coming through the antichrist

The coming will be an entity, it will be like a very small but very good minute particle, to infect the decomposition, and create a chain effect of infecting the world wide determinable, mechanistic world, with hope. It will be as in an anti virus. The cure for the Goliath-like cancer of our age will be invaded, by a David-like particle of optimum uncertainty, invading the callous skepticism of this age with an unbeknown vehemence.

with ebola attaining the near possibility of becoming a scourge of Africa, if the current two countries there can not contain it, somehow points to the above blog where the antivirus was interpreted in a positive vein.

Hypotheticals which follow categorically follow levels of reality, some of which have been the result of dreams, forecasts, some of which have gained momentum from ontic/ontological sources.

Some sources may not be disclosed, due to the sensitive borderline states of description, others manifest indulgent realizations of opinion within the forum.

I personally have had a dream, years ago, where i saw African huts inverted, and very much resembling nukes. The image was frightful. I had meta vision, of which only through a tiger’s eye could it safely be said, whether it was reality or a delusion. It makes for a very compelling, case,and it has to do with Saddam Hussain’s unseating, and having good reasons for his possession of WMD.(weapons of mass destruction)

Eurovision in a panel discussion, where the participants were a former French defense official and a correspondent for Paris Match, held the US responsible for the present problems with ISIS , on grounds that most of ISIS consists of disaffected Iraqi youth, lawless, brutal and totally corrupt. They are displacing the Taliban as the primary insurgency in the Middle East, causing that terrorist organization to move it’s recruiting activities elsewhere.

One of the most noted places is India, and i noticed an underlying dis affectation there when staying in a hotel in Delhi, two or three formerly inconspicuous young men , upon ‘clearing’ me, showed their bandanas of affiliation. Anger and distrust mirrored from their faces, but even without those, i felt a deep anger within their souls.

Not coincidental that Putin , a formerly hard line Communist, a total realist, is perhaps not taken in by ideas , which have reality of their own and would be attributed to the ‘occult’

Russia is the only country, where mysticism and parapsychology is taken seriously, and the accepted father of existentialism starts with Dostoevsky’s insights. Putin’s realism a sorry reminder of the roots of de-facto serfdom, where human life and value are subsumed under considerations of material dialectic. Her, we see steel cold indifference, contrary to Delueze’s differential reduction, and this is why the notion of the Communist view of the Decline of the West, takes a corrupted form.

The Ebola virus is the metastasis of the metalogical failure of the teleological to prevent it’s dis-integrative molecular equivalent.Perhaps. A new plague to undermine, the hegemony, of an imposed order?

It would be a heavy burden to attend to all of the above, and an older , biblical one is still floating around, that of the combined forces of the willing and able, going into the Levant, and meeting there, the antichrist in a final battle.

Is it possible, for one to realize the significance of these strands, and still hold to some of the references attributable between dreams and reality, dreams and delusions, as to finally de-realize a possible scenario of hermeanutic (circular) collapse into, or rather toward the center?

I am convinced that that center is totally a metaphysical entity, unapproachable, as the metaphor of the black hole, where conversion takes place and spewed out, rather then drawn in and destroyed? The Schartzchild view of this effect has been well described.

Finally, can this whole process be seen as trans temporal, and in fact, changes can be made, even at this late hour to make sure, that a different version be transformed, by actually ‘going back’ and changing things around? I think the difference can qualitatively show the differential changes in every step, as not resulting in the very self destructive homing in, on a very painful descent and return. I think it is possible to return into the hell of a barbaric, pre human world, as much as it has been described by those, who have gone there, and returned. Among these are Shaw.

The group return to this level of total naiveté is the performance needed to actually save the world. We have an enormous debt which have accumulated through hundreds of years of colonialism, and the slight band aids being applied, cannot miraculously reform and rescind the guilty conscience of the world.

The pessimism of the 19 th century cannot be healed with turn of the century attempt to re define self valuing in terms of non restraint, since those held hostage to the slavery to the world have longer memories.

The luxury of nihilism is unacceptable to those, whose only test of reality is the conservation of traditional role.

What redemption? Who redeemer? These are the questions which, when seen in their proper light, can make a real difference, in the groundwork of laying a beginning of a new and brave world, devoid of masks, (them ripped off) and recognizing the possibility for contrition.

Those who cannot remember the mistakes of history, are condemned to repeat them.

If those sharing a like vision, would,could reveal the mystical allegories of reference, would be surprised, at the implications of what limits that, which formerly was deemed, as irrational. Synchronicity is the effect of much more than mere co-incidence.

Then he must be Mick Jagger.

(You cant always get what you want)

Or the Dramatics, (What You see is What you get)

i made a mistake, she says. a mistake they will intentionally misinterpret. just like the last two times.
she asks, jumping through the ring of fire after being awakened by the hero’s kiss, ‘what were they’?’ ‘well the fist one was the redemption, the second the transfiguration.’ after a pause, --‘hey wait a minute, are you the one to save me?—’ but then she realizes her mistake, and shifts her posture, blushing to a ripe red, ‘and what is the third?’ …he says, and lovingly pulling her into his bosom, is the realization.
“Next time,” she lets out a relieving sigh," let the cows out of the pasture, “will you dear”, it is said, they do know what they are doing.

“'Yes” she whispers, “but do they see? do they believe”?

“I dunno, when Your’re caught up, exciled, into the farthest reaches, a napoleon in rags, well, it’s hard to say.”

"He has got to cross the border, that's all, " she is trembling as she says this," and follow me, ; I did it, he can too............." then she clutches her little prayer book and exclaims with a sharp cry, "but he is you, you are the one about, my god, i didn't recognize you, because of the passage of time, i still see you the dashing,......" she stops short, as the old hero pulls her into his bosom and kisses her chapped, but still luscious lips"  

To thunderous applause the aged lovers accompanied by a fevered pitched crescendo as the curtain closes, ascend the stairway to heaven.

Christ-Anti Christ are the same entity, different only in terms of interpretation. We have arrived at a post structuralist state, of beyond interpreting a differencial between good and evil, it is not that we are beyond it, as much as we have deconstructed it
to the degree, that the original elements of consciousness have reduced the difference into the primal sameness. The event has been accomplished,
the collider has identified the basic particle, and that
suffices to build the new model, based on that idiom.
It has been done, the crucifixtion of the similarly desribed, torn and rebuilt. (the temple) It is a new
temple for the soul, but a redeemer has to occur at
the critical juncture, because of the guarantee of the rainbow. It is a re-varience, of all the possible permutations of loss, the lack of which has to be re-
built somehow, to save the rebuilt models, before all
the plans for it will be but faint anagrams no one really could possibly understand, except , the Son. The Son knows this time, that He could not
conceivable afford another mythology, since the
traces of it have been annihilated . Therefore His own self negation would be the ultimate source of realizing that the impasse of indiscernability would
be overcome to the
99.999999999999999999999999999 % who doubt, even now, at this hour of beckoning.

What more can i show you? That the devil is in the details?

The biofeedback of cruelty. You become who you think. Sometimes You don’t know that what you think is not. It is someone else who would like yout think it is you.

In fact it is not you. You act in accordance.
Fully knowing.Immediately.
Or later forgetting.

Then you become.
Someone else thinking. The circuitry of the fed back material
becomes a matter of preception.

The lions eye, may then, from that point on,
the preception will be all not quite though,
total dissassociation like in the moebius strip
is iron clad, but you do not know the natural from the artificially man made

the lion further descends, the wisard of Oz, therefter even the king
of the jungle looses that soul, the Brave Heart, the Lion Heart

senses fear, it’s own, and his eye becomes masked
in a very early drama,
the birth of which now in elemental masking, again
in great eidectic suspense, reduced to a level,

yet different, you think same though, new for old dissimilar models, the jungle digresive, regressive and diminishing become the hidden heart
of an emergence of darkness,
an ultimately alienated wild animal
in the new cage, but the jungle reverses it’s imprisonment, in steels of caged, and ungodly
prisons of stain, an ambiance of technical glitter.

We’re all anti-christs.

Yes, because we are against Him, because the first time it failed miserably. Nowedays we want guaranrees, well forgetting we are the ones who reject(ed) Him in the first place. Now He will come back with a differance, and in that differance He has to deny Himself. His self denial will be literal this time, not figuring in a total acceptance of His self denial for everyone. This time He has to deny his Father, from Heaven. Only in this way will we understand the awfullness of the coming ambiguity, we brought on a model few would or could understand.

We’re all capable of being positive or negative, it has nothing to do with a being in the sky or not. We are self-governing, perhaps world governing provided the individual knows what they are actually doing, an actual leader and what not. We definitely have some powerful influence.

    Not all are able to self govern, even if they think they do.  Some can attain only negative results, based on inaccurate projections, and the realization of that is the literal anthropomorphic projection of God in heaven. The shift is toward that, and this is why the need to pray against total negation, through Yeah affirmation.

Ignorance is the root of all chaos/evil, as Plato said. Everyone may self-govern unless just ignorant or ruled by ignorant people by being even more ignorant than the ruler. But still, both would be pretty ignorant.

But then the question immediately arises, whether the ignorance was real, or caused by a defensive posture to throw off non believers.

You can tell if they’re really ignorant or not by what they do and how they act/speak. The negative aspects of which mankind love to commit are committed due to ignorance and not seeing the full picture. People like to subject themselves to their own portion of the picture rather than looking upon the entire portrait. Those who see the big picture hardly if never commit negative influence/actions towards humanity. The influence is the ripple effect, it helps shape reality.

Negative idea/thought > Negative influence > Negative action > Negative reality

Action and influence can be swapped since action can influence and influence can cause action. It also applies to positive and a large variety of other things.

A wise man see’s no point in ruling over other men. It A. Creates enemies. B. Gives you an army yes, but an army of fools nonetheless. C. Prevents advancement, which is part of the big picture that they would see.

^ this is people not seeing the entire picture, but instead trapping themselves in their own or others conformed delusional thinking.

This is very true. However such delusion is the result of confusion over the causes of such ‘seeing’, over a landscape of a different way of understanding what they see. This understanding, or ignorance theref, is faulted by the prescriptors and the prescriptions of the object through which understanding arises, A dthis understanding will depend on the preception/interpretation of it.

The object/model, toward which the process of simulation-modeling takes place, with the object being both the objective, the aim, & the model(virtual), leaves little room for testing ignorance by acting. This is, because, absent an understanding, only a transcendent can connect the preception with the action. Therefore any particular point of view will become only that, and nothing more. The movers and shakers can can this way create the effect of ignorance, therefore making the test for validity null and void. It becomes a presumption, of the degree of bilateral trust, that’s
In this way reality can be either assumed to be what it is, or not. Most likely the former can be easily and virtually be concocted. This is why representable government is mostly a sales job, not necessarily based on good performance , but on well conceived and executed ad campaigns won by the best funded political run, regardless of limits. It is a matter of objective beliefs , understood mostly by illusions of overcompensated rhetoric, to cover the underachieved flatline of reality. The lawyers are still using linear thinking to cover the public’s unfamiliarity with functional analysis. Here the gaps stare everyone in the face, the presumption being that everyone should be able to fill them. Any one daring to bring this up will be charged with ignorance, and no one wants that to apply to

The only difference between the generl public an us here at ILP is, that here if momentarily we cannot fill in the gaps, we have ways of motvating ourselves to find out the ways to do so. Here, we do not have to worry about other members introjective pressures to assimilate to an unspecified number of associations. No one, usually,will put us to task, to state a total objective of a not well enough defined narrative, or fear of being labeled ignorant. If it is done so, it almost always for a kind of jest.

The anti christ is not literally ‘against’ christ. Someone said in some forum a while back that the Christ may not even have been a real person, but an ontological necissity in the train of thought. If so, or even if it is not so, even then, the antichrist will
certainly be a needed socio-philosophycal entity, to
adjust to the expected changes to occur, to concure with the universal changes taking place in the world today. The scientific advances are so unrecedented,
that some sort of ontological being has to fill in the
huge gap created in the psychic continuum if the general populations of the world, most of whom may feel like they are adrift, in a sea of unpredictable and unmanageable indeterminacy, where they are
becoming smaller and smaller pawns in a chess game, whose rules, stratagems and outcomes they ultimately do not understand. In addition IT HAS
BEEN FORETOLD, that the antichrist is coming, and if
it is true we are just pupeteers in a theatre of absurd expectations, and the directos are just waitng for the performance to begin, they for sure, can not
disappoint their eager public, awaiting anything: a
revolution, a new system, a new breath of air, a more resonating , air of conscious realization which carries hope and fulfillment in a seemingly impatient
world. For this reason, the antichrist may need not
to be exactly what has been described in Revelations, the may be micro managed, an entity not to be reckoned with. Someone who will take control, and
fix thing, pulling together loose ends, which
heretofore have been severly restricted.

Amen I say to You, unless You forgive him, there will not be salvation ever. This last temptation, is really not, it is the acquisition to ultimate proof of ideas of absolution. The One, has to coincide with that other one, so as to achieve that final eclipse, of faith over doubt. what if this is another ploy? how can one tell?
because here is where the difference will show It’s true colors, which heretofore has been tinged by the pain of doubt, which he thought belongs to him, as a given right, yet, that ultimate test, where the Soul will test it’s alchemical purity, is but a jest without IT.

By necessity, he will
come through, if the aim of the project,
human, had any sense,
if, there is some meaning toward which
we become,
and then, again, unbecome if we can,

it is unbecoming, really to not to aim toward,
to actually de singlarize, from which toward,

the energy it takes
to harness the power of the universe toward a higher
ground, so as that ground an anathema become.

ken wilber coincides the stages of man, with the stages of men, the universe has the same progresssion, as would the history of man.

If is not the mystery underneath that the short sighted materialist would dismiss so quickly on a learning of only a few hunred years-
within the annals of time? Is time its’s self a descending corridor,
to that singularity from whence, as soon s thought about
immediately come back from, reversely, becoming everyone?

Our singular differentiation a motive, with the hollowness of this construction, a magic sleight of the hand, so as to perscribe the magic circle, whose idea
the consuming fire the thinnest veil of that idea’s

What that takes is that thought coming alive, through that ring of the sorcery of impossible?

If the answer to this question
the Sybil only through the depth of many impressions, has to in depth’s circularity, the vaporous pain of this descent

make it obviously less,
short sighted.