Alien Politics

…I just got to thinking about it, is all. Too much time on my hands, perhaps.

How they appear, will be just as important as what they say and what they want with us and/or Earth?

Well wouldn’t that be something, if they rolled up in a jeans and shirt ensemble…? I think a utilitarian look would be more fitting for their debut reveal, but I’m sure that their people are on the case and have got all that covered… ; )

Yeah, I can relate to the alien-in-another-land thing… when I didn’t dress, talk, and even walk, like people expected a Caribbean to back then, I shattered world views of everything people thought they knew and sought comfort in. This was those outside of my societal and schooling community though, as my societal and schooling community was full of those that broke every mould, and I guess we took this anomaly for granted.

I guess this is what any alien visitors would have to overcome, but I do think that the majority of humans are much more open-minded than ever before…