alpha chicks and beta chicks

Degeneration is nothing other than loss. It means no longer having something you, or your ancestors, once had.

If your ancestors, of whom you’re supposed to be an equal or an improved copy, used to have an interest in raising a family, but you do not, that means you have degenerated.

If your ancestors used to by physically fit, but you are a fat pig, that means you have degenerated.

There is hardly anything unclear regarding the concept of degeneration. The reason you find this term vague is because you are . . . degenerates. You no longer know what the concept means, because you no longer have the underlying instincts, and because you’re too degenerate to understand that clarity is relative rather than absolute, that what is unclear to you is not necessarily unclear to others, you have no choice but to assume that what is unclear to you is also unclear to others.

All the more reason to treat you with nothing but contempt.

It is not me who should justify myself to you but you who should learn some humility and admit that you are clueless.


Once again, this is all a matter of construal. Short of losing physical appendages, any “loss” from one generation to another can be construed as a “gain”. Losing fitness and becoming a fat pig and be construed as gaining fat. Losing an interest in raising a family can be construed as gaining the freedom to make your own life choices.

And no, one doesn’t “lose” instincts. Instincts are, by definition, hard wired genetically. You don’t just lose those. They can be dormant, they can be unexercised, but they’re always there from one generation to the next until some major genotypic change takes place.

Your goal here is pretty much to question, to doubt, everything that has become foreign to you. This is the only instinct that is left in you: that of skepticism, of stripping everything of its meaning.

Loss isn’t gain. Loss is loss and gain is gain. The fact that some losses are accompanied by some gains means nothing more than that.

Fat people, and particularly those with no interest in raising a family, are losing far more than they are gaining.

How is an organism disinterested in procreation gaining more than it is losing in comparison to an organism that is trying its best to reproduce?

Such an organism will leave nothing behind itself . . . utter loss.

And being shot by a bullet, remaining stuck in the flesh, can be construed as a gain of a bullet.
There are those who construe shit because of something like malice or whatever the motive might be and there are those who construe shit because they genuinely can’t help themselves and have no ability to judge what is shitty and what is better. Or how about a combination of the two, after all, being interested in understanding the world better (as in more accurately) than the day before is not a god-given quality.

As for degeneration, it describes a fall from ancestral qualities. And since improvements by random chance are highly unlikely, for the overwhelming part losing a quality is not compensated by another life-strengthening quality. It’s just not present anymore, at least not phenotypically.

Eventually, things degrade, so let’s hope that there also has been some growth, in another area.

If there is for the most part just a loss of qualities then it’s right to call it a time of degeneration.

You can lose instincts.

You can lose the instinct to punch people in the face, whom you’d otherwise punch, due to constant fear of being given severe punishment by an unquestioned, all-powerful, authority.
You can also lose the instinct to not want to suck dick, if you are molested everyday at middle school.

I figured it out…

harhar har…


So we say I can’t walk anymore because my legs are genetically crippled.
But HAHA! We can also say I gained the quality of being a cripple!

Tada! I’m a genius!
Hehe he…
No matter what quality you come up with, I’m just gonna say HAH! You gained the negative quality of the quality you just lost.

I should write a feel-good self-help book for people who enjoy feeling good about themselves.

The book would probably be banned by the political correct police.

Probably,… because of the word “cripple”.

Gotta use some more positive description.
Like “empowered by physical-challenge”…

Hey, smears might actually enjoy having no desire to have children. Imagine that!

Your point about becoming a fat slob only holds because no one actually likes being a fat slob. But there is no inherent value either way to being a fat slob or not. You can imagine a culture in which is was considered a good thing to be fat. If you were raised in that culture, you’d be agreeing with me.


Smears may have a 160 IQ but his philosophy employs a contradiction.

He says he is a happy guy, who enjoys life, wants to live and enjoy life. But…doesn’t want kids. So, he must actually not want life that much, if he doesn’t want to have a kid he could also give life to, if life is so happy for him.

Don’t know about him, but I wouldn’t agree. I rarely agree with the cultural memes anyone imposes on me. Just like circumcision…everyone says butchering my penis somehow good for me…Like…if society had a yearly holiday where everyone lit their foot on fire…and 99% of children would taught it was the right thing to light their foot on fire…I’d be on ILP posting about how stupid society is.

How can a work of several decades outweigh a work of hundres of thousands of years?

How can something you gained over a period of decades outweigh what your ancestors gained over a period of hundreds of thousands of years? Not counting our prehuman ancestors.

Maybe Gib knows the secret.

The internet, or cars and planes, for example. Or the DNA machine. Or the serum of genius.

Nope, these aren’t a work of several decades, since they were developed by brains, which didn’t evolve overnight.

Do you believe that Earth is flat?

Suppose he truly is happy with his decision. What does that mean? Nothing.

Retards enjoy being retards. I admit I find it difficult to imagine it and I think that’s a good thing.

Someone can enjoy thinking 2+2=5. It means nothing other than that he’s some special sort of blind, sensing no contradiction whatsoever in what he’s saying.

Legs can hurt only while you have them. Once you lose them, they can no longer hurt.

Hey, if someone doesn’t mind not having legs, getting rid of the pain could be construed as a gain to them. It wouldn’t for me–I like my legs–but at least I recognize that this is just me.

Only in rare scenarios. If you were some kind of hot sex slave, with constant and gauranteed sex, and attentive men who nursed you to health and helped raised your kids and attended your every need, getting rid of your legs might be an improvement for you, you could use it as an excuse to not have to make him waffles for breakfast. However, if you are a virgin who never gets any, not having legs would leave you with a very boring and sedentary life.


A predictable response. Modern way of life is dying, actually - it is unsustainable.

Survive on their own? Are men and women not dependent on the system for survival? In Europe at least some people have to in some way contribute to the system in order to benefit from it, in Africa and America negroes who are either completely useless or even outright destructive to the system, still receive its support. Surviving on your own is also called survivalism, and I strongly doubt you are a survivalist.

I never argued for brawn over brains. However, brains must find a way to manifest their superiority in the physical reality. One example of it is when the more intelligent primate realizes that picking up a stick increases its physical power, and thus he picks up a stick and beats a brawnier primate. So brains are indeed more important than brawn, but only as long as they increase one’s power physically. I explained that here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=191750

Yeah, nothing interesting or new here. Just typical liberalism/cuckservatism.

You can’t solve overpopulation with voluntary self-genocide since it means other groups will reproduce more than you, and likely conquer you. The future belongs to those who reproduce.
Why should us in the West stop reproducing when sand-niggers and niggers are reproducing at alarmingly high rates?

No need to tell me this. I’ve already deduced that this is how you decide your positions. You adopt mainstream opinions which “feel” good to you, and those that make you “feel” bad are neanderthal.

I already refuted this point in my previous post, the one you responded to. Many people who don’t deserve to reproduce do so, but as I pointed out, this is only possible in the short-term and at the expense of the system. Going by what I know of you so far, you are likely one of them.

Humans are a sexually dimorphic species which means each sex evolved a particular set of traits which differentiates it from the other sex, and which facilitates its role in reproduction. For men, these are masculine traits, and this is why masculinity matters for men, and for women these are feminine traits, and this is why femininity matters for women. Thus the extent to which men are masculine and women are feminine determines the extent to which they can fulfill their reproductive role, in other words, fitness. What’s unclear here?

That’s what cowards do… until they run out of space to run.

Yeah I bet when thinking of me you think of a hard stick, don’t you, fag? Is that why your wife dumped you?

You’re nothing.

Game of Thrones has a liberal bias, I don’t watch it.

And killing is unnatural? So your preferred method is feminine passive aggression. Can’t say I didn’t expect that.