Changing screen names

Done, but I have no idea what being “the literal dweller on the threshold” means/is?

It means I’ve seen without perceiving.

Choronzon is the entity which guards the abyss in Crowlian Qabalah. It is the final obstacle before an adept can become enlightened. At my point in life, I am standing just before the abyss. The trip across daath. Facing madness directly.


Can someone change my username to Coriolanus?

So let it be written…

Hi Pav, any chance I could change to Richard?

…So let it be done.


Or not. Already taken, I’m sorry.

Good Morning, Nah - you missed Sky Bear - became Sky.Just for your edification and for the purpose of up-dating. :slight_smile:

I’m pondering asking for my rank to be changed to “beef taco”

I love it.

Thank you. I’ll add Sky bear and some new members, and correct a few bugs.

Can I go from Pezermeregild to Pezer?

Maybe if I become worthy of a rank some day, y’all will consider pez dispenser.

I just had a dream that my username was turning in letters and numbers that resembled the word stoic and slowly started becoming more random, is that odd?

Could I have my name changed to _________ ?


I hereby propose that all screen name changes, including those made in the past, be recorded in a sticky thread. I also propose that that thread be confined to screen name changes.

I don’t think so, have you ever noticed that when you dream you are reading it all seems clear, but if you then study the words you are reading they seem to be gibberish or random. I think that something about making sense of words in context, that we call reading is lost in our unconscious mind. So I have read, there is less communication between the brains various areas when we sleep which might account for it, an important part of the brain that interprets grammar and sentence structure might be unable to communicate well with another part efficiently.

That’s a ruddy good idea. I now have no idea who _________ is or was.

It’s Mathisacircle, I think.

Indeed it is. Funny story. I had grown to loathe that one and couldn’t decide what to replace it with…then it hit me.

Brilliant! Exactly the right amount of underscores.