Coronavirus Hoax

I understand that some people could not self-isolate because they had to go to work in order to get a paycheck. The government had to intervene to guarantee that they would not lose their jobs and it had to pay unemployment benefits while they were in isolation. The government had to be both hands on and hands off at the same time and it wasn’t. Voluntary compliance wasn’t workable in the current system.

Of course, there are those people who could have self-isolated but didn’t. They just thought that it was inconvenient, they were not infected, they were not going to infect other people … a large number of reasons.

Fuck that noise, people are by and large giant shortsighted assholes.

I’m not blind to the massive systemic injustices going on everyday, but neither am I blind to history. That we live in hugely more just, more fair, more secure times is inarguable with regard to even the last few centuries, nevermind the more distant past. As I said in another thread, what we’ve been seeing in the last couple of decades in the west is our current institutional infrastructure increasingly failing to keep up with population figures and technological advance.

But over the years I’ve come round to the idea that it’s never really been ‘enlightened’ political policies that have made the world a nicer place anyway, it’s always been technology. The concurrent scientific/technological background of any particular era has always dictated to a large extent what ‘space’ our sociopolitical institutions can inhabit. God knows our caveman human psychological mechanisms aren’t ever going to equip us with the mental software to deal instinctively with any kind of crisis that doesn’t somehow, however metaphorically, resemble a tiger in the back garden.

It’s technology that got us into this mess, it will have to get us out. Otherwise, if we rely on ‘well intentioned human nature’ lol, we are all dead. Our societies are always just placeholder on the ratchet of science, important only to the degree to which they facillitate scientific advance.

It seems that this current global situation is forcing certain demographics out… to seek money for drugs… to see who they can take advantage of or intimidate… to sexually harass.

Perhaps this current global situation should be used as a vessel to clean up all levels of being… from top, down? as abusing a position and the power that goes with it, by taking advantage of the more powerless, is also as unsavoury as what I witnessed yesterday… the only difference being… the former does it in (designer) style.

Perhaps females are pre-programmed to see this aspect of society more, as a stay-safe measure. Are males oblivious of such scenes? Guys?

People are good and bad.
It’s better for the short-sighted assholes to rule themselves than be ruled by a handful of short-sighted assholes.

As long as we live in a de facto dictatorship, for the most part technology will be used to entertain, enslave and exterminate rather than educate, emancipate and empower us.
To mask the symptoms of our physical and mental illnesses, rather than prevent or truly cure them.
To keep the sick alive, but not flourishing; zombified.

I think there’s such a thing as excess technology and the wrong sorts of technological development.
Technology should enhance and supplement life, rather than substitute and replace it.

It sounds like you’re in favor of technocracy, of scientific dictatorship.
I believe that’s the direction we’ve been heading in, but it’s the opposite of where I want to go.

Both crony capitalism and technocracy will fail because it reduces a majority of the population to the lowest common denominator of servitude. A majority of the population won’t stand for that very long, nobody likes being a slave, even a well fed and highly entertained slave.

Also, with depleted energy and natural resources in the world overtime both systems will inevitably fail. Energy scarcity will kill both eventually.

Are you guys still rambling about all of this being a hoax? :sunglasses: :laughing:

Hey Gloom,

Ok, but I think we’d agree that a defacto dictatorship is at least better than an actual dictatorship, something I have real experience of, btw. :smiley:

‘For the most part’. But it’s the remaining part, the part that is used, however inadvertantly, to educate, emancipate and empower us that matters.

All throughout history we’ve been enslaved and exterminated, don’t need technology for that. And for a disease, mental or physical, to be cured, first you must counter the symptoms long enough for there to be people left to cure. No miracles in science.

I see a should in there. I should be rich and famous and up to my eyeballs in supermodels, but I’m not. We should all be beaming up to see captain kirk, but we ain’t. History goes as history goes. Very little should involved, only what is, and what probabalistically can be. I’m sure back in the day we had the same conversation round the camp fire. “Yah, fire is good an’ all, but it shouldn’t have burnt my house down. Who designed this bloody fire anyways…?”

Haven’t we always wanted philosopher kings lol…? Isn’t science closer to that than the capitalist dictatorship we have right now…?

Where do you want to go…? What realistic, global, practical, all-embracing alternatives do we have…? No-one is an island anymore, whether we like it or not. The only island left is the earth itself.

Hey Mags,

Sure. But what alternative is there for them…? Stay at home and die in a civilized manner…? Sacrifice themselves quietly for a social system that never invested in them, accepted their inevitable existence or made any effort to accomodate and ameliorate their situation…?

They are deplorable. But some of them were made to be so, and we all knew somewhere at the backs of our minds that we as a society had sacrificed them so that the rest of us could live better, no surprise then that in situations like these, our sins return to haunt us.

Hey you never know.

I think if there’s a population reduction agenda, it’ll be in the vaccines rather than in the viruses, and it’ll be a relatively moderate, gradual reduction, from 8 billion to 8 or 5 hundred million within the next century or two, more likely to cause sterility, chronic sickness and shorten life expectancy than a swift death, but only father time knows for sure.

I’m quite happy with a population reduction down to a billion or so. I hope Benneton clothes brand releases a united colors virus. Kills people carefully according to acceptable ethnic diversity protocols.

I don’t really wanna move to mars. I’ll stay here until science gets up to Rick and Morty level.

I haven’t seen any evidence in both mainstream statistics or alternative media suggesting this is a bioweapon as lethal as the black death, but I’m not ruling that out entirely.
I have family in Northern Italy, at the epicenter of this virus, uncles and aunts.
They don’t know anyone who’s had it let alone died from it.
If this virus was as lethal as some conspiracy theorists are claiming, if people are dropping like flies, they couldn’t keep that secret for very long.
Most alternative media seems to believe it’s being exaggerated rather than downplayed.

I’m not also not entierely sold on the whole germ theory to begin with.
I think we’re being partly lied to by corporate, big pharma science about what germs are in the first place to some extent.
While I’m certainly not denying that viruses exist or the potential lethality of some them, I think the danger of most, if not all viruses have been greatly exaggerated, that more often than not play a benign, even beneficial role in our bodies, clearing out sick, dying cells and making way for new, healthy ones.
From what I gather, the body makes its own viruses when it needs to.
There’s been some interesting alt science on the subject stretching all the way back to Louis Pasteur’s rival Antoine Bechamp worth looking into if you’re curious.

Interesting, thanks for sharing that.
I think you’ll find there’s a lot of people who agree with that sentiment in academia, Hollywood, elitist think tanks and round table groups.
They believe mass murder is permissible, as long as it’s ethnically diverse, but not economically diverse, as long as it’s only poor and middle class white, black, Asian and Hispanic people being culled, not rich people.

I’m going to post this again, just in case he doesn’t see it.

I haven’t seen any evidence in both mainstream statistics or alternative media suggesting this is a bioweapon as lethal as the black death, altho I’m not ruling that out entirely.
I have family in Northern Italy, at the epicenter of this virus, uncles and aunts.
They don’t know anyone who’s had it let alone died from it.
If this virus was as lethal as some conspiracy theorists are claiming, if people are dropping like flies, they couldn’t keep it secret for very long.
It seems most alternative media believes it’s being exaggerated rather than downplayed.

I’m also not entierely sold on the whole germ theory to begin with.
I think we’re being partly lied to by corporate, big pharma science about what germs are in the first place to some extent.
While I’m certainly not denying that viruses exist or the potential lethality of some of them, I think the danger of most, if not all viruses has been greatly exaggerated, that more often than not they play a benign, even beneficial role in our bodies, clearing out sick, dying cells and making way for new, healthy ones.
From what I gather, the body makes its own viruses when it needs to.
There’s been some interesting alt science on the subject stretching all the way back to Louis Pasteur’s rival Antoine Bechamp worth looking into if you’re curious.

There’s several other possibilities why they may be freaking out worth considering.
One, it’s a naturally occurring virus and as lethal as they say it is, with a kill rate of 5%, which, while not earth shattering, would still be devastating and worth preparing for.
Two, it’s naturally occurring, more lethal than they say it is but they’re downplaying it to prevent panic.
Three, it’s naturally occurring, less lethal than they say it is but they’re erring on the side of viral caution rather than on the side of socioeconomic and political caution.
Four, it’s naturally occurring, less lethal than they say it is but they’re exploiting it to hasten world government, authoritarian, centralized and oligarchic socioeconomic and political control, a cashless society, mandatory vaccinations and mass surveillance.

I’m okay with economically diverse too. Within reason, any one human is as good as another. The only fair way reduce populations is by utter randomness. I’d set parameters, if such a thing were possible, to maintain male/female balance and promote high IQ, though I’m not sure the degree to which intelligence is heritable, and then let the dice fall as they may. Rich or poor, let the scythe fall.

I am hoping the assholes that are happily calling for the deaths of billions of people worldwide are the first to find themselves dying. I fucking hate people who idolize themselves as being better than everybody else, for me such people are human garbage.

You’re another one of those that worships science religiously unable to perceive or comprehend the negative consequences of innovation and invention.

Yea, only time will tell for sure.

Most of us have an opinion based on what we’ve been looking at and how we’ve interpreted it.

For me there are a few possibilities to consider:

  1. It’s an experimental bioweapon that either escaped accidentally or was intentionally let loose and whatever the kill ratio of infection they thought it was originally it turns out it is even more lethal than originally thought of. We could call this Disease X or a super bioweapon because its lethality is just too effective and hard to combat against.

  2. It’s not at all lethal where its lethality is being exaggerated through fear and since the global economy was on the verge of collapse anyways governments are utilizing this as an opportunity for clamping down on the world population ushering in a new era of totalitarianism trying to save themselves amid the entire social world order collapsing simply breaking down.

  3. It is a hoax and probably the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the entire world with millions of crisis actors worldwide perpetrating this in coordination. This viewpoint however on option three here I just find extremely unlikely.

Shit’s gettin’ real

Yea, they just don’t know yet how many infected there are until they have the resources to randomly test large swathes of the population, both symptomatic and asymptomatic.
Will it be like the flu, has a 5th of the population already had it, or will a 5th get it at some point this year, or will only a 50th or 500th get it?

What I’ve also been wondering about is different population groups.
The lethality of this seems to vary dramatically from nation to nation.
For whatever reasons, parts of southern Europe like Spain and Italy seem much more affected by it than parts of northern Europe, for now.
The US, and China, at one point, if they’re not hiding their number of infected now, also seem much more affected by it than say Canada, south Korea and Japan, for now.
Perhaps the virus flourishes in warmer climates.
Or perhaps some southern Europeans are particularly susceptible to it genetically.
We may even have a scenario where it does end up killing 1% in some parts of the world like Spain and Italy but only 0.1% in others like France, Germany and the UK.