coming through the antichrist

What happens now, today, at this very moment. A lot of back wash, the changing of the channels, a backward glance, changing course without a guide, a sleepy town, praying, the vanished god surely didn’t create the vanishing man, and he need not vanish on cause of banishment.

What comes after? Who comes? To rescue the innocents? If nature has a conscience? Or is she powerless perhaps to intercede in a heaven so full of deception.

It is never late, but it’s hope now, need a strong rudder, a deeply buried anchor, for the thing is,
The river bank itself the bottom will not hold, otherwise.

It needs dreamers and lovers, and atlas, who won’t shrug, and diviners, prophets, and the appeasement of the Holy Sepulcher. Don’t look back, children, go forth in love, but be spotless, yet cunning. It is one and the same but the young wouldn’t understand, what it takes to tempt as a way to cut the embilycal chord. We will once realize, us Gods, Buddha, Bottshivittas we always were . Unless.

Unless you realize what a little bird said, and what it means to spend one night of the soul, and that the one is not evil but frightened, but eternally frozen by fear. And that fear is?

That as he wanted as did not heraclitus but parmenedes, an eternal still, a hush, an immortal eternity, an existent where even the heartbeat of the stone, the crystal,

Is afraid of never awakening. It is condemned to sleep eternally. It is better to awaken even for a second of timelessness.

Mysterious thing about the pope
For me to know and find out
All bodies Buddha
That’ relief
Two and more
That humility
That without which cannot go
for ever again
From communion
A singular God smiles
Spiritual quantumjumpneeded
How this is the question now
Morenow then ever
Signs abound feel it?
Certain limits reached again
Time is just right to forgive yourself
Because you are loved so much
But cannot see it
Allow that
Eternal father

Now that they have come home to roost, must realize their stand is their last,
That end of history does not mean the end of reason,
Of ideology, because of the fall,
The entropy, is becoming literally transparent,
The pyramid’s force, it’s ancient eye,
Can’t blink,
It’s virtual yet a metaphor, its beat,
Yet a new voice, the shadows of forest,
Children’s eyes, smiling,
The answer is obviously,
A need as ancient, as in the oldest dialectic
Or the wise ones have to rise again
America, yeah, beautiful, naïve, yet ageless.

Oh, europa, under blue ageless rivers inmutible
While revolutions everywhere and bridges to blue skies how many generations, with wondrous eyes,

Thining this is eternal, the mountains on the other side, I can go back and be one’s self,
Here heart crane best said in brookly bridge.

Coming through, coming through,
But don’t know so confused to go ahead or go back pulling back and forth, but
Its not linear. It goes higher but only seems,
Somebody keeping record, and now perhaps
An anti pope, a reversal where certain limits have been reached long time ago the huts of africa
Were the sign,
A sign of slavery, now unburdened, and silent whispering kisses in the hazy afterglow,

Coming through,
The maze of indechipharable ,
Pungent , oh so silently a thief in the night,
With ice cold breath,

And always there an immutable sunny afternoon, with that old oak tree used to bloom in spring for you, only, crazy diamond,

That knows, that knows, even among
The most fragile amongst us.

As regard to freedom, choice, determinism,
We must realize, that in order to create the illusion of free will, at the time in the beginning when that basic choice was made, in order to create a world of illusion,

Since it was the use of choosing the sounds which corresponded to things, leads to the conclusion that

Consciousness was a basic choice, the beginning of everything, everything as a necessary choice,
So that we can become aware.

The illusion became our reality, and now we are tearing down this illusion. Illusion upheld by fate,

And that was first to go.

It would be ok if we could abide by the simple truism “If God din’t exist, it would have to be created”, but by whom?

Even if faith is necessary to build this huge structure upon we call history, a reflexive determinism retroactively, (since retroactively there is but one chain of causation and we can’t go back, because that’s more than and illusion, it is a delusion…

Then the word, in the beginning was one choice to be, rather than not, of which truism we only became aware much later, …can it not be seen retroactively,

That the word was a singular act, of putting one sound together with a picture? Maybe the roar of a lion ! Maybe the O-M of mama’s milk?

Was this determined so as to be or revealed singularly, when the world was young, and wanted to believe?

And to tear down God, up till fairly recently in the large scheme of things, was punished by death, and was it not this displacement of this sacred knowledge, in the long run, a sin of unearthly proportions?

To exclude the middle, this fantastic, illusion, the God of our Father’s, is unconsciouble. We can not know this anymore, but we feel it, in our guts.

Now as to the limits reached: a more appropriate picture is one limit within sight, and as soon as that appears to be breached, another one appears. We have reached and crossed that limit, without ever actually doing so.

So what happened? Another field opens up, another, then another, kaleidescopically, singularly, as if going through the rings of a mandala.

How does it feel? You tell me!

It really sucks, but then there is a need for it, as there is a need for you, too.

Crossing another field, well, it doesn’t feel good: you are drawn back into the safety of one left behind, and the uncertainty of the one ahead.

At the mid-distance, between the two, you really don’t find haven, because that’s where the known and the unknown meet. The illusion and the reality.
You drop a mask only to done another.

Don’t you think this is where it’s at? (Says invisible :sunglasses:, well yes and every court needs a jester.

Are you willing?

Yeah, but not surely: able.

You must.

Why must ------I?

Because there are not that many that will

Will what?

Oh I dunno just a thought. Anyway I hope to fit, because then you and I will both be stuck in the middle. You know equidistant, equal energy fields, etc.

This is not very well…

Don’t say it and have piety!

It’s just a quantum jump into hyperspace, that’s all,
It will be over before it even begins.

But the power?

It’s self propelled need not worry?

War coming?

Can feel?

It’s absurd, no you are asleep.

Proof for god’s existence: it’s all you, You,
When I empty myself for you, there is nothing: left is only the outline of your being as it was, coming through the echoes of ages rhythmic, vibrating possibility in the moment,
The seeming suspense tightly drawn toward zenith,
Long ago, suspended almost weightlessly above the foam, the blue of immeasurable light years,
Dozens of hundreds of millions of wagners,
Before falling , down into inertia,
The pull of gravity, and just before waking
The center bulls eye hit, in someone else’s eye,
(And he whispers I wrote it down only for you) as to
Be there, in the same spot,
For your eyes, only, with your childlike stupidity,
It is for you written these lines,
As don’t forget that all of this sorrily must pass,
Because, so much ennui,
Boredom, unholy,
Forgetting the second to second miracle,
And yet you breath, and someone remembers,
Your tender arms, in prayer to an unknown god,
A god evolved to in your image so you may be worshiped, and pay the heavy price for others,
Every man’s redemption, do you believe,
In spite of the message of the media,
It’s in the moment dear, not the thrown away left, abandoned novel in your trembling hands just before you fell asleep, and me thinking of you , me
Who no longer exists in the usual meaning of the term,
Your sacred heart as the drum beat of an eternal tune,
Does transcend space, and time.

If you had to choose, would you choose belief, in your self, just for one more second,

So that you may forgive? Yourself.

April 6, 2013 santa catalina

It will happen the question is when. It’s like with Estergonn: we are waiting. For Godot, but why must we wait.

Programmed to wait. The orgasm is a good example. We need pleasure, but we have to wait for it, not long. But the east advises: retain it. Then the waiting is over. Then there is nothing to wait for.

Waiting for the baby to come. Then waiting for the first day in school and he came in alone. Then waiting until he grows up leaves, and you see him sometimes. And dad, he says joyfully, to make your heart bleed.

And you try to send him messages you hope he picks up. He may or may not.

Then you see him after a long time lost so much wait I don,t know what his problem is, he looks different. After he was gone I though that should’ve been a clue.

Then we go down what used to be called octopus garden, and he puts on foreigner or journey and he is too high into the surf and the sun. And we talk of the 60’s and what went wrong, and borderline personality, and I ask him if he read on the road, or cities of the red night or junky or naked lunch, and he says no.

The following summer I see him as a little boy I used to cradle, (I can never overcome this vision, maybe my LSD is in his blood and genes) and I think of visions of cody, and japhy ryder, and we talk. I try to tell him what happened to the sixties my happen to him, and he thinks not much of my prophesied and I quit.

At the river little boy, barefoot, and he says he caught a big carp and shows it and says grandma will be up and she is expecting it for dinner, but it is very hot up in old bakersfield,and the frog is out, so have an idea to put it back into kern river and rig it to a rock, but it get’s loose and washes down river, and we see it flowing down the river it is a big fish and we try to chase it, and his little well formed feet running down shore, and after he began to teach he always said I love you dad and how is my favorite father,and as it turned out he was the only one among four who really knew how to love. The fish was caught and we try to fry it right away but it turned out to be a mess, and grandma went hungry.

That last night he asked me if we were going to rome, but he meant to say india, and then he came close real close I was sitting on the sofa his sister gave to us, and he asked about the show: it was like bonfire of the vanities, a little black boy nobody paid attention to got run over, and I felt something horribly desperate,

And it was a very hot day and he lied he said he just came home from work,
But later found not so he was surfing and trying to make up his little mind, and he. Said he will sleep upstairs, and nothing would convince him. To sleep downstairs, before he cut his wrists upstairs and turn on the barbecue, he swigged cold vodka on ice,
And turned on the radio, that will be always stamped as he will be remembered my little boy,
And he wrote horribly about his wife, and I knew what she was like and he was naive to her street smart,

And my hear hurts, and he left alone like he came in as his first cry was so loud, the nurse warned us about waking the other infants,

And he got a copy of lonesome traveler and flew to boston,had to be brought back cause lost all his money somehow, then went to nashville and got arrested for bugging taylor swift,

After the downturn came quickly.

Go alone to secret places now holding dear those, one called strawberry fields forever, another brown eyed girl, where the hues of green assuredly with incense and peppermint,and the trees,oh the trees, their scent bringing in the reminder that we shall see each other, the eucalyptus and the sage, the noche de dama perfuming santa monica boulevard when out for love bar hopping and bouncing with the rythim and the flame that drove back to texas,

Then the last night, a pet shop boys concert first, and he didn’t want to go up there at night like Terry used to do but he. Is gone there too, and singularly,

And terry was looking through a buddhist book many monks of notable countenance and showed one almost perfectly matching his likeness.

And seeing the error of his ways, it’s just a catharsis.

To mother of abstract.

Thank you obe for sharing this with me. I read the one before this one first. How beautifully written…both.

A revealed secret can instead lead to more secrets – and given new secrets could also be newly created indefinitely I would then propose that not all secrets destroy themselves but instead unravel a beautiful story for the detective or disclosurer of secrets. I also further believe that in the scope of an entirely 3D universe that there is no future, and ‘no past’, instead only the present but except that during the mental deciphering brain process we actually live slightly behind the ‘present’ – so yes, we are in the past. However, if time is not an abstract concept (4D universe), and if historical archiving of the past is attained, as well as planned compilations of the future ‘stored’ somewhere (this for a 3D universe), can take into account all temporal states of time. And if time travel were a possibility it would indeed have to be pre-ordained by a suitable sentience or nature itself.

Your relation between ‘faith’ and ‘determinism’ (as a means to undermine it) make absolutely no sense to me – I would appreciate if you explained it.

The ‘anti Christ’ to me is an entity that seeks the entire opposite than what Jesus would have desired – that is, he/she/it desires us to commit sin, to lower our morals, and mayhap attempts to disprove the notion of God and praises Hedonistic/Satanist behaviour (the latter not necessarily a bad thing, as long as its secular morality code does not bring hazard to others). I would not necessarily categorize the anti Christ as an aspect of ‘negation’, that implies neutrality. The anti-Christ advocates hell, pain, suffering, torment and severe agony to all at the benefit of his/her’s distorted pleasurable self.

I don’t understand that how the realization of the self as the ‘singular’ bears any cure against ailments of a fictional being such as the anti-Christ. To me it is when we realise ourselves as belonging to a ‘community’, and hence to others, that we are able to grasp the concepts of Christ and then negate the anti.

Nice poems and ditties by the way – unfortunately I don’t usually read poems in forums with full attentiveness. I do have a question based on them though, that is, do you think the ‘anti-Christ’ would try to bring down family relationships? Or any relationships by affected? Or would he/she/it instead manipulate friendships so as to form a hierarchy where the devil itself was in power?

Would the anti-Christ keep secrets? If so about what – anything we do not know already? I wonder what he/she would look like as a person, I personally perceive Satan (if a person) to be a very tall extremely tanned unattractive long-haired dark blonde (with male sexual organs – a tranny almost) who wears geeky glasses and is on a severe dose of medication to control their OCD of ultimate evil intent. Would the anti-Christ be Satan (Lucifer)? Would the anti-Christ be the devil itself? Or are we expecting something else, mayhap not quite human?

 Thank You.

There is a solution. And it is not from above or below. It is in value, worth. The self has been abjegated. It’s no longer the era of the confidence man, it now more then anytime ever, it must be left.

But what’s left?

The mirror.

When you look into the mirror, what’s left?

What’s left is reversed. It is the key.

Things are reversed. What is this reversal?

The way, the first shall be last.

The end- the beginning. Who said the anti anything, is ****. Or was? It isn’t what’s left. It is what was, before anything was. What was before anything?

Something, that’s not left.

But surely, it is not right.

Indeed it isn’t.

Before anything. Is.

 Before anything, something prefigured.  The non sense. Where they who do not see, do not understand.  Those that do not understand, do not believe.

 Believe in what?

 In the beginning was.....


For? Godot, godard, God! Yes, waiting for God.


Yes, yes, waiting. What else worth waiting for?

How do you know? How do you know we are waiting?

Or even: waiting for. God? (Spell god backward dog------we certainly not waiting for dog?

We may very well be:::cerburus

Why wait? Especially for cerburus?

Because…it’s better to wait for cerburus, then a dog.

Why? Why? Because cerburus is an old dog…yes, a very old dog…a faithful and old dog…listen this is absurd…its theatre…and …
I believe he can be trained, after all he can be fooled! Didn’t faust—ahem, well yes,
But we were young, and especially …you can’t teach old dogs new tricks

That’s hypothetical…so what should we do? Just wait?

No, stop waiting. He is here. He is right here. No more waiting. You asked for it. Well here he is to collect.

What? But he can not…can’t you think of something???(The grand inquisitor paused and slowly, very slowly ---------------------------as long as someone will love him,
He will not understand it but it will stop him in his tracks, he cannot deal with that. He will not be able to understand it, and he will be transfigured.

Transformed…(But whispers slowly, stop–i am dreaming). But it has been done. Thy will!

You caused it. The purifying fire::::he is here. It Has Begun:::::the abomination! Can you not feel the sudden change or I am dreaming.

Wide awake, know what is coming: but what can not burn will not perish.

(Heard it said the anichrist will be an ultra sophisticated set of supercomputers, which finally will be the only cognitive entity to manage the world’s total interrelational databses). At this point control, at some point have to be ceeded to the computer itslef, since to understand the composite, the elemental decisions will need to par in.

 If the antichrist is this entity, then in order to plug into this, a cybernetic/cyborg type design will need to be the go in between.

Why though? In order to? To gather those who when without lifting finger,

Wherefrom priveleged you where have you been,
Deer, aftergolow shows on, and on, it morphs,
(Incidentally noone ridiculed you while all this going on, as excodus 2 happening, and the three asias decide,

Love will decide don’t worry, and when it comes with him, as in a drearily dreadful stagnant salon where you have been also belonged, (and remebering it all the typisch of you lying on grass believeing in practically everything without boreing a hole into their hell, ); or (heaven)

Then she comes he shoiulders slacked sumpily, simply , slumped, and you say see all this new grass in that bright sun spot,

And you will again come back now that you have forgotten it, and me, and remains the thightness of
Realising it can come anytime as long as you don’t show it or the others can’t make a comment on it.

Bless you child

But what of negation? Is it not a qualifier? Are you fearful to be left out to the gnasihing of teeth? Not if you love the dogs. You have to love them, for they do not know. Can’t you remeber their function? Is it by naught that they became man’s best friend?

(The cats are no different’ excepting of them being a magical species, long mimed in the courts of the Pharaoh.)

It’s getting closer all the time: can’t you but feel it? It is only through the gretaest effort that you can come across, and the price is, well you know, beware all you who come here, you have to totally undress, and in your nakedness, you may pass.

The avenging angels, through a glass, darkly, they weigh in, your soul on one side, and the beast the other.

Do not fear the Lord, because He is full of kindness and love.

Mea culpa mea maxima culpa!

Boy I need a friend! When certain limits are reached, would it be tended to the test? Can it be ever? What would be those limits? How close can you go? You say the emperors clothes do you? But where are the children now? Buried under some poisoned gas we’d all like to avoid. Is this freedom? Can we do pax americana via short cut? Is that the deal? Where have all the flowers gone long time passing. Have gone to soldiers everyone…

If you only knew you want to find out? It’s so trite but with universal applications…

Thank you. Printemps. Stravinsky.
Thank you. Sacre du. It is what it is.

Navy. Great. Lakes 1964. Then denver, boulder 1982 kerouac’s 25 th anniversary publication of on the road. Who is still on the road. Your absurd.

If I told you how you have exceeded your limits, you’d tell me your crazy. But there are no limits. Only appearent ones.

Alone again, naturally.

Social referentiiality, Habermas, fishing, naïve politics or subtle subterfuge, haven’t suffered enough? Marx: he who can’t learn from history, workers unite, contradictions within, internally, a retro function, black hole , not in a good way, sorry, it is not what it,

How do you turn the wheel of karma? asked japhy back in 1982.