Dimethyltryptamine and psychedelics

Im not with the ones who see the light with lsd or with any drug. The light is pretty obvious out there in the Big Dipper, the Pleiades, Sirius… these deep-light pools in the sky. Where light is somehow fresher than anywhere else.

Psychedelics don’t show you astronomical gamma tracings though, they show you your own physiology.

And if your physiology is such that it sees not the light but the dank alone, then a quick derangement may produce a natural perception of the Light, and one shall be redeemed. If one manages to not become addicted to substances and rather ride out the conflict of the habitual corpse of Saturn and the new born Dionysus. As this no drug will tell you - the prize is not in the awareness of the light but in the same things life was always about in the first place. What the light grants is a true enjoyment of them, a bit of eternity in every act of nourishment or replenishment, - the awareness of karma as translation into chi, the occult.

Couldn’t agree more.

You don’t needs drugs to understand evolution and the process of increasing complexity, so the real motive may lie elsewhere. What you are trying to do is regress and then put emphasis on that lower state as a superior one. This is also a common element in many spiritual and religious circles, a returning back to lower state, like downgrading to previous operating version. (And LSD experience does mimic undeveloped brain) So, okay, we were all babies at one point, does it mean a baby’s brain is superior? To me, that’s what you’re saying, and the same thing that many religions are also saying. Wanting to be like a baby and see the world as a baby does. (This is your conclusion). Reaching out to drugs betrays your motives.

. Your methods are flawed. By (literally) drugging the population you would enable others to have more control. It may lead to peace, yes, but in the form of slavery.
Is this what you want? If you want this, then you also want NWO.
icebreakerideas.com/wp-content/ … 63x375.jpg

Also, there is a fine line between courage and stupidity. I see people do all kinds of stupid stuff, like jumping from building to building or taking selfies at the top of buildings, or having wild animals as pets, or eating tide pods, etc., thinking they are being cool or courageous, when it’s just plain stupidity, as far as I’m concerned. If you think self-mutilation is being courageous, or something spiritual, then go ahead. You won’t be the first one. Or the last.

Don’t talk about self mutilation when the very air we breathe, kills us.

Life is based off of things “killing” us, which psychedelics do not do.

We’re drugs that consume other drugs to expand further. I don’t see how that’s hard to admit. Good and bad in everything, you’re just being the extreme side of another extreme side, which I plan to stay in the middle.

Speaking of “your methods are flawed”, Pandora’s own understanding is one-dimensional.

Superiority and inferiority need to apply to a specific measure - e.g. the question “who is the most superior human?” is close to meaningless. There are things that adults do better than babies, but the reverse is also true - as much as we gain with age, so much is lost. Imagine being able to get some of it back to complement the benefits you’ve gained with age. So even if we do accept the daily mail’s premise (great source by the way, that paper is biased to the point of absurdity) that LSD mimics the undeveloped brain, we see that there can be something to gain as soon as we see things in more than one dimension. Only when thinking in such narrow terms can drug-taking be thought of as self-mutilation… It’s like saying taking Penicillin to cure a bacterial infection is self-mutilation because it’s derived from fungus, and fungi like mold grow when living things rot.

On the subject of “drugging the population”, or allowing them to try psychedelic drugs legally in non-hysterical terms, it’s much more likely for the ones who do experiment to gain control. If any retreat into them as a psychological crutch, they are more likely to be controllable, sure - but I don’t think anybody’s advocating that. The mindset of those against drugs is such a perfect example of why drug experience is important, it’s so ironic that people with this mindset are so dead-set against the very thing that would so neatly enable them to see past it.

Yeah technically we are just ongoing chemical experiments.

There is nothing chemical that should be illegal just for it being a chemical that has a reaction it causes.
Maybe doing certain things under the influence of this reaction should definitely be prohibited.

I remember one person killing himself in a store I was in by jumping on top of a mother with a baby carriage from the third floor of the galleria. Fuxck.
He was probably on prolix.

In more ways than one as well, in the form of inter-relating forms of energy/matter.

With the legalization of mushrooms in Denver, Oakland in california fired back.

acidmath.me/blogs/acidmath- … -mushrooms

The revolution is happening and with it comes more wisdom and responsibility.

Images. Wish the size requirement was a bit more.

It isn’t about just seeing the light, it’s also about seeing what the light can do and there is no light worker whom only has known light, the dark is just as or even more important. Life is the trip, drugs just put pieces together and things in perspective on a level that isn’t mere human. I subscribe to the stoned ape theory as well since we are a walking bag of ever-altering drugs/chemicals.