Deliberate Consent Violation

Now you’re calling James Taylor a rapist too?

This man has seen fire and he’s seen rain. He’s seen sunny days that he thought would never end. He’s seen lonely times when he could not find a friend. And you’re calling him a rapist. Unbelievable. You’ve reached a new low, man.

I feel like you’re burying the lede on this. The existence of multiple deities that you personally know is a much, much bigger claim than whatever you’re trying to prove about sex signaling.

I mean that sincerely. It kind of doesn’t matter whether your sex signaling claims follow from it because it’s a really really big assumption that many don’t accept. Hell, I’ll concede that whatever you want to conclude follows from the ontology you’re describing, but I reject that ontology. Where does that leave us?

It doesn’t leave us anywhere but it does lead us somewhere.

The change of letters in your addressing me, don’t appear to be a fat finger mistake. The ‘W’ and the ‘N’ are quite far apart on the keyboard. Odd this notion of Monk and Evil showing up at the same time.

Thanks Carleas, I was asking him to demonstrate the powers he claimed he had. But the idea it was to be evil; was Ecandu’s interpretation of the events. As if Ecmandu believes he is evil and all that is preventing him from having the perception of this fact is his resistance to its use. I wouldn’t wish to think that a “talent” I possessed is “evil”, and the only way for ‘me’ not to be “evil”, is not to express the talent. Further, I don’t think I would go about bragging I possessed the talent, skill or ability in the first place. That would seem to be an admission of the “evil” itself.

Ecmandu, It is almost as if you are stating, hey look everyone. I have this evil power, but I’m not going to use it, so I must not be evil.

Your word Ecmandu, not mine.

I wouldn’t use that language as a description of you Ecmandu, I would not describe you in that manner and it was not in my intention to taunt you into being it.

That is a descriptor you and you alone are responsible for.

That is language other people use and I frankly don’t agree with it in any stretch of my imagination. I waffle over the notion of a deity, whether of many or one, or less, exist at all. It would follow then that I don’t believe in an opposite to that property. Way out there at that level dualism falls apart. If it doesn’t exist way out there it doesn’t exist anywhere. I could be wrong, I agree. But that isn’t my belief.

So, no, I most certainly was not taunting you to be evil or do evil things. I was simply asking you for a demonstration of a talent you claimed. I can take no credit for how it was characterized in your mind.

Mowk, apologies, it was autocorrect.

So here’s the deal.

I have no idea how much of my powers are innate or because of avatar/possessions.

All the weird things you see in movies and t.v. Have a certain element of truth to them.

I still remember when I was 14.

This buddy and I decided to rent every horror movie in a video store alphabetically.

We thought they were fucking hilarious. We’d make all manner of jokes about them and laugh our asses off. None of it’s real, right?

When it actually happens to you, it’s not funny anymore.

When I think of my life back then… that was a form of heaven. Wow, how ignorant I was.

I’ve seen a lot of professor Xavier type shit (xmen movies) in my life, and not in a good way, and it extends further than that.

I have many theories about why so much focus is on me personally, but I always come up empty.

Am I being trained to take power? But why?

If another being is using its power through me (and I’m very familiar with possession by now), all it has to do is vacate me and I can’t prove shit.

One of the sins in Buddhism is lying about your powers. I guess they don’t know about that loophole.

Stop there for now.

We did not give our consent to being born. And most of us will not give our consent to dying. As for the consents violated or not in the middle what does it ultimately matter if we live in an essentially meaningless world?

They are all no less existential contraptions configured and then reconfigured into one or another intellectual contraption in our heads.

[size=50]Unless of course I’m wrong.[/size]

This is like saying that the leading cause of death is birth! It’s also the leading cause of life, like this, it is also the leading cause of consent.

You can’t have a consent if you just simply aren’t

Okay, but how does this make the points I raise go away? Unless of course I am wrong.

It’s just that unlike you, I would never be so foolish – arrogant? unbalanced? – as to embrace a philosophical assessment of consent as anything other than an intellectual/existential concoction. You know, given the gap between what any particular one of us thinks we know about it and all that can be known about it given a comprehensive understanding of existence itself.

And, if a God, the God was around to give His consent to that, who or what consented to the existence of God?

Aren’t you sort of presuming they are either one or the other? There seems like a third option. You have no special powers. Talents yes.

I’m sure they do, but X-men type powers or The Magician’s type powers are the fiction part.

I wouldn’t run with that idea if I were you. And I do sort of get how you feel. I am inclined a bit to that thinking as well. But its just a metaphor. You have to recognize that. It’s imperative.

Ever see the movie “Man From Earth”?

Don’t take all the fiction so seriously. I mean you can if you want, but it’s going to catch up with you.

Ever see the movie “A Beautiful Mind”? Not so fictional.

Consent for each being is self evident.

To the extent that any beings consent is violated, it’s also self evident that a good god doesn’t exist.

So where does that leave us?

Becoming that good god.

You haven’t seen what I’ve seen mowk.

I was the biggest die hard atheist you could ever imagine. My credo was to destroy existence.

Then I was hit like a freight train from the spirit world.

I’m still an atheist, but I have no choice at this point to believe in deities of some sort.

It might be insane for you to believe something, it’s insane for me not to believe.

I’ll tell you a story. This was early on.

I was walking to get a cup of coffee in the morning, and the street was lined with people. When I walked by them, they brought their heads up like robots and said “hi Jason”. Scared the fuck out of me!

After I bought my coffee, everyone returned to normal, walking and talking like normal people.

To this day, it still sends chills down me to have experience that. I drink to numb the pain.

You have no clue what I’ve fucking been through man.

Well then I guess you haven’t walked in these shoes. You would see my empathy quite differently.

I’m recovering. I let my imagination run away with itself one too many times. Depression and Mania aren’t great companions.

And yes you do have a choice. It is one that will require all the mettle you can muster as a man with a mind.

No dude, you really don’t understand.

I’m giving you an example of a half hour of my life…

It gets MUCH crazier than that!!

I could seriously add 50,000 words to the human language (just for hell terms) … but since you have no experience with these things, it’s as fruitful as defining the color green to a blind person.

Green is the smell of new mow grass or algae on a pond. It feels like the buds of a tree in spring. It is the damp coolness between your barefoot toes on a fall morning. It is warmer then cool and cooler then warm. It has a texture that feels like summer. It breaths sunshine, and whispers growth. It lives between the dawn of a sunrise and the dusk of sunsets.

But the real question is, of what use to a blind man is any description of a color?

A long time ago when I was in the commercial art field I had the opportunity to work with a blind monk who ran a bindery machine. It was quite something to watch as his fingers moved the book bellow the throbbing needle. I also had the occasion to work with a blind darkroom technician who was responsible for correcting color on printing plates. He did all the color correction by the numbers. It was if he could see a color and the result of the change he made to the light exposure on the film.

Green is also my polar fleece when I was 16.

Self evident? Same thing:

Look, I get it. You have invested an enormous amount of time and effort in concocting a philosophical assessment of “self”. It has become a fundamental building block in the construction of your own rendition of the “real me” in sync with “reality”.

Clearly, with so much at stake, it is unlikely that you will allow anyone to put a dent in it.

So, in that context, who really cares about the gap between what you think you know about the self existentially and all that can be known about it ontologically.

That’s just a trivial pursuit, right?

Well then you have found an anchor to hold your ship fast when the wind starts to howl and the waves begin to build.

Iambiguous, you define your fractured self in two ways:

1.) your dream world - this is false because there’s a reason why people wake up and call them DREAMS!!

Because that’s what they are!!

2.) you’re not changing more towards facts as you age!! Which you nefariously define as never ending !!

No iambiguous! There are hard facts in life which once reached, never change, never ever ever.

This axiom of yours is not true, even morally, that there isn’t immutability here, EVER.

I gave you the answer to abortion in the broad stroke…

Which you yourself stated is impossible … so you were wrong there!!

I stated that if you want to treat fetuses as consensual beings, poll the population of adults and ask them if they love their parents enough that if their parents could travel back in time and abort them that they’d be ok with either decision. And I went even further and stated, who do we need more of, people who hate their parents and this world ;who are selfish fucks looking to get born no matter who it hurts or how much) or people who love them?

Iambiguous, you’re a fraud.

Same thing:

You’re in the same boat here with all the rest of us. It’s just that as an objectivist you have managed to think yourself out of the boat by assuming this gap is not applicable to you. And, sure enough, so long as this remains the case “in your head” you are safe from anyone who refuses to think exactly as you do about consent, self and fraud.

That’s what makes you just another run of the mill objectivist to me. It’s that you believe what you believe more than whatever it is that you do believe.

If only in the is/ought world. Though one suspects that you don’t stop there. Everything is always as you say it is.

But that’s the whole point, isn’t it?

… and James Taylor.