Changing screen names

I feel like a spy!

A banned spy? :wink:


Any good spy has been banned from a few countries here and there, surely

I’d like my screen name changed to: Stuart
(Please and thank you in advanced.)

I also want mine changed to Stuart.

You can have 523 placed at the end of your name.

Nah, just Stuart.

That was much easier than I thought it would be.

Smears, there’s only enough room for one Stuart. You’ll have to settle for Stuart_

Can I be mr. reasonable?

You’re not allowed ‘.’, but you can be mr reasonable

Gosh, I thought you were only being ironic.

Now that’s a good name. I feel like a whole new person.

sgood name.

You know everyone’s going to call you MRR, do you find that reasonable, mr reasonable?


I hereby request my screen name to be changed from shameful chess player to shameless chessplayer, please. I feel I have gotten rid of most if not all of the residual guilt/concern I had.

Thank you!

I’m assuming contextually that you didn’t mean your screen name, but your rank. It’s been changed.

 Flannel J: just looked up difference between shame less and shame full and learned the following:

Shameless means, according to Webster's online :

A person who should be ashamed of something he has done, but is not.

Shameful is of two kinds.: one a person--who may or may not be ashamed, and two an act which is shameful.

 Prior to the change, I confess, I only had peripheral understanding of the difference, between shamelessness and shamefulness.  At the point where a person should feel shameful for an act, shameful and shameless are congruent within the narrow definition of 'ought' or 'oughtn't' feel shame.

Con textually, the added meaning applied both: to acts and persons, place 'shameful' more into  an added understanding of context.  

This gives shameful more ambiguity, the type of mindset I tried  to resolve by clarifying  intended meaning .  

Therefore I am happy to announce, that my switch, more clearly defines  state of mind, of interpreting  actions . In this case, I feel, state of mind  is  absolutely untarnished, at least in the context that the original title  framed it.

 Only I will know the authenticity and the veracity of this pronouncement, and if not so, it is a matter of conscience, which I would singularly  have to accept.

  I do not, further, see the benefit one could process from an act which tends to reduce mountains into mohills, on the basis that the negative of that has long ago been disused.

 Again, thanks

OK. The day has come.

I would like to change my username and title.

Username: Ben JS
Title: Human Being

Thank you very much in advance.