Do logic and reason say that God is our servant?

Greatest I Am,

When you say at the same time, are you only speaking here of the exact moment when one experiences belief or doubt? Otherwise…

Why are you always so cut and dry about things? I do not see or intuit your statement as having any truth to it. I might suggest that that could depend on just where one is on that journey. The human mind is complex and there are also emotions involved. I think that people are capable of believing and questioning their beliefs at the same time. Belief and doubt swim in the same waters. It does not matter what waters they are. Perhaps it is a question of conflicted interests. The child within wants to continue believing because it is comfortable and oh so familiar. It is highly uncomfortable to “give up the ghost” so to speak. The adult within begins to question and doubt at some point on their journey. It is like a war being waged. Some battles are won and some are lost. Some eventually become agnostics and some atheists.

Is this the “universal” You or are you addressing me with the above?
Go outside some night and look up at that beautiful, awesome starry sky. Ask yourself: Why can I not understand in any way possible how some might believe that a designing creator God began all of this?
Is it such an irrational thing to believe this? Now, I myself am not saying that I believe this but I can understand how others can since at one time I did. But even if I had not believed it then, how can a rational mind at least not question it ~~ if only for a minute or two?

You need to take care. Carl Jung said "You always become the thing you fight the most. :evilfun:
What is it that you are “actually” fighting?

Yes. All who believe in the supernatural are gullible.

Having a mental itch that there is more to reality is good and natural.

To think that itch is leading to a genocidal prick of a god is just plain immoral and stupid.

Yes there are many stupid people. Unfortunately.



"Why are you always so cut and dry about things? "

I like to stick to the truth of things.

"Some battles are won and some are lost. Some eventually become agnostics and some atheists. "

True, so why do you dislike that I seek to save those who choose religions that are quite immoral?

Do you not feel sorry for them?

I have no problem with people choosing to believe in a god.

I have a problem with people who chooses a prick of a god while calling that evil prick good.
