dreams of astrologer-magicians, and soothsayers of a king. Merlin’s sequence of animal and mythical figures signified kings, and ending in a cataclysm involving the rising of the seas, the bubble of the winds and the dust of the dead being reborn, gains credibility from its subtle echoes of this established account of the coming end.

RaptorWizard - Secret Garden of Rare Quotes




Meganium’s LOVE to have Fun!!* They celebrate birthday parties 4Ever.

I Love Bunny. She squiggles endless bubble boxes aurora smashing exotic frenzy plant arcades dust and devil dancing miraculous zippers. With Bunny, We embark on fantastic journeys far and wide to discover emblems and wishes sprouting for the sun. Belief in the impossible juggles crazy question balloons for misty mountain canopy express. Fame and great feats unleash the zoo of surprise. Perplexing exhibits of mystery and myth forge the way to the hurricane doorway. Fountains of life carry mundane aether whirls to manifest focus. Glitter and cupcake sprinkles revitalize quick fine tuning. Glass ceiling movie tickets punch in the code for delight and wisdom. Walking on water frees the soul. Bazooka crash course waters the potential of gift giving. I foresee random riddles stargazing elite matrices. I chase the casino clockwork.

Pokemon Colosseum invites extreme life forms to detonate super powered carnival express piston pumping diary sage wind chambers. We grab crazy echelons pointing redirective thunder to crackle and ignite terrible tempests.

Rayquaza turns many gears at the starlight studio. Mighty fates and grand accomplishments position the journal to set legendary sunsets.

Ash in Pokemon is questing for faith and Love in Pokemon, conquering powerful adversaries, thinking on the cutting edge, bounding for legacy on the game of creation and precision, to pinpoint exotic Pokemon emblems of victorious sizes. Ash refines deadly offense and stellar game plans to position wormholes to farfetched vistas way above the Pokemon League as the ultimate champion of all of the eons.