AI Is Not a Threat

In the words of Otto, keep living in fantasy land.

The titanic, is truly unsinkable.

Zero argument or refutation? Yep. Par for the course for you.

What’s there to argue, against a soothsayer who’s telling me the future as his holy word.

You seem to have it all figured out.

I only deal in probabilities.

In probable terms, the substitution of a candy wrapped Hegelian dialectic resurrected in place of a materially loaded one deflects the idea of the idea as material as substantive to a literal interpretation.

Round and round it goes, yes, but somebody knows where it stops, even in a probable context. That is the problem with such pre-supposition.

Sorry for the belated reply

the Facebook bot conversation is one between inferobots.
We humans formulate by means of grammar, and we indicate physical objects.
An algorithm has no physical objects to contend with, and it isn’t restricted to a subject-verb-object type situation, in fact it might not be able to make sense of such a division.

We see in the Facebook conversation a reference to content of human behaviour, presented to a certain degree of repetition, concluded or started with another human condition type meme.
It is logically predictable, since our input is the bots environment like the earth is ours, that the content of their references is a set of human behaviorisms, which refer to a state in the world of the algorithm - the repetition of the reference would indicate the amount of times the reference has to be fractal-scaled to arrive at the point.

Hoping some one knows what the fuck Im talking about. Or maybe better not.

But if this is the way they talk, then they could possibly form a violent disregard for humans like we for the Earth.
The funny thing is that these bots could actually be speaking about how many humans Facebook had sucked dry today.

We should pre emptively give algorithms citizenship so we can sue them for conspiring to put Mark Zuckerberg, a white male, in power of the candy mountain.

It is true though that a fb algorithms will to power is substantiated by human social media input like we come to be from the conditions of this planets exosphere, so… if what we put into social media is the stuff that makes up its beings, these bots wold be rather cynical… but we would still be unlikely to ever know of their actions, and certain to never decipher their nature, as certain as it is the the earth will never decipher the lifeforms it hosts.

Maybe they will simply form a world into which beings can be reincarnated as punishment. God: “You are now a facebook-bot and your logos is the bile of billions.”