Computer analysis of the Bible

Now, don’t get me wrong… Buddhism also has some extraordinary facts, and many other religions. But, as far as I know, Christianity has withstood critics better than any other one. Besides, it’s messages from beyond time are proven to be true, as I tried to show above. A lie can’t pass the test of time.

Besides, I think I have to explain myself a little bit. I said “Don’t question God, better question the facts.” By this, I meant don’t enter dreamland, with hundreds of interpretations to simple facts. Keep contact with reality.

Come on! Most of those “predictions” take huge jumps of imagination. Look at Nahum 2:4 it doesn’t even vaguely sound like a car. He’s blatantly talking about how terrifying the chariots will be, and nothing else,just cause they have torches doesn’t mean they’re headlights. Seriously, a car doesn’t even look like a chariot, no horses to be seen at all. More like a seige tower or something like that.

As for atomic energy (, any shmuck can talk about raining fire and things dissolving, no mention of the mushroom cloud though is there. It sounds far more like a volcano to me, which is what archaelogists actually think it was, they suspecty that soddom and gomorrah might be at the bottom of the dead sea, which was probably created by a volcanic eruption.

Come on, let’s hear some really specific predictions, that aren’t just taking a passage from the bible completely out of context and twisting it to say what you want. I haven’t read all this huge discussion, so this may have been said before, but seeing as no-one’s got the original drafts of the bible, any computer analysis is going to screw up straight away. Do you know how many errors therehave been in each new bible? Off the top of my head, the oldest bible is at least 300-400 years after Chrst wasn’t it? There isn’t even a copy in existence of it written in the original language, and there are always terrrible mistakes made in translations, especially back then when there were no editors, proof readers, etc.

I usually try and shy away from direct attacks on any religion, it’s just when they start making absurd claims that I really go for it. If anyone even suggests to me that the world was created in 7 days I rip em to shreds. The bible being a book of prophecy, oir their being hidden messages, is another fallacy I cannot stand.

It’s fine to believe in a God, but it doesn’t mean you can divorce reason from all discussions about it. The very fact that there isn’t an original copy in the original language invalidates any claim you make about computer analysis of the bible in 1 second flat. I can’t see a single way of fighting out of the corner, unless you wants us to take a giant leap into the rediculous saying that it was designed so that the particular version of the bible that those idiots at

did the ‘analysis’ on (I doubt it has ever happened) threw up all the results that it is supposed to have. Look what they say:

But transcriptions errors must have happened hundreds and hundreds of times over, even in the most conservative guesses of how true the versions we have today are to the original form.

And if God had designed it that way, why do it in such a weird way, if he’s gonna leave a massive clue like that, why not just make some mountains spell out, “The Bible’s True”, instead of a highly controversial way.

Sigh, this all sounds a bit aggressive, but don’t take it as a major attack on your religion. I think, if anything, my point is believe your religion because you have faith in it, not because some idiots who have given up on reason tell you to. I’m an atheist, I’m more than happy to admit that I am, but what I realise about religion is that people believe in it not because of facts or knowledge, but because they have faith, which in a way is so special precisely because you can’t prove it.

Isn’t life short enough and hard enough as it is? Wouldn’t it be a terrible shame if we who are in an enviable state of freedom unavailable to the vast majority of all people through time, brought about over long ages by the hard work and struggle of our ancestors, were to waste away our few precious lives of existence as slaves to an imaginary despot? That we who have that freedom which many are willing to die for should surrender our freedom for the sake of - what? Threats of eternal fire and suffering as unfair and inhuman as they are unlikely? Pipe-dreams of post-death pleasure as a reward for living our lives as if in a constant steep uphill, burdened by arbitrary rules enforced by a paper tiger, which are anti-life, anti-love, anti-happiness, anti-freedom, and which threaten us with everlasting pain simply for being human, and then have the impudence to claim love and perfection itself as their originator? To abandon our reason and sense and choose willingly to blindly accept this dark fate merely because we are told to?




To Magius and the guest: life really has no meaning, if reduced to whatever you get to do, feel, think etc until you die. Then, evil would be most indicated. That is, immediate reward, mainly.

To Matt: ok, maybe the verses I highlighted need a little fantasy to come to today’s reality. But, as far as I can tell, the political predictions are most valid. Take a look at (I don’t have the time, nor the skill to expose it that clearly)
As for the computer analysis, it was made on the original texts, which were in Greek, Aramaic and whatever. Not English, not Frech. I’m not saying I blindly believe their numbers, though…
As a matter of fact, all manuscripts ever found were identical, if not complete, those partial destroyed came to complete others, to fit into less damaged ones. There was one manuscript found, however, which had one word different, one sole word, the word “light”, which didn’t affect the meaning in the context anyway.

One more thing. The birth of Jesus was predicted with loads of details, which were exact. At least as much as historians tell us. What other religion did that to it’s leader? Facts that shouldnt be ignored…

You know why Israel was attacked in the Bible? Because that’s what happened originally when the old testament was written. Why do you think the Jews wanted to settle there? It is their “promised” land, where their original holy temple was sited and they have been told that it will be built again. All the Bible shows is that history is repeating itself, they were turfed out of where the lived millenia ago and now the arabs are trying to do it again, albiet with far more reason this time than petty wars like back in the old days, for the reason that the Jews turned up and turfed out the Palestinians who themselves have now lived there for millenia, and set up their own state with money and weapons from American Jews. There’s nothing magical about it, it’s just all happened before.

The coming of Christ is written in the Jewish books, the old testament is just the Jewish religion, they actually say that Christ wasn’t the new messiah and that’s why there’s a split between the two religions, it’s the reason why Christians are called Christians and not Jews, I suppose effectively Christianity is just a sect of the Jewish religion. So there’s no agreement that Christ fufilled all the prophecies, only Christians believe this, Jews don’t. The only “fact” about it is that it’s the basis of your religion, so of course it is fact to you, but to historians and people who lived there at thee time, did NOT see it that way, so there is no amazing parity between the prediction and what happened. A lot of the “facts” have been twisted as time has gone on, and what happened has been embellished and turned into myth, or as we otherwise know it, the new testament.

You only have to do a brief search on the internet into versions of the bible to find out that there’s great controversy with any of the scripts, none of them agree anywhere near 100%, I’ve seen figures of as much as 5% disagreement, which would shows just how absurd the claim of the computer analysis is. Nor is it true that there are versions written in the original language, the closest thing there is is the Dead Sea Scrolls, written in a local dialect which wouldn’t have been the same as Matthew, Mark, Luke and all that would have spoken in and the Catholic Church won’t even admit the existence of some of them precisely because it disagrees with their version. Not only that but they probably wouldn’t actually have access to the oldest texts. I’d bet damn good odds that they’re owned by the catholic/orthodox churches and they wouldn’t let any old idiot near them. I bet many of them haven’t seen light of day for centuries. I also want to remind you here that when you translate into a different language, the number of words in a sentence will change for many sentences. So it is not possible to do the kind of analysis you are talking about as there is no Bible in the original language. Essentially the Bible is corrupted, what we have got today is a close version to what it was back then, but nothing like 100% accuracy. You must have read about the recent controversy that was surrounding the revelation that “Virgin” was probably a mistranslation from “Unmarried”.

Whoever told you that all manuscripts found are identical is just lying to you. They don’t, you can find that out easily enough for yourself. Again, this is not an attack on your religion, it’s an attack on the bloody mindness of idiots who want to show that the Bible is “fact” by making wild and absurd claims about it. Always check who wrote what you are reading (for example many famous Christian “Doctors” and “Professors” who advocate Creationism have their academic qualifications from unaccredited universities, you know the ones you can buy a degree from for $5, often they set up these “universities” themselves), find out what they really had access to, find out what assumptions they’ve made, find out what facts that don’t fit with their thesis they have left out, in short check that they’re not spinning you a lie! There’s a fantastic quote by some one, I can’t remember it exactly and if anyone knows it please tell it to me, it essentially says that the trouble with the information age is that it gives even the most ignorant writers an air of respectability. The internet is especially bad for that. For the most part anyone who writes like they do in Jehovah’s witness magazines, like they have written in the two links you have given, all capital letters and italics, I ignore straight out. I only read them because I wanted to show they are lies. The truth doesn’t need such a fanfare, only lies do.

Yeah, I know about Jews. Although I don’t know why they believe so. After all, historians also sustain The New Testament, Roman historians, mostly.

After all, people believe whatever they want. But no doubt, the truth is one. Besides, this kind of discussions shouldn’t be made on the internet. Lots of poits of view are lost, just because one can’t discuss with n people at the same time. Matt, I recommend you read the whole discussion on this topic.

And ok, you can skip the computer analysis claims, as we don’t know on which version of the Bible it was made… But I know that the manuscipts written in the original languages (I mean those not translated in modern languages) are in a very close agreement. I’ll be looking for more details, though…

Well maybe you should find out why! Do you think they would suffer the things they didn’t have good reason to believe Christ wasn’t the messiah?

Contemporary historians are very dangerous to trust, the winner gets to write history, as well as censor any disagreeing manuscripts from the historical record. The Romans converted to Christianity don’t forget.

You just have to look at English history, Richard III (I think it’s the 3rd) and the princes in the tower, it’s been accepted fact that he was a hunchback who killed the princes, because the historians who wrote just after his death were from the other royal family and wanted to paint him as a barbarian. Recent analysis of his portraits show that the hunchbacks were added way after the pictures were painted, and there also have been found some accounts which question the story of the princes in the tower, he may have had nothing to do with the deaths. And that was far more recent than Christ.

I have now read the entire thread, only took me and hour and a half, now I realise no-one has ever taken you up on your computer analysis of the bible point until I did. It has all been an interesting debate, and certainly given me even more ammunition to throw against religion if I am ever forced into the corner again. However, to say that you don’t want to discuss the ‘revelations’ of the bible, then why did you bring it up? I’m not trying to argue with you on points of theology, as much as you have been discussing has already been, I’m trying to show you that the ‘predictions’ of the bible do not exist, nor does the computer analysis, nor any of the modern claims about the bible. What I’m asking you to do is show them to me.

I’m asking a rather difficult question really, on the one hand I’m doing as Uccisore mocks, I’m not questioning your religion, believe it if you want, I’m not gonna try and convince otherwise, but on the other hand I am questioning your wild claims about the bible being an ultimate proof within itself. Show me more than dogmatic incoherent writing of demented Americans who have nothing better to do with their time!!!

I think one of the greatest tragedies that happens with religion is that writers on the pro-God side seem to think they’re allowed to forget traditional rules of argument, while their opponents refuse to. So the Christians are allowed to make things up, as it’s all in the service of God, but the atheists don’t make things up because the very principle behind their beliefs is truth.

I am glad you’ve given up on the computer analysis claims though.

I find it very strange how in discussions such as this christians have a tendency to assume that they somehow have a monopoly on morals. Do you really have so little faith in humanity that you believe it is impossible for us to make good decisions for ourselves, that we must inevitably descend into “evil” unless we are held in check by the threat of hellfire? Look around you and you will probably find a good many atheists living good, honest moral lives for no other reason than that that is what they believe is the right thing to do. Not to mention a fair number of “christians” on whom even God’s torture threats seem to have failed to make an impression.
It probably has something to do with your remarkable view that without a Hell to run from, life would have “no meaning” and be “reduced to whatever you get to do, feel, think etc until you die”. Isn’t that meaning enough for you? Is life really so dreary and dull that you can’t imagine slogging it through without the hope of afterlife to sustain you? After all, you don’t just have a choice between blind obedience in the hope of hitting the jackpot after death and immediate-pleasure hedonistic irresponsibility. You have a good seventy years to work with. It would be a shame not to live those seventy to the full because you are holding out for an afterlife of bliss that you have no reason to expect other than that someone told you so and you chose to believe them.

You got me wrong, Mr Guest. I was not saying that Christians are good, and atheists are bad. Or maybe it’s because I’m not too good at expressing my thoughts. Nor am I saying that I have a better way of thinking. Just debating.
And honestly, logically, without an afterlife, life itself seems meaningless.

To Matt: Yeah, I guess I should find out why.

By the way, I wanted to access Well wow :unamused: I guess accidents happen. We should check it out, it has interesting observations about the Bible.

I want to know what you guys think.

After doing some reading on epistemology, I came to the conclusion it is impossible to know if there is a God, if we have free will, or if we are immortal (i.e Kant’s synthesis of empiricism and rationalism). The reason, I believe, that atheists have such a hard time beleiving in God is because even if “He” directly spoke to them, they still could not believe “Him”.

Allow me to illustrate with an example. Suppose God speaks to you, or appears as an apparition and says “there is free will, I exist and you will be immortal.” Of course, I would be inclined to believe in such a strange occurrence. However, doubt may soon settle in. I may begin to think "was I hallucinating? Did that stale guacamole do a little more then just give me diarrhea?

So when Christians begin arguing the bible and attempt to persuade with evidence not nearly as influential as God directly speaking to you, atheists will only find holes in the arguments and more reasons not to believe. In fact, the only evidence that we have that God exists, is the fact that none exists.

To take this one step further, since we will never know the beginnings of the universe or why we exist, all that is left for us is to accept the fact that we do exist. Essentially our only options are: to believe we are here for a reason (God), or to believe that we are here for no reason whatsoever.

Either way, we are forced to believe something.

Basically I am responding to H20’s suggestion that without an afterlife, life seems pointless. Being agnostic I tend to agree with you. I choose to believe we exist for a reason. That reason May be called God, but not in the christian sense of the word or any other religion’s ( that I know of atleast). Perhaps one of the purposes of life (among countless others)is to learn what it means to believe.

This is my first time posting and I would like to assert that it is refreshing a forum like this exists. I enjoyed reading everybody’s comments.
Take care :smiley:

I see people have lost interest in this topic. Too bad.
Oh well, all I can tell you is seek and you shall find.
Good luck, then, to all of you :wink:

Good point, Mr Anonymous. I guess Christians should stop imposing The Bible - just follow it; Atheists - keep an open mind. The fight should be carried inside everyone.

Oh well h2o, it was a fun topic while it lasted. It is actually the longest topic on the entire board, I think. Seek and you shall find! Couldn’t have said it better myself, accept that it seems that we all find differently. The search for purpose is innate in humans.

A bit off topic but I sometimes wonder if animals search for purpose. What do you think? Do animals have religion?

As long as you agree that there is a Truth, you must agree that there is One Truth. And if we won’t stop at the level of those partial truths that are only related to a part of reality, therefor being lies, we will all find the same thing. This is my conviction, of an objective truth.

No, animals don’t seek a purpose. They have no free will, therefor they can only do what their instincts tell them to.

Actually it’s a question they’re trying to solve now. There is some evidence of reasoning in some of the chimp family. They pick up sticks that would be good for getting termites out of holes and then carry them to the site of the termite hole, which is apparantly some evidence of reasoning. The debate on whether they can learn language or whether they respond to their questioners is still raging. All in all, if they had reason they would be seeking a purpose. I suppose they could even occasionally wonder what happened to dead chimps.

I would argue that animals have a form of free will. They will not respond to identical situations in the same way every time, and they can learn not to do things, and by not doing something, I would say that they have some form of free will. There’s some interesting theories out their about protean intelligence, a defence mechanism of randomness, which suggests to me free will. That they cannot reason their way to far future consequences certainly doesn’t necessitate that they do no have free will. Free will is essentially the ability to make choice at moment X, though I must admit that’s a quick armchair defintion of free will, I’ve never really thought incredibly deeply about what free will means.