alpha chicks and beta chicks

See, Pandora would never say something like that, she would never react so hysterically, which is why I don’t consider her to be a bitch, though she’s harsh.

But you Wendy . . . you need to be slapped. Then maybe you will become nice.

I don’t hate you. I don’t hate women in general either.

Did I say you are clueless?

Well, that was your choice not to. You desire celibacy. Magnus and others who think their shit don’t stink want to seed, but that’s hard to do when you feel inferior to women.

You Magnus…you need to be run over by a Mack truck. Nah, nobody will have you anyway. You should be alone for eternity.

Is that some sort of incantation?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: This is the fun you Magnus.

Wha… whe… where… which? When the fuck did I say that?!?!

^ See, this is exactly what I’m talking about. You guys get emotional, and start making up shit without even realizing it!

I assume you’re referring to my drug use. Well, I’ve been surprising myself over the last couple years how well I’m able to take care of myself despite being a drug and alcohol user–buying a condo, starting a small business–that’s one of my inspirations for quitting summer of 2018. ← I’d like to see what I can do off the drugs.

And my children are another inspiration. ← You can give me all the shit you want for that.

No, you have no depth. You can’t read between the lines. When I say to you: you would say that, I’m saying you’d say whatever the hell you want in order to satisfy your emotional needs. You’d like to see me as the emotional person, so you whip up some kind of bull shit about me reacting to Auty with emotion. ← If that’s not the kettle calling the teapot black, I don’t know what is.

Thanks for having my back Wendy.

Oh… my… God… you did it again. Remember that time you told me I need to learn to shut the fuck up, and I posted that in my sig for a good month or so? ← Do you know why I did that? Because telling someone else on ILP to STFU is not insulting, it’s hilarious.

Like telling people a person didn’t want their children?

Whodoo (my version of hoodoo) voodoo betwixting those who are nincompoops. LOLZ!

Fine, maybe I did make a mistake, maybe your children didn’t simply happen to you, maybe you did want them after all. But judging by everything you are, among other things a drug addict, it would make perfect sense.

You are our resident female, aren’t you?

You are very fond of trolling those who you, in your very poor judgment, deem to be trolls. And you have this very naive idea that everyone who looks down upon you, and makes fun of you, is a troll. Naturally, one is led to conclude your feelings are easily hurt, and instead of tolerating the pain in an effort to understand the situation to the best of your ability, you fight its triggers.

Everyone who hurts your feelings must be a troll.

It’s a sign of exhaustion when people resort to such a behavior.

What did AutSider say to deserve your rather feminine, I mean emotional, response?

He spoke the truth in a rather direct and harsh manner. That is all.

You don’t get it? How is that anyone’s business at all? Do you think we should all be hand-holding retards on their path to enlightenment like you do?

Magnus, when will you be starting down your path to enlightenment?

When you help me get laid.

I wouldn’t curse any female with that. Sorry.

Well, you’re a kind person, so I thought you’d offer yourself. To save not only me but also every other female.

Says the virgin.

What’s despicable, and also very funny, about you is the fact that you use degenerate value standards to shame people.

You are going to be extinct and you have absolutely no problem with that.

Personally, if you’re going to be extinct, I think we should make that extinction event happen as soon as possible.

It would save many from being distracted and otherwise ruined by the presence of your degenerate state of being.

Stop being so immature MrR… genetics dictates such things… it’s an individual thing not a blanket thing, so varies from female to female. If your mother thought like you, would she have even had you and you be here today posting on ILP?

People have instincts and instincts don’t die easily. Pretty sure that Mr. R has these let-us-call-them family instincts but he is deforming them, not allowing them free expression, because they are painful.

Unless he’s some kind of unusual organism that really has no other purpose in life than to have fun.

In such a case, no discussion with him can possibly work, because he is not doing anything wrong, he simply has no interest in such things.

How do we deal with such strange creatures? Certainly not by accusing them of being wrong. It makes no sense to do so. It would be like accusing a tsunami of being wrong for having no interest in cooperating with humans.

But as I said, I think he does have these instincts. Which is why reminding him of his inferiority can have an effect on his psyche though no doubt a very small one due to all the defense mechanisms he has developed over the years.

What do you think, Mags? You think it’s all individual?

^ I don’t even know what that means. Whose hand am I holding on their way to Enlightenment?

Well, among other things, you are attracted to degenerate women. You also think that defending society from degenerates by killing them is degenerate. These two alone make you a pretty strong candidate for a degenerate.

You have nothing but emotions, empty words and untruths.

Is this the best you’ve got?

First of all, you haven’t even defined “degenerate” yet.

Second, any evidence for this? Any evidence at all? Have you actually conducted any studies to link a preference for goth clothing and goth music with degeneracy, ability to be a mother, destruction of society. Can you even link us to any such studies?

No, instead you put forward the baseless claim that murdering women like Chibi, Brittany, and Sharon because of their goth look and style of music, like Jack the Ripper or some crazed fucked up psychopath, is the paragon of psychological health and unquestionably the best thing a person can do for society. ← And you honestly expect people to believe you’re speaking from an unbiased, objective, disinterested point of view? That there’s absolutely no emotion there? No prejudice? No personal opinion? How can you honestly sit there and say you’re doing nothing more than speaking the truth?

Degeneration is a loss of function. You are a degenerate because you have fewer instincts than your ancestors did. Mr. R is a degenerate, for example, because unlike his ancestors he is not interested in raising a family. You are a degenerate because you no longer have a sense of how women should be bred. You have no tradition to guide your actions, so it’s all very much arbitrary to you.

My hypothesis is, Wendy and Joker have been replaced, and Wendy has now been replaced by a low IQ clone. She’s really bringing in the God guns? “God works in mysterious ways?” Seriously?

Anyhoo, let me clarify some things. Goth is not degenerate, goth is a throwback to the ancient Victorian era style culture. Lady Gaga is degenerate because there is a certain element about her that is in bad taste. My ideal family would live in an upper-middle class surburbia, full of woods and a nice, modest home, kept clean, with wooden furniture and a common style carpet. My children would not be permitted to listen to any kind of rap music at all. In fact if there was someone outside my home, driving by on the road with rap music, I would activate my 120kw speakers. These speakers would have an MP3 of a shotgun blast, and I would have a fake shotgun in my hand pointed into the sky. This is so that I could not be charged the with the crime of discharging a firearm. The rap music people would learn not to play such obnoxious music around my home. My children will not be tainted with such degeneracy.

Lady Gaga leaves us with a bad taste. Yes, she is absolutely sexable, but her breasts are not perfect spheroids like I desire. Would I encourage my kids to listen to Lady Gaga? No…But is Lady Gaga okay music for shopping at walmart, or watching degenerate TV shows, I suppose to a certain extent it is tolerable.

Now, there is a second reason Lady Gaga is degenerate…it is her personality. In her song “Bad Romance” she acts like a barbarian with no moral values. Now, barbarism is not inherently evil…For example it is morally acceptable to be barbaric towards evil people, or towards a corrupt and degenerate society. But the style and manner of Lady Gaga’s barbarism is unacceptable and can be only labelled as what it is - degenerate. Case closed.