Can we slow down the modern velocity?

Please prove, give evidence, show objectively that “the eternal return slows down time”. You can believe in the eternal return, but the eternal return is not provable, although this does not mean that it is impossible.

Again: We have to consider necessity (=> 1) and possibility (=> 2). See: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=193641&p=2687579#p2687579 .

For instance, the supercomputer which now reins over all previous artificially intelligent processors, currently has a program of not using any humanly pre learned data bases, it uses only the formal logical tools. This means that no prior deductive or inductive processes are used in learning the evolution of learning.

Eternal return in this sense typifies Your own sense of the quantum proof of learning"s genesis, without reliance on learning without a sense of a historical antecedent.

If so, it is of an exclusive domain consistent with a contemporaneous , imminent process, anti historical and anti transcendental.

If this state is sustained, then eternal return is a bridge to unify both states, in order to rein in the necessity oft asked by those programmers who need to understand what is going on in the minds of these advanced artificial intelligences.

They are calling them the black boxes of artificial intelligence, where certain preferred choices are made autanimously , and those choices are not able to be understood by current languages.

That is why they are deep. The first of these was called ‘Deep Blue’ , but that was a long past prototype, which even back then was able to beat the then current chess grandmaster.

The reasoning for eternal return is a necessary step to bring home the notion of an imminant countering of resisting the fading concept of transcendence.

In a world beyond history, history adjudication as its quantum counterpart in milliseconds is implicated, the concept of time it’self looses its dimension, providing a configuration of reinterpretation of competing scales of reference.

If, these scales can be accorded artificial modes of cecession,and supercecession, then the experience of time may seem as if they could be manipulated.

The idea of time travel may cease to be a fictional science , if and when that arrives.

This type of research is not really new and there have allegedly been some gross mishaps in time manipulation, most of them shrouded for public policy purposes, albeit shrouded in paranoia and conspiracy.

If I have translated your text rightly, then you have not proven that “the eternal return slows down time”.

Your “supercomputer”, your “program of not using any humanly pre learned data basis”, your “sense of the quantum proof of learning genesis without reliance on a learning without a sense of a historical antecedent”, your “contemporaneous … process (is a contradiction, by the way), anti historical and anti transcendental”, your “world beyond history”, your “time travel”, your “time manipulation” - all that does not prove that “the eternal return slows down time”. Humans have and know that they have a sense of time, a time consciousness, a memory. If you want to say that they become cyborgs, then just say “humans become cyborgs”. But as long as humans will still use their sense of time, their time consciousness, their memory, there will be no real “slowing down of time”.

And if you are saying that they will confuse reality with ideality, so that they interpret a ceratin ideality or/and possibility as their only reality or/and necessity and their only reality or/and necessity as the only ideality or/and possibility, then just think of dictatorships in countries where this has been dictated and experienced in spite of the fact that the people did not lose their sense of time, did not lose their time consciousness, did not lose their memory. So, what you are saying in this case is not that “the eternal return slows down time”, but that “there will be a dictatorship which is even more like hell than each one before it”.

Yes and. if the aforementioned is not identical to Your interpretation,it can not be said that they are as dissimilar as to create the pre-existence of dictatorships. as different as well from the coming of the techno -overtly acting as dictatorships , in the interest of the people’. Not even to compare in the scope of their control by the dictatorship of the coming cyborg.

It has been predicted and should come as no surprise with vintage publications of ‘Brave New World’ and 1984. Incident ally Huxley was revolutionary in trying hallicigenics, well appreciated in their time morphing capacity to alter consciousness, the perception of time included.

But it is the philosophical basis that interests us, and in that the more astute description of the coming of imminance from transcendental evaluation which sheds light upon it.

The age of literacy in the traditional sense is coming to an end and more and more shortcuts and semional guides are needed. In the coming of the visual society. That the quick change from a literal to a visual world needs connectedness can be seen from the development of the physlosophy of signs and signals. That such be approbate to a new independent lingual-ontological-seminal world is beyond question and their utilization may take up more time then refreshing or learning anew, familiarizing with all the traditional sources.

We have literally grown out of time, and figuritavely finding a key the de escalation of the maddening rate of increasing speed , at which the world seemingly shortens time, shifting the cognitive mix from qualitative to quantitative perimeters - a shift beginning before this generation can or is willing to go and appreciate.

So yes, the ideals need to be supported , but this is where transfigiration concept serves well, and this is where the closure into the ideal RING as it were , must become the type of necessary assumption of pre reflexive fusion which must reverse .To the holders of atomism from the Greeks to Liebnitz, this may not be surprising either.

All doubters beginning with Descartes, in this light , are merely apologists, retractors, or pseudo conservatives.

If there is no god, then one must be created and IT has been and always will be created , as part and parcel of no thing else , than the safeguarding and retention of man’s very Consciousness.

The Eternal Return is the imprimatur of a new type of religion

This lesson has been learned in the east a long time ago with Zen Buddhism, but what’s missing in the west is adaptability .and mass appeal. Sans sacrifice such appeal would need to dispense.with social fragmentatipn.

All of that does not prove your statement: “The eternal return slows down time”.

When exactly will that “ice age … do the job”?