banned from the site?

You cannot be wrong according to the ground from which you launch your mercy killings. This ground is antiultruistic ethics. You start off from the consideration for your own utility, or for the utility of your group.

You are deadly wrong if you think you are making those poeple happy by mercily killing them. If they find the utility of death is higher than that of life, they would still prefer to die defiantly by their own hands, so that at least they have the terminating power over their life to which they have lost control. As long as their indifference curve lies across between life and death, or so they claim, they still prefer living actually. And I am talking about the real wretched. But you are talking about 75% of the population. The guy next room is watching Playboy, smoking pot and draining beer… you gona kick the door down and slash your katana on his neck? Fuck… detrop, don’t tell me that’s precisely the reason you keep a godamn katana by the pillow.

Yet these guys, these bourgeois homers, middleaged fathers, tabloid readers and tele gazers, will be the people who would actually join your red army. They have little to lose, while much to gain from lawyers, bankers, mayers, gangsters living in mansions feeding on lobsters. You will have to move the poorest classes up against the rest. Nobody else want to risk their lives in a revolution. It will be these falling, drifting and decomposing human sweages. Unlike those days, when the agricultural and industrial classes were hot and ready, epoch of revolution has just passed. Wish you were born earlier.

Your best chance these days are probably doing the ghost dog thing, that is focused assasinations on the leisure class, don’t have to be the mafias, it can be the celebs who have leaked sexvids onto the web, for instance, you could go Vegas and kidnap Miss Hilton by whom you demand the old man to pay for the entire pron industry to be shut perpetually, et cetera. I am not familiar with the situations in the east coast, I am sure you can mark out a few nearer targets.

Whatever is fun, man, take it easy.

[size=59]Ghost Dog Dies.[/size]