Do we exist...

If so, the dream is existance,

Go ahead try and wake up Neo

Hi everybody,
I think that there is such a thing as doubting too much… Would you actually feel that you do not exist?
Also, certain words like “dream” have a tendency of having a mind of their own. As I recall it is used to describe what happens when we sleep…

no you do not exist.

All we humans have is memory. If memory exists, then you exist.

You are just information really, like data on a data disk.

reckon i made a satisfactory explination?

No I don’t reckon that you, “made a satisfactory explination.”

We don’t exist just because we have a “memory” or we would be just like computers. We have a heart too that just does not perform to stimuli or info, it chooses to take its own course too. Remember, “The heart has reasons which reason does not understand?” Perhaps you’ve never been in love before, perhaps you’ve never made an irrational decision, perhaps you’ve never been a deviant when no harm was to come to another? Perhaps you’ve never been out in the rain on purpose? Eh? Perhaps YOU are some “info” or “data on a disk” but we are not so. So please don’t generalize it that we are just some, “data on a disk” or “info.”

one exists only because one claims one exists… nothing more…

there is no deep metaphysical reason, no spiritual reason, nothing…

the past is gone and the future never comes…

there is the moment, there is now, I exist because I claim I exist.


to blame or credit anything else is delusional…


Correction BeenaJain,

On the question of “self”, what makes our consciousness is simple memory.

A person thinks the same way as a computer.

Yes, everyone has different data, that’s what makes us different. I may lack certain data, therefore I am different to you.

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