Discussion: is Carleas secretly a white supremacist a nazi?

Genetically, Jews have much more in common with each other than historically neighboring populations (Europeans, North Africans and West Asians):



Jews aren’t just a religion, they’re an ethnicity and insofar as it exists, a race, and most of them identify as such.

I’m merely suggesting that if you were a black homosexual and came across a thread here entitled, “Discussion: blacks lack the intelligence of whites”, or “Discussion: homosexuals are unnatural perverts”, you might feel more chagrin that this is open to discussion than if you were not black or gay.

You know, given how complex reactions to questions like this can become.

No it wasn’t.

My first point was that this is your forum so the decision to let anyone post is completely within your control. You can’t pass the buck on to someone else.

We? You.

Without context and fact checking, the “discussions” are just endless unsupported claims. Nobody is getting at the truth of the matter here.

The chances of getting at the truth when it is presented on CNN, with context and fact checking, are much better.

Do you think that your are policing rudeness???

That probably describes a lot of posts by Zero and others.

How little you understand me. :neutral_face:

I belong to the elite victim-class. I’m a black paraplegic obese single mother.
I am lord of the victims.

My advantage is that I can make any comment, using any language, and will not be reprimanded.
The only reason Carleas sends me board warnings is because he didn’t know of my nature.
But now he does.

If this were so, this conversation would be over. The buck stops with me, but I’m sensitive to the values and goals of the community, and I’m open to persuasion. We are discussing what we should do. I but pull the levers.

Sure, but… so what? If the threads need fact checking and context, fact check them and add context. We’re none of us professionals, so maybe CNN is the wrong thing to compare ourselves to, but we can link to Wikipedia, and that seems to be the level of fact checking it takes (see this very thread).

If you don’t feel like it, then don’t.

If the threads are of the “incendiary racism” variety, report them and I’ll warn/ban people.

Yes, and Zero is on a one-week ban because of it.

c.f. Aegean, who definitely isn’t a racist.

Arabs are Semites, so are Berbers.

But Judaism did emerge within specific tribes, ergo the narrative about the 12 tribes, with a 13th African one.
I’ve said elsewhere, memes are gene specific, in their origins.
Part of the Jewish survival strategy is living parasitically, and so merging with the target host is essential for their strategy to work. So they are matrilineal because the mother is sure of her children’s origins, and a male is not.
They inherit their Jewishness from the mother, allowing them to mix the host’s genes into their own so as to hide and to appropriate, remaining always distinct and identifying only with their own.

Many Jews admit this.
They play with vagueness so as to remain obscure.
Sometimes they claim to be a religion, other times that they are a race.
Their marriage practices has produced inbreeding - producing distinct physical characteristics and psychological attitudes - neurosis is one example.

A few posts ago, there was some important work going on here:
" For one thing, people do sometimes change their mind in response to reason. But more importantly, society needs to make explicit the reasons why bad ideas are wrong. If we can’t discuss them, if no one can defend them, then we won’t discover the rebuttals, and our noble beliefs will be fragile and vulnerable to simple questioning. The discussion isn’t only about convincing the other people in the discussion, it’s about crystallizing our own ideas, which, once explicit, can be shared like antibodies."

Now it’s “so what?”

I have tried, but I found that those guys prefer to live in their own cocoons.

I now generally avoid those threads.


I read every post on ILP. Who are you on your high horse? Telling a person like me that I’m on mine?

Although I am not here to convince those too far gone to be convinced by anything…I only mention Tucker Carlson’s recent report on Singer’s practices.
Parasitism. He would not do this to Israeli towns, because he identifies with the people there.

Their history is well known. Expelled from hundreds of places….dabbling in occultism to exploit human feebleness, like Gypsies - another tribe that practices parasitical survival strategies.
Google what the Romans, and other famous minds, had to say about them.
They can’t all be jealous and bigots.
Now I’m done with its subject.
If people cannot even see or admit who dominates US political and cultural discourse, then nothing I can say will change their minds.
I wont even try. It would be a waste of my time.

You gotta have some standards.

If you call that “being on high horse” then so be it.

Wow, so Gloominary and Aegean also disagree about the genetics, since Gloominary claims that Jewish populations are particularly insular and don’t mix with neighboring populations, and Aegean thinks Jewish people are absorbing neighboring populations like the alien from the movie Species. It seems pretty clear that you aren’t talking about the same group, like maybe your hatred and suspicion of this abstract and inconsistently defined group doesn’t really have anything to do with a group, so much as with the people who latch on to them as boogeymen.

Or rather, sometimes people disparaging them claim that they’re an ideology, and other times that they’re a genetic line capable of inbreeding etc. You know Aegean, it’s almost like you’re playing with vagueness in order to remain obscure.

Is it white people? They’re almost all the consumers and almost all the producers, so it’s probably white people.

Go ahead and show us that big open mind of yours.

By that I mean, what’s the action that follows from that? We aren’t CNN, we don’t have people on staff or on call to rebut positions that need context and fact-checking. So, what do we do? I offered what I think follows from that (provide context, or ignore, or report). What are you saying follows?

Of course my point to all objectivists, white supremacist nazis or otherwise is, “how little you understand yourself.” :wink:

So my suggestion that you misattribute some characteristics to me, only serves to confirm that you are correct about me. :wink:

Nope, nothing new here. :wink: :wink:

That’s a good reason not to read my posts or to respond.

Wow, indeed…your understanding is and was of a monolithic monstrosity.
You are totally indoctrinated.

Is Islam a race?
I am being very clear…only you want to remain in vagueness.
People want to remain on a very simple level, because this is more sophisticated. We are dealing with a very clever parasitical strategy, based on the manipulation of language and the concepts they refer to. Very few, on both sides of the debate, fully understand it.

See Schlomo and others on the matter of Jews as a race. There are many others, Jews predominately, because gentiles do not dare. You can do the research…'cause I do not care. You think in bad faith. There is no evidence, no argument, no reason, that will ever convince you away from your accepted ‘we are all equal’ ideology.
To think otherwise is, for you, a statement of violence and genocide.

There is no “white” race…no more than there is a black one, or a yellow one. Pigmentation is one trait, among many, that identifies species and sub-species, i.e., breeds, kinds, races…etc.
There are Indo-Europeans, Afro-Asiatic, Africans, Asians…
White, black beige are simplifications and part of the indoctrination you have surrendered to.
Europeans are not superior in processing and pattern recognition intelligence. The Asians are. This is not about supremacy.

The Polar Bear is not simply a white bear.
A Grizzly is not a Brown bear.
A black bear is another species = other than a polar bear - not only because its fur is another colouration.
An elephant is not a grey species.
What differentiates a panda from a koala is not its fur colouring alone.

Such sarcasm exposes stress.

I suspect you cannot explain how speciation or how intelligence evolves, given your views on uniformity.
Your well-informed, fair, enlightened, altruistic beliefs “debunk” evolution theory.
We return to God made us in his image.
Unless, of course, you want to explain why appearances do not matter, only when it comes to our species, and how intelligence evolved, at all, if it is evenly and fairly distributed in a population.
Were all species the product of nurturing, and social engineering, ro a willful agency?
If so say so. Admit it.

By the way…if this exchange did not involve you…you would be sending me a warning, and banning me.
This is how fair and open-minded and enlightened you truly are.
Why not just admit that you want to preserve your Americanised, melting pot, we are all equal under the law status quo, and live in peace?

Zero_Sum wants me to post this and says this will be his last farewell post on ILP.

Not that my opinion matters, but I don’t think Zero Sum was being insulting, certainly not more insulting than others are to him on a regular basis.

I hope he returns some time in the near future.

Aegean, you’re still arguing with memes about millennial SJWs. You’re arguing against a straw version of a liberal, which should make you concerned that you aren’t considering the best arguments for the positions you disagree with. I basically accept what appear to be your premises, and I still conclude that being a racist is at best factually wrong, and at worst morally wrong.

But here, I’m just pointing out the surface-level problem with your position that you don’t seem to know whether you’re talking about a religion or a race, and you switch between them when it’s convenient. And now it looks like your racial metaphysics have deeper problems, since you reject whiteness as a coherent concept, but not jewishness? And then instead you want to talk about Europeans (population 741 million) and Asians (population 4.4 billion) as though those are comparably fine-grained classifications among humans, and we can just assume that the shape of the curve on any particular trait is roughly identical.

Just chronologically in your life, did you learn about biology first, or start being suspicious of Jews first? Did you come to your beliefs about Jews before all the very sophisticated thinkery you use to justify it, or were you a ‘we are all equal’ type until you learned you some semiotics and it just dawned on you: all the racist shit about Jews that people have been saying for centuries is actually very insightful social critique! I have a hard time believing that it went that way.