British Columbian Independence

I suppose I am taking Gloominary as just one guy mulling, rather than the start of a new movement. Of course probing what he means in practice and seeing if there is more around the bend is a good idea. But I wanted to respond to what generally gets ignored in secession type movements.

Yes. Those were valid points in general. But a lot of them don’t apply in Canada because the provincial governments have a great deal of power over local affairs. … -of-powers


Nothing more than what we’ve already discussed, just closing the borders to non-Whites and Muslims.

Long term unemployed non-White and Muslim immigrants could be deported, other than that, non-White and Muslim immigrants should have as many rights and protections as Whites and non-Muslims.
This’s just about restoring a white majority and protecting all of us from Islamic terror, which’s what the founders of Canada and BC wanted, not about oppressing anyone.
I don’t consider all racial and religious discrimination to be a form of oppression, it depends on the severity of the discrimination, and I don’t consider asking someone to go back to their country of origin because they refuse to contribute, a form of oppression.

I don’t see this as a problem, in fact it’s a solution to overpopulation.
Birthrates vary throughout history, I don’t foresee the current birthrate continuing into the distant future, and if it does, measures can be taken to correct it, but for now it doesn’t need to be.
I want to preserve and protect BC’s wildlife, and resources for a thousand generations to come, the current administration wants to ensure its wholesale exploitation and destruction by mega-corporations.

Non-White and Muslims citizens born here would be protected from being deported, non-White and Muslim citizens not born here would not be protected from being deported.
Other than that, both non-White and Muslim citizens born here and not born here would have all the protections Whites and non-Muslims have.

For anyone interested in learning more about this subject, check out these links:

That’s the thing that bothers me … that you’re prepared to remove some rights from some citizens based on race and religion. It’s extremely dangerous for everyone. It’s the thin edge of the wedge and nothing good can come from it.

That may make the democratic aspects less pressing, but still present. I think even BC is too large for responsible democracy. Interestingly the Vancouver Island party wants to leave BC but become its own province. Some first nations, that is, native canadian groups want more indepedence and to be sovreign. And there are regional secessionist movements, such as BC and Yukon leaving as one new nation.

A few moths ago there was a suggestion in the news that Toronto(the largest city in Canada and capital of the province of Ontario) should separate.

Talk of separation is so common, it could be considered a national hobby. :laughing:

(I sympathize the most with the Aboriginals but I doubt that separation would be good solution to their problems.)

Fair enough, I understand and sympathize with your concerns, I want to minimize racial and religious discrimination against citizens, but achieving a robust white majority free from terror is also paramount to me.

If BC is to stay with Canada, I’d like to see Quebec secede, all they do is complain about English Canada anyway.

Go break up Irak or something asholes.
Id punch you i your fat face if you were standing here destroying what is left of our culture.
Just let Canada elect a better president before you start ruining the west some more.

Canada consists of states feeling very chauvinistic, Montreal metros had a perpetual live secession vote displayed in enormous letters, it was somewhere under 40/60.
The threat of secession is very useful, like the second amendment. A don’t fuck with me clause. But God forbid BC or Quebec would forfeit claim to the Bay of Hudson, by far the greatest naval stronghold of the planet - Canada is more than just a chill country to live in, it is pretty much a Viking stronghold. A loose confederacy of proud tribes. Don’t lose that. Canada first.

I think Quebec secession would be good. Though as much as they have seemed to hate being in Canada, those Quebecois that do, they always treated me, my friend my obviously not French Canadian relatives, extremely well. I found the people in Quebec really helpful, generous, and when I tried my terrible French utterly non-judgmental. I like Canadians in general, if we are going to lump huge groups and evaluate them against other national groups, but I felt more welcome in Quebec cities that I have in most US cities, most non-quebec cities in Canada, and certainly more than in Germany, England, Scandanavia - though this region has treated me above the average also- and a bunch of other countries. Mexico is the only place where most people treated me even better. The always threat of violence, while never aimed at me personall, would lower their grade. I like when people can separate their politics and ethnic or other identification and deal with me and and others as individuals.